Windle Poons
Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Got to that stage where I cant slay Nergigante, so technically I wont see the rest of the game.
Can you even do this bastard solo? Any tips?
Got to that stage where I cant slay Nergigante, so technically I wont see the rest of the game.
Depends on the weapon. If you have fully upgraded armor, hits shouldn't be too bad. Lance is usually the safest way to solo where you can slowly poke them down while blocking everything.Can you even do this bastard solo? Any tips?
Yeah, I need a good lance or gunlance to fight diablos. I just hate his digging bullshit, and you can't farm the screamer pods either.
Black Diablos is my most hated monster in the game. It’s just such an annoying fight.
Ofc I get Rathian Plate on the very next fight with a Pink one only asking for a common drop right after I decided to give up and use a Silver Wyverian Print to buy it lol. Now I need an Odoragon one.
Now that I have better armor and weapons, the black diablos is a bit of a pushover. And I never use screamer pods at all. Now tempered Teostra is my new nemesis. I'm gonna have to put together some really good fire armor for this bastard.
Is it possible to see my friends in Astera outside of the Gathering Hub? Having trouble with this.
Dude, I have maxed everything, and I still have trouble with Black Diablos because it's underground all the time or it charges til it's miles away so I can't do anything.
Shock trap loses effectiveness after too many times, or maybe that's for tempered. I have to stand beside a wall so I can actually catch him when he charges.I definitely don't enjoy fighting him now, but it no longer feels like the he was created specifically to torture my mental state.
I was playing in co-op, but my palico having the shock trap gadget and my partner having a paralysis blade created a lot of nice opportunities to get in there and rough him up. We were breaking his horns pretty easily once I started using my ice long sword that has white sharpness. At white sharpness, my weapon doesn't bounce off his face.
Can you even do this bastard solo? Any tips?
Oh man, Great Sword is a blast to play, and it can block a ton of shit. It's way better than lance and gunlance, and it doesn't need stupid amounts of charging like chargeblade.
I just critted something for 767 damage. High damage numbers feels good man.
Nah, crit draw only applies to the first attack when your weapon is sheathe so it's not going to work on the biggest greatsword attack. I tried focus, but it really doesn't speed up the charge enough to be worth while.Add Critdraw, and Focus in there, and you're set.
I'm still at low rank, and haven't played online yet (already sunk around 20 hours). Spending most of my time just familiarizing myself with the new maps, and upgrading my GS whenever I get the chance.
Nah, crit draw only applies to the first attack when your weapon is sheathe so it's not going to work on the biggest greatsword attack. I tried focus, but it really doesn't speed up the charge enough to be worth while.
I'm max crit boost, max weakness exploit, max handicraft, attack boost 4. I just need 3 more attack gems. That's filling out all my deco slots.
Doing 40% crit damage on top of white sharpness is already insane.
Yeah, I'm HR 90 now. All I have left to do is farm some gems and maybe try out the other weapons.Didn't realize you were already at that point of the game. Haha. Anyway, that skill set is indeed overkill. Also, white sharpness is back? Hell yeah!
Oh man, Great Sword is a blast to play, and it can block a ton of shit. It's way better than lance and gunlance, and it doesn't need stupid amounts of charging like chargeblade.
I just critted something for 767 damage. High damage numbers feels good man.
Uh, well if there's anything you want to know, you can ask in this thread.Could you explain that to a simple person like me?
Is you HR level really high? What is the name of the sword you crafted please?
Where do you find critdraw and focus etc. please as mentioned above?
I didn't solo Nerg, but I guess you're challenging yourself not to party.Thanks for that.
I'm just looking for the right armour / sword combo for Negrigante.
You can solo, some enemies could be harder like the fast ones since having more people gives you some time to breathe, but like Diablos, that monster most of the time is better to play solo even if they one shot since you will have control of the fight, and even solo you will have your trusting Palico who can heal you/set traps/buff you and if you find ferral Palicos they can help you too and those are surprisingly helpful.Is it possible to play the solo?
Is it possible to play the solo?
Yep! You can play the entire game solo with no problems. If it's to jump into random games with people though and you can do that at your leisure.
You might be waiting for more than half a year. The date isn't even announced.Waiting for this to release on PC is killing me
Actually, the game is easier solo. Your cat dude really helps.Is it possible to play the solo?
It depends how good your team is. More people means a bigger margin of skill level. I played with people who are pretty terrible and fail the mission. I can solo missions faster than group because of health scaling.I think its a 50/50
solo allows the polico to take attention most of the time
online allows easy item grinding, as most SOS only take 10-15mins, HR are sub ~10mins
Yeah, it's really just a chase after perfect gear and whatever achievements are left. I'm doing it to try out all the weapons. I'm HR 96, and it's really gotten to the end because lucky drops aren't happening for me.after playing around 100 hours since the release I now somehow lost the will to play the game. Unfortunately the End Game is not really motivating enough to keep me interested in the game (HR 41).
I really hope that we will receive more monsters etc. in the future dlc/updates
Can you realistically finish this one solo without being punished for it ?
I never wanted to touch previous parts since they were designed only for co-op unlike competing hunting games.
Can you realistically finish this one solo without being punished for it ?
I never wanted to touch previous parts since they were designed only for co-op unlike competing hunting games.
Everyone saying how Hard Nerg is, makes me super anxious, hope I'm able to defeat it and same tempered monsters.
Yeah, pretty much don't care about them at this point. I want the Hero Shaft for bow, but I'm not getting it. I have like 10 other hero stones.The grind for the warrior/hero streamstones makes it seem like they just didn't want you to perceive an end to the game. It's the last carrot on a stick, and the stick is 100 yards long.
When did they add "Bleed" stat effect in the series? I swear MH4 didn't have it, or did it... Moved on with the game, and slayed (capped) my first Odoragon. I was surprised at the bleeding status, and kinda made me panic slightly. I was still able to finish it around 10 mins.
Is Odoragon the fastest monster in this game?
Uh, I know there's a mute mic option. It's the first thing I did when I heard someone's mic lol. I don't know about individuals.I'm new to MonHun so can't tell you if Bleed was in before. but after fighting all the monsters in game, it definitely feel like Odo and Tobi are the 2 fastest with Odo maybe edging out over Tobi just a little.
on a side note, I finally finished the final boss. another lesson in why you shouldn't play when you're worn out, because I seriously can't focus well as it's 3 in the morning and I just want to finish this part. I know for sure if I'm fighting it fresh I could been able to solo it easily. end up just popping the SOS and got a few JP players helped me with it. now on to the HR grind... lol
btw, is there any way to mute people who's talking in my session when I'm in base? there's some guy who has his mic on and his smoke alarm's battery warning keeps beeping and annoyed the hell outta me.