i'm from eu too so we can play together i think.Region lock, I'm afraid. I'm in this weird EU bracket.
i also played with japanese people, strange.
i'm from eu too so we can play together i think.Region lock, I'm afraid. I'm in this weird EU bracket.
i'm from eu too so we can play together i think.
i also played with japanese people, strange.
Yep.Yeah, I play with folks from the East all the time. PC?
do you have a cyborg face avatar on steam?Well, if you wanna hunt some time, my Steam name ain't hard to figure out if you get my drift.
do you have a cyborg face avatar on steam?
sir, you overstimate my knowledge of the world of warcraft brandSir, that is the helm of a suit of Tactical Dreadnought Armor.
Do you have a guide that you were using to catch them all? I was going to try to catch some of these soon.I finally got my gold name and the guild card background for finding all the endemics. I think I'm truly burnt out now. Gonna take a break until Stygian and Safi and hopefully I'd have the drive to get the remaining achievements by then.
I finally got my gold name and the guild card background for finding all the endemics. I think I'm truly burnt out now. Gonna take a break until Stygian and Safi and hopefully I'd have the drive to get the remaining achievements by then.
I used the Fextralife wiki but I think the place is terrible. I used it mostly as a reference to see what I have missing. The articles aren't much help for finding the wildlife but the comments below the articles were. There's probably lots of places with really detailed guides but I just took whatever the first result on the search engine was, which was always the Fextralife wiki. You would think that any MH related search would actually point you to a useful place like Kiranico but nope, sometimes it's not even in the front page of search results.Do you have a guide that you were using to catch them all? I was going to try to catch some of these soon.
Unless they changed something, I think the molies aren't needed for the background since that was available back in the base game. And truthfully, the molies are a lot less painful than the great sized fishes. You can incorporate your moly hunt into your guiding lands gathering runs (something you actually have to do for gear) since you have to pass by where they spawn anyway. The spawn rate for those fishes though, whoever programmed that is a sadist.I fucking gave up on the goddamn rare molie things. You're hard as nails for getting them all.
I think it depends on Sony and how difficult it would be to implement in the PC version. I doubt they'll bother if it's difficult to add back you think with Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC, we'll get the Aloy and HZD stuff that's been exclusive for PS4 also?
I think it depends on Sony and how difficult it would be to implement in the PC version. I doubt they'll bother if it's difficult to add back in.
I want it too but look at the SFV collab. That's from a game that's not just already on PC but actually owned by Capcom yet the collab is still console exclusive. I'm still hoping that with the PC release Capcom might even do a Witcher and FFXIV tier collab and put in a Thunderjaw.hopefully Sony just tell Capcom to go ahead and port it. I can't imagine it'll be that hard a task for Capcom to do that.
I just got done farming Safi weapons and now Capcom just basically announced they're going to be outclassed, haha...
I don't like that the only layered they really fit well into into are the Odogaron armors. But yeah, those stats are too good to pass up. I've also already gotten myself killed with the Safi armor set bonus so many times now. That self damage always brings me to one shot range so that not even Health Boost 3 can save me.Same. Thank fuck, tbh. The Safi guns look like weird sex toys. I hate them. I hate that they're so fucking good.
I don't like that the only layered they really fit well into into are the Odogaron armors. But yeah, those stats are too good to pass up. I've also already gotten myself killed with the Safi armor set bonus so many times now. That self damage always brings me to one shot range so that not even Health Boost 3 can save me.
I mostly play HBG and the Health Aug is practically useless for Spread and Pierce. It's fine for Normal but the damage for Normal kinda sucks even though it can heal decently, about 2/3 of Spread's at close range and 1/2 when farther away. The Health Aug works really well with Elemental LBGs though so I might just switch for a while until I get used to the life drain from the Safi set. It's about time I branch out anyway. I keep making making sets for stuff I've never used.You running health steal on your weapon? I don't use the Safi armor (sticky gunner: I use Narg + Zorah).
I hear you. I use health augments for my Sticky HBG sets but those don't use Safi armor. I really don't like the health drain but eh, it's probably just a case of the git guds. It does let me heal chip damage once the heal triggers but before that it's like living on the edge.Ah. Health Aug on stickies is criminally good. I tried making a Safi elemental gunner set, but I don't have the decos. Who the f knew that Resentment was actually going to be useful.
I do not understand why layered armor is so limited. When I first heard about layered armor I assumed that was going to mean you could mix or match any armor in the game to have a truly unique looking armor set. But it is not that way at all. I only have 3 or 4 armor sets that work as layered sets. Seems to me if you have the armor in your inventory it should be available as layered armor? Is my idea of layered armor impossible to implement? Am I confused about this?
That's weird. I have dozens. They recently patched in the majority of HR/LR armor sets as layered.
Yea, I feel like I am missing something about the layered armor. Something obvious about how it works. Maybe get further into Iceborne, or do some research on YouTube.
That gothic armor is adorable.all I know is I want those new set for my Palico and I want them asap!
We finally got it on PC and I've only actually finished it twice when joining some random SOS but with the people I usually hunt with we consistently do it in about 6-8 minutes. Which phase are you having problems with? Use Blast Resistance. Abuse double wallbangs as much as you can. Spam traps for the first phase. Save your tools and status effects for the last phase. Can't really give weapon specific advice though I can see how DBs would have a tough time since Raging Brachy is pretty tall.I think out of all the monsters I've hunt in MHW so far, Raging Brachydios is perhaps my least favorite and most frustrating one by a mile.
I started the new update with hunting Furious Rajang first and did ok. carted but still managed to finish 2 hunts. then I go for the Raging Brachydios and boy it did not go well. it's huge size and attack zones combine with it's movement speed makes it a pain in the ass to fight with my usual weapons like hammer, longsword and dual blade. after 30+ failed hunts, with a mix of me carting or other people in the mission carting, I finally finished a Raging Brachydios hunt successfully yesterday. still need to hunt him a few more times to get enough material for the gears and I'm not looking forward to it. any tips and tricks for Raging Brachy? I really don't want to break my controller on this...
We finally got it on PC and I've only actually finished it twice when joining some random SOS but with the people I usually hunt with we consistently do it in about 6-8 minutes. Which phase are you having problems with? Use Blast Resistance. Abuse double wallbangs as much as you can. Spam traps for the first phase. Save your tools and status effects for the last phase. Can't really give weapon specific advice though I can see how DBs would have a tough time since Raging Brachy is pretty tall.
I think the fight itself is exciting, especially the visual flair of the last phase, but I don't see myself doing it much after I have farmed enough to make everything. Personally I think it's nowhere near as bad as Tigrex or Black Diablos who just zoom all over the place and are basically anti-fun.yeah, been going in with anti blast and what not so I've been dying less now. also kinda been trying to avoid the follow up hits after it's slime got hit off on the ground and what not. had a few more kills since and got more used to doing the hunt now, but it's still my least favorite one.
I think the fight itself is exciting, especially the visual flair of the last phase, but I don't see myself doing it much after I have farmed enough to make everything. Personally I think it's nowhere near as bad as Tigrex or Black Diablos who just zoom all over the place and are basically anti-fun.
Depends on the what kind of gunner. They're nice upgrades for practically all HBG playstyles and the patch itself is a really good upgrade for Sticky HBG. I guess elemental LBG is untouched. Same for Sticky LBG but I'm not going back to Aquashot now that Beastbuster is here. I just love that gun so much. I imagine Raw LBGs should have got something out of Agitator 7 too but I wouldn't really know, I don't use those since I prefer their HBG counterparts.Neither has armor worth a damn for a gunner, so I'm waiting for MR Kulve.
Depends on the what kind of gunner. They're nice upgrades for practically all HBG playstyles and the patch itself is a really good upgrade for Sticky HBG. I guess elemental LBG is untouched. Same for Sticky LBG but I'm not going back to Aquashot now that Beastbuster is here. I just love that gun so much. I imagine Raw LBGs should have got something out of Agitator 7 too but I wouldn't really know, I don't use those since I prefer their HBG counterparts.
It's definitely not an upgrade for sticky LBG, having both TSS and Art 5 is too good to pass up. As for HBG, Raging Brachy's 4 piece bonus is Art 5. No TSS if you go that route but HBG never had access to both TSS and Art V at the same time anyway since there's no good Safi sticky HBG. It's not such a big deal since Beastbuster has a capacity of 4 stickies vs Aquashot's 2. Even if Aquashot has TSS and Beastbuster only has SS, the HBG will on average still have more shots before needing to reload. And speaking of reload, that used to be sticky HBG's weakspot. LBG has evade reload while HBG was stuck with either slow (at best) reload from the Zorah HBG or auto-reload from Rajang HBG, both of which leave you vulnerable. Furious Rajang HBG can be modded for normal reload speed. I'm too lazy to check if normal reload speed is faster than evade reload. Doesn't matter, I'll still take normal reload because evade reload can be a hassle to use and if you mess up doing it, then you're either stuck with a very slow reload, needing to use a mine into evade reload or have to use the ammo switch trick.Fair enough. I don't see how any of the new armor is an upgrade for sticky LBG or HBG. You can't get both the set bonuses you need. Art V > Challenger VII.
Edit: But I'm totally open to info that proves me wrong though. You seem more clued up on the HBG side than me.
I think if I come back to this game any time soon, I'll finally start using HBG or something ranged. After hundreds of hours of melee, I wanna see how good it feels to stand back and pew pew.I feel that for melee weapon players, part of the problem is that it's area of attack is so huge due to Raging Brachy's size. that and the constant explosions from it's slimes right where it's hitting meaning that you can't just dodge the attack and go in for a follow up hit. have to wait for a small window to attack and if you missed it then it's back to dodging around for a while. for Tigrex and Black Diablos, as long as you have earplug or footing maxed, you can go in and do the follow up after their dash to put in a few hits at least.
I think if I come back to this game any time soon, I'll finally start using HBG or something ranged. After hundreds of hours of melee, I wanna see how good it feels to stand back and pew pew.