"This roiling acid pit commemorates the agonizing death of Colin."
This happened to another guy at Yellowstone a number of years back. His dog ran into the hotspring and he jumped in to rescue it. The dog died out there, but the guy's friends somehow were able to pull him back on dry land. He complained about not being able to see, and it was because he essentially melted his eyeballs out of their sockets. The guy died in the hospital a few days later due to third degree burns covering 100% of his body.Instantly blind but a while to cook
I felt bad even typing that
his nerves probably were all burned fairly fast though
This happened to another guy at Yellowstone a number of years back. His dog ran into the hotspring and he jumped in to rescue it. The dog died out there, but the guy's friends somehow were able to pull him back on dry land. He complained about not being able to see, and it was because he essentially melted his eyeballs out of their sockets. The guy died in the hospital a few days later due to third degree burns covering 100% of his body.
Really scary stuff and one of the reasons I would refuse to take my dog to Yellowstone. I know she wouldn't hesitate to take a dive without checking first.
I am never visiting Yellowstone in my life, that shit is too dangerous. How can people even take their kids there? I'd die of heart attack just thinking about it.
You serious?
I am never visiting Yellowstone in my life, that shit is too dangerous. How can people even take their kids there? I'd die of heart attack just thinking about it.
LOL. He's talking about the calf.There are no remains to send. It's in the artlicle.
When will people realize decisions like that can only land you in hot water?
"hey bill, I'ma jump this here fence"
"gosh cody, lookit that fella floatin'! You best not less'n you wanna end up like him"
That fella is someones son, brother, boyfriend, nephew. Everyone does stupid things when they are young and think they are indestructible. Unfortunately this guy paid with his life.
I can't imagine the pain he felt, I hope it was quick.
It was rejected by its mother for smelling like tourists if I recall correctly.
Did you jump into a hot spring when you were young or did you have common sense to know that shit was likely dangerous?
No but I've done dumb shit that easily could have killed me when I was younger. He didn't purposely jump into a hot spring, he fell in.
Everyone does stupid things when they are young and think they are indestructible. Unfortunately this guy paid with his life.
This happened to another guy at Yellowstone a number of years back. His dog ran into the hotspring and he jumped in to rescue it. The dog died out there, but the guy's friends somehow were able to pull him back on dry land. He complained about not being able to see, and it was because he essentially melted his eyeballs out of their sockets. The guy died in the hospital a few days later due to third degree burns covering 100% of his body.
Really scary stuff and one of the reasons I would refuse to take my dog to Yellowstone. I know she wouldn't hesitate to take a dive without checking first.
Sorry, but not everyone is that dumb. Also, he was 23 years old, not 3.
a 200 degree, acidic bath
Must be nice living in holier than thou land and I can guarantee EVERYONE has done dumb stuff that could have gotten them hurt in the the past.
And they say his family has nothing to remember him byNeeded a sweet selfie for his insta
Must be nice living in holier than thou land and I can guarantee EVERYONE has done dumb stuff that could have gotten them hurt in the the past.
That fella is someones son, brother, boyfriend, nephew. Everyone does stupid things when they are young and think they are indestructible. Unfortunately this guy paid with his life.
I can't imagine the pain he felt, I hope it was quick.
Must be nice living in holier than thou land and I can guarantee EVERYONE has done dumb stuff that could have gotten them hurt in the the past.
You're overreacting. Incidents like these are rare, why punish the vast majority of parkgoers who aren't suicidally stupid?I'm just for closing the park entirely. People are gonna be people, this will not be the last time something like this is gonna happen. It sucks, but people really are their own worst enemy.
I'm just for closing the park entirely. People are gonna be people, this will not be the last time something like this is gonna happen. It sucks, but people really are their own worst enemy.
Signs aren't gonna stop people. Our local trails and bodies of water were closed earlier this week due to floodgates being opened, but news crews parked themselves in front of signs and gates and got footage of people crossing the barriers all day.Considering how dumb society is and the way everything works with lawsuits and everything I'm surprised that entire boardwalk isn't littered with signs "Do NOT exit the path"
I'm just for closing the park entirely. People are gonna be people, this will not be the last time something like this is gonna happen. It sucks, but people really are their own worst enemy.
I'm just for closing the park entirely. People are gonna be people, this will not be the last time something like this is gonna happen. It sucks, but people really are their own worst enemy.
Oh no.According to the yellowstone website.
He fell into this thing.
I dont think I wanna go swimming in that