best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Remember that invulnerable kid from Avengers Initiative who had no other talent, and was basically shit at everything?
Or Cloud 9 for that matter. Lots of cannon fodder tier characters in that book.
butterball? he at least got to walk away unscathed. cloud 9 and most of the first class were all fucked up by the time things ended
This page was always so embarrassing because its like the author just put "SMART PEOPLE THINGS" into google then just threw all that crap into the script.
Because obviously scientists have to remind each other what fucking i is all the time.
its a joke friend
suprisingly? no. I think I skipped that series.
But I'm pretty sure there was at LEAST four Xmen characters with that same gag.
"You'll never get past this force field I have! "
ok...and then what?
it wasnt a forcefield. he was invulnerable, but he was locked in at where he was. so since he was fat when his powers activated, he would always be fat. he washed out of the initiative, but he gave it his all, and was liked by the instructors