Little Green Yoda
Don't know if you're still up since it's past midnight on the East coast but I'm getting back on.
Just curious to know if anyone is offering pre-order bonuses in the US for either the 3DS or Wii U versions of Ultimate?
Ah ok thanks.
And it doesn't look like you can use that shell case with the Circle Pad Pro... Speaking of which I need to pick one of those up too!
Absolutely nothing yet that I have seen. =( It would be nice, but I am not expecting it to happen. Capcom has the shell cases for pre-sale, not sure what the Ultimate pre-order bonus would be at this point.
If you get the WiiU version from Capcom's store you get a gamepad with it. So I guess that's something.
I'll see if I can show up. Gotten to 3 star quests yet? I stopped shortly after beating the 2nd online urgent.Anyone up for marathoning Rathian with me tomorrow night so I can get a plate and finish my armor?
8-12pm EST, 4 / 8 / 18.
Argh dammit. I really wanna get a few last sessions in.. I haven't even beaten Giant Jho yet.I suppose most you guys are playing the Ultimate demo right now (and will be playing Ultimate next month).
But for those of you who haven't experienced all that Tri has to offer, remember that servers close on April 30th. And since event quests rotate in and out, we're nearing the point where certain event quests may be gone for good.
There's a calendar for all the event quests here. Of note is that the final Giant Jho event will be going on March 30th to April 2nd. Event Ala's last appearance will be April 3rd to April 6th. The HR requirement for both is HR 51+ so if you're still in low rank (coughAndrexcough) and want to play these quests, time to get grinding lol.
I suppose most you guys are playing the Ultimate demo right now (and will be playing Ultimate next month).
But for those of you who haven't experienced all that Tri has to offer, remember that servers close on April 30th. And since event quests rotate in and out, we're nearing the point where certain event quests may be gone for good.
There's a calendar for all the event quests here. Of note is that the final Giant Jho event will be going on March 30th to April 2nd. Event Ala's last appearance will be April 3rd to April 6th. The HR requirement for both is HR 51+ so if you're still in low rank (coughAndrexcough) and want to play these quests, time to get grinding lol.
I'll be joining you shortly. Hunters name is Rudeboy.Me and Insaniac are on right now in Valor 4 / Gate 8 / City 18.
EDIT: Holy shit, that banjo thing reminds me of Rayman Origins.
Looks like I was too late and you guys have a full party. I'll keep checking back to see if there's an opening.
Yeah, I'll be getting on in around half an hour and seeing if there's an open spot then. Until then have fun guys.![]()
Sorry, missed your post. Was playing single player to get a hammer so I had something to fall back on if I suck with the SnS I've been messing with. If you or anyone else starts a game just post it and I'll join.
I don't mind waiting. I think deviljho is on a hunt right now anyway.
Getting on now.
Well that was awful. Might be my roommate messing up the connection.I'll try and get on again.
Anyone want to go on Tri right now? Will hop on to here: Valor 4 / Gate 8 / City 18
I can play in like an hour. Wait for me! D:
Sorry, I had to get off, my mom wanted to use the TV.
Dat off tv play... in April