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Mortal Kombat 11 review bombed because of ‘SJW propaganda’ and micro-transactions


I never said I was superior, I just said it's pathetic to be frothing at the mouth, "review bombing", freaking out and whining over a friggin fictional character that has zero impact on people's everyday life. It's a videogame. A game. A toy.

Videogames are meant to be an enjoyable experience. Something I do to unwind. To chill out. Have a good time. To sit and have such cringey behaviour over something as insignificant as a black man using his new time travel powers to go back in time to eliminate slavery is just pathetic. If this comes across as me being "superior" then so be it. I'd rather that then be a miserable fuck who finds the need to whine over the most insignificant of things such as this.

When movies, books, journalism and now videogames starts to touch some ppl ideals it is normal to get upset, the new generation of ppl will live with the idea that some things that we don't like, and this will change the future, so again it is normal to want to defend their ideals.

This doesn't happen btw with the ppl that knows what is going on, but with "normal ppl", and everyone that is against it should fight for what they want.

I don't know if I explained myself in a good way, English is not my main language and when the talk become serius :))


After looking into this "backlash" over Jax's ending is insane. Let's get mad at a video-game character in a fictional setting in a situation that is also fictional lol. After watching it I had no issue with it as a black man.
Agreed. Folks are watering down their legitimate micro transaction criticisms by outraging over something that’s not really a big deal. The more people cry wolf over SJW propaganda the more I start to gloss over it cause it’s turned out to be a big ball of nothing so many times.
Are people really outraged at Jax ending? Is this even one of the motives of the review bombing?

I read some of the reviews and everyone mentioned the abusive grinding in order to push microtransactions.
Yeah, the topic title is misleading, if you actually look at metacritic its almost all about the game itself and it's unfun grind system. The ones review bombing for "SJW propaganda" are such a small percentage that there reviews would make no difference whatsoever, just like the ones doing positive reviews bombs with 1 sentence reviews saying "people only hate this because they're sexist and racist!" have had no effect on raising the metacritic score.


I'm glad that i watched the story mode on Youtube. Probably will buy the game once the Komplete edition comes out.


I never really mind the sjw stuffs in mk11 other than shao kahn saying "make outworld great again" which was pretty cringey.


The micro-transaction is WORSE than Star Wars BF2 as the grinding required is insane imho! Oh yeah SJW cancer was detected as well...game does cater for muh feelings npc's and should get the absolutely halal tick! Anyway I'll return my copy...and get it again on a black Friday sale or when it's around $20-15.
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This is the first time I've heard about the Johnny Cage ok hand sign thing. Just...wow... -______________-

Also, I'll always side eye devs who put mtx in fully priced games, but devs who take it a step further and purposefully hamstring player progression to push even more mtx deserve every bit of backlash they get.
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Yeah, such a retarded decision.

Is MK what, a 30 year old franchise? Its OK to change character looks as times go by but not this drastic just for bullshit reasons. Also, if there is a game series that should be as faraway as possible to being associated with any kind of censorship its Mortal Kombat ffs.
What I have a problem with is their response. They wanted to be more "mature" yet I just saw a clip of some kind of hub world (sorry don't play MK) and there is this dude with his legs chopped off and strangling on a noose. And then you look at the over the top fatalities. Yea ok guys '"mature" :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


What I have a problem with is their response. They wanted to be more "mature" yet I just saw a clip of some kind of hub world (sorry don't play MK) and there is this dude with his legs chopped off and strangling on a noose. And then you look at the over the top fatalities. Yea ok guys '"mature" :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Instead of people using their brains to figure out that MK was never meant to be an example of respect (like having heavy violence and suggestive outfits, hence why its well know), people rather prefer spam "porn" to anyone who doesnt agree with their choices.


Why do game developers keep making games for people who won't buy their games?
Investors, shareholders or even internal managers often aim or like to think that they may reach more customers, "just in case, let's try". They assume that "fans" will buy anyway.
Or maybe they don't even know if they have fans, they just follow the rules of "sell more / earn more / more market share".


Investors, shareholders or even internal managers often aim or like to think that they may reach more customers, "just in case, let's try". They assume that "fans" will buy anyway.
Or maybe they don't even know if they have fans, they just follow the rules of "sell more / earn more / more market share".
Also for reviews since a lot of reviewers are left leaning.
There are many reasons to dislike this game and the direction it's heading. Both because of the MTX and because they took previously sexy characters and covered them up in burkas.

I won't be supporting this game and I don't find it to be surprising that people would choose to reviewbomb. An every increasing number of people are getting sick and tired of SJW non-sense. It just makes no sense that the most extreme violence is acceptable ( which it is because it's a videogame ) but a sexy costume is somehow too taboo because something something demeaning women?

Developers would do best to remember who BUYS their games - Men - by a massive, massive majority.

Woke politics are never ever going to get more women into a game, especially games like mortal kombat or battlefield. They just don't like those kinds of games and you can't change that. All you can do is piss off the fan-base you already have.

And it's so much worse that there is so much quality there. There are clealy VERY talented developers who worked on this game. But unfortunately I just can't support them in this case.

But don't worry, because for every fan like me that you alienate you'll pick up 2 new SJW's won over by your new woke politics, right ... right?
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Too bad, so sad, I say. If you can’t make “enough money” in this era where most AAA games sell millions of copies for at least $60USD a pop, I have no sympathy for you. Find another career.

Video games aren’t a fucking charity. I don’t give a rat’s ass about “supporting the industry” or “the right causes”. The fact that greed is the “future of gaming” is exactly why I’m compelled to walk away when this gen ends instead of spending another $10,000+ on consoles and games over the course of a new console generation.

I’d love to see another video game crash. It’s the only way that the industry resets itself and shakes out of the this greedy pattern. I also know that’s not going to happen, because video game consumers and fans are far too willing to donate all of their cash and then some because they’ve been conditioned to do so like lemmings for the past 10+ years.

Video game consumers are the real problem here. Showing more backbone (like Battlefront II) instead of rolling over and taking it because “we’re fans and we need to support the devs!” might have changed the future before it happened. “There’s a sucker born every minute” was never more appropriate than when used to describe video game consumers.
I find it really hard to believe that any gamer should be alright with micros in a full priced title. Video games becoming popular with the masses may have been the worst thing that could have happened to the industry.
Look at EA, they are more interested in shareholders and big payouts to execs.
Yup, well, this is one of those things that has the opposite effect that you would like... Shareholders usually know about this, it changes the dynamic in a company, it moves the incentives around, they put in place policies that seem "right" to make money (we will charge more, add extra monetization, etc.) our clients will spend more, and will work less, the shareholders will get "value", then they piss off the clients and nobody makes a dime, the shareholders feel like they were robbed of their investment too.

Shareholder value is better served when it happens because you're the best at what you're doing, you innovate on the core of the product, and you push the envelope, it should not be a direct goal.


These analogies to Islam have got to be the dumbest shit I’ve read this week on here. And I read the Blu-Ray kills people thread.
These analogies to Islam have got to be the dumbest shit I’ve read this week on here. And I read the Blu-Ray kills people thread.
Sadly this isn't an argument and it is quite sound to compare aspects of Islam as it's the most relevant ideology which actively makes a push to desexualize women while carrying none of the logic over to men.

The Pleasure

Gold Member
Eh, reminds me of the Amy Shumer “Those evil nazis are downvoting my comedy special on Netflix!” bullshit.

MK fans have a right to voice their displeasure however they want. Even if the reasons aren’t logical.

I swear, every time a game gets rekt in user reviews “alt right conspiracy” explanations are coming.
I downvoted her special because it fucking sucked.


In case you were wondering if these mongrels had any impact on the success of MK11...it was already announced MK11 had the most successful launch in the series history in 1 day lol

But the MTX!!1!1 The game is awesome with or without them and they are fixing them anyway. Another irrelevant controversy from the outrage mobs lol
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These analogies to Islam have got to be the dumbest shit I’ve read this week on here. And I read the Blu-Ray kills people thread.
It must be extremely difficult for some to make a counterpoint without using a ridiculous analogy or an SJW/Woke destroying gaming agenda politics. No wonder why publishers see gamers as easy prey for their money schemes.


Having fun playing MK11 on Switch. Lower resolution but it still plays really well. Handheld mode though, holy fuck is it rough on the resolution. Better to play it docked. That’s my only criticism.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
Sorry if this was posted:

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Neo Member

Feel free to watch from beginning if you want, she's "in character" stating her opinions if it wasn't obvious. Don't even know why there's such a big drive in the recent years to protect fictional characters from polluting the virigin minds and eyes of people. As long as it is rated properly leave it be.... can such things influence some individuals? SURE! But that's the same for EVERYTHING.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I actually read the negative reviews, 99% are complaining about micro transactions, not sjw propaganda. But it's always a nice spin to try to blame those evil Nazis when people complain about your product.
Same thing happens when we try to talk about games journalism.
Not hard to start thinking there might be some industry involvement /conspiracy-hat.



Feel free to watch from beginning if you want, she's "in character" stating her opinions if it wasn't obvious. Don't even know why there's such a big drive in the recent years to protect fictional characters from polluting the virigin minds and eyes of people. As long as it is rated properly leave it be.... can such things influence some individuals? SURE! But that's the same for EVERYTHING.

Her opinion matches exactly how I thought she'd look, talk and act.


Investors, shareholders or even internal managers often aim or like to think that they may reach more customers, "just in case, let's try". They assume that "fans" will buy anyway.
Or maybe they don't even know if they have fans, they just follow the rules of "sell more / earn more / more market share".
Probably when this BS first started. But wouldn't you say they should've learned by now that ''get woke, go broke'' is an actual thing? Not only video games (Battlefield), but also movies (Ghostbusters) and commercials (Gillette) that push SJW/feminist propaganda show reduced sales and have overall very negative receptions.


Review bombing is kind of a jerk move. I dislike SJW stuff like the next guy, but unless it is so forced down your throat that it legitmately effects the quality of game you shouldn't hate it and especially try to destroy its reputation. It is all about if you enjoy the game or not.

I disagree. User reviews and bombing are the only bulwark at that high-level of discussion. Every game gets some shit, but it's only an egregious difference when there is some controversy with the media score.

At the very least, it means there is more to the story than the metacritic number is capturing, and that getting flagged one click in is valuable.

If the quality of a game is legitimate, it should include being able to withstand a user review bombing.

Ultimately, you're right. It comes down to if you enjoy it. But I think that discussion is happening at a lower level - comments, forums, YouTube, etc. and at review sites and aggregators, by design it's about sales, marketing, media coverage, and that dumb number.


This is the first time I've heard about the Johnny Cage ok hand sign thing. Just...wow... -______________-

Also, I'll always side eye devs who put mtx in fully priced games, but devs who take it a step further and purposefully hamstring player progression to push even more mtx deserve every bit of backlash they get.

I nearly rolled my eyes out of my head when I saw this. I've never seen such a virtue signalling c*nt in all my days.


Isn’t it obvious. Sjw ideology is a loud minority with a megaphone. Most people find the ideology racist, sexist and elitist. The louder and more obnoxious this blight becomes, the more push back there will be. People that previously tolerated such things have a breaking point. Get Woke, go broke is almost science at this point.


This thing happens is what happen when children may review things.
Jax ending is not sjw it’s just his wet dream which is pretty much what a minority with a loyal-neutral-good would do


While I haven't played MK11 and probably wont, (it's basically just reduced to a nice movie watching session with the cut scenes) The fact that Micro-transactions are in the game make absolute no sense to me. There's no reason for them. (of course since I haven't played I don't know what systems are in place) but the fact you have to grind in a fighting game is a absolute joke. I'm sad to see this series being shit on like this cause I've always loved MK, but with the direction it's going...Maybe/hopefully it'll be a wakeup call to the creators/people in charge? hahahahha who am I kidding they don't give a shit


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Review bombing is basically heckling. Its annoying but ineffective at getting a point across.

Its an utterly blunt instrument as it gives no reason by itself as to what the alleged "issue" is, and by now its been overused to the point where I suspect most people simply ignore user review scores. Brigading for whatever "reason" (wrong politics. wrong platform, mtx, bugs, etc.) is commonplace, and there's nearly always some contingent of malcontents willing to put in the miniscule amount of effort to take part. So who cares?


This is so dumb and useless, I feel like everyone involved is a 13 years old annoying child having a tantrum because they took away their precious digital tits.

Just dont buy thr fucking game, period.


In an alternate universe you could have gotten this character design in Mortal Kombat XI


Just to be sure, aren't there sexy outfits when you customize your characters?
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