"Charlie, I remember reading that you played this a lot. How many players is it (sorry if you mentioned before) and is it something you can play well with 2-3 people? "
Yeah, max is 4 players.
"Or do you typically need 3-4 average (or however many it supports...)"
But you don't need 4 players to complete the online quests.
Apparently, the game scales the difficulty/power of each enemy depending on how many people are playing.
"Sorry if this doesn't make sense, heh, I just find with more persistant things (well, the Diablo 4-player semi-persistant type at least), I like to play with close friends only really these days. And I only have one RL friend that lives by me and games often enough for something like this, and only a few closer online that I play with as well."
It's awesome when you get a bunch of friends together.
The other good thing about it is you can help out lower level people and still reap the HR points, so thats great.
HR gaps aren't really an issue - you can always play together (in the lower level quests at least , the higher level quests get blocked (esp. >HR13)
Strategy - the capture levels and the egg/crystal grab levels require loads of strategy. And that later is SUPER tense on higher levels.