Thanks guys. I thought I saw the trailer, but apparently I saw just the old one that didn't have that scene (and probably a lot others too ) Downloading now.
Yeah, fire, explosions, and particle effects in general are phenomenal in this game. Capcom is getting effects crazy. Oni 3 already have amazing looking fire, but this is even more ludicruos.
The GC only has 24MB of main ram compared to the Xbox's 64. That restriction is lessened somewhat by texture compression (which the Xbox supports as well) and a decent cache on Flipper. But in the end, the Xbox still has an advantage. That 64MB is pretty huge regardless of the situation.
I realized that after looking at the vid. The effects (screen warping, fire) and poly counts on both the backgrounds and NPC's are what's really amazing to me.
What's the frame rate supposed to be? This game looks so good that if it were a solid 30, I wouldn't be upset in the least.