So you can farm offline and trade online?
And what weapon do you recommend for Great Jaggi? Lance doesn't really seem like a good weapon for him, but I can probably make it work eventually.
Yeah, no kidding. Arena Barroth kept turning his head into my upstab and I wasn't able to block his charge in time because of the bounce animation. Good news is that after an afternoon of arena grinding, I'm finally done with my LR hammer set. And somehow I feel like I've improved my lancing skills a little bit.Lances are REALLY unforgiving if they bounce off leaving you vulnerable for a while
Haha, I'm the exact opposite. I have poor camera control skills - too often I find myself upstabbing the air instead of the monster when it blocks the camera and I haven't yet adjusted my view.The hardest weapon for me to handle is still the bowgun (Lance remains the easiest but that's only because I use it so much).
The hardest weapon for me to handle is still the bowgun (Lance remains the easiest but that's only because I use it so much).
With pretty much every melee weapon, there are still the occasional couple of seconds where I can just sort of mellow out and not think about anything despite fighting the monster at close range, just out of sheer muscle memory. With bowguns, every second in a zone with a monster is 100% focus to the point of sweat. I think it's the extra layer of bullet types that does it to me.
I'm going to miss the bowgun customization in future installments. :'( The core gunning mechanics are definitely complicated compared to blade weapons but once you learn the basics, making a gun that suits your style is awesome. The variety in the class dwarfs any other weapon class in the game - I really hope that characteristic isn't lost with the ability to customize gun builds.Yeah, I have trouble with the bowguns too. Very complex and Tri kinda complicates it a bit by having custom parts (sort of a good and bad thing...). I guess nobody else really cared too much for that much bowgun customization, since it got dropped in later games.
Throwing poo bombs at monsters will sometimes make them leave the area. Separating multiple monsters is key until you get better at multitasking while hunting. Alternatively, you can try Sonic bombing Peco before it summons another monster. Don't get discouraged, there are many instances where we fail in this game but it just makes the triumphs that much more satisfying. :lolI've actually owned the game for a while, but I haven't progressed past the Qurupeco capture quest largely because he ended up summoning a Rathian which I wasn't prepared for, so I gave up.
I'm not much of an online gamer so I haven't played the game online.
I don't know if I want to play this game any more. I've played more than 4 hours today and I haven't completed a single quest during that time. I'm tired of hunters that don't heal when they have less than a third of their HP left. I'm tired of hunters charging at monsters mindlessly.
What kind of quests are we talking here? If you're referring to some of the high level quests, yes, it can be a pain to find a good group. Even for those quests, 4 hours without a successful quest is extreme - find a different group if you're playing with a bad one.I don't know if I want to play this game any more. I've played more than 4 hours today and I haven't completed a single quest during that time. I'm tired of hunters that don't heal when they have less than a third of their HP left. I'm tired of hunters charging at monsters mindlessly.
What time zone are you guys?Billy and I are gonna play tomorrow night! Don't really have a set time yet but I was thinking 9-ish or later (but not too late, can't go past midnight. I gots a job now.)
If two of you other guys want to jump in that'd be great.
greetings all, I apologize if i'm crazy late to the party on this, and please excuse my abject ignorance, but...
I loved Tri and played the crap out of it. is it known if there are any plans to bring the ps3 version to NA?
Seems like Billy and I play randomly. "Hey you wanna play tomorrow?" "OK!" sort of deal. the rest in this thread then glomp on, seems like. Feel free to join us right now, we're on Valor 4, City 8.
It's always nice to see more gaffers online. If you guys are online now I will drop on in. Look for Jason.
Full Ludroth armor is so funny looking
paint it white and be a pimp
Not until you reach High Rank (HR31+). And even then you can only do that to High Rank armor or Low Rank armor with upgraded rarity.You can paint armor?
well did you get in or what
You can paint armor?
Sure did. It was fun hunting low rank monsters with some of the weaker weapons I haven't upgraded and never use. I just passed HR300 recently. I used to think HR100 felt so out of reach back in the day. At the rate Monster Hunter titles are being localized who knows how long it will take for ACE to make his triumphant return. You know you want it. Let me see "ACE has entered the city" again! Your wii might have you know...fixed itself or something.
Well the HDD I got to fix it was stolen by my brother and taken hostage into another country. I do need to play RH and SS, so I guess I'll be getting another one or something.
Also, weren't you able to change to red, blue or white before high rank, and after you could have more colors?
Anyone wanna play at like 9pm EST tonight? Friday + MH3 = match made in heaven.