It was fucking horrendous pre-patch, a literal slideshow.
It's easy to take advantage of the AI in MK and MK II. Having a hard time with UMK 3. Any exploits there?
Tons. Pick Sheeva or Sonya. They have amazing air priority. Don't use special moves all that often, especially against Jade. You can literally work your way all the way up to Motaro with only jump kicks and sweeps. Do not try an aggressive ground game.
Sektor and Robot Smoke have a super easy exploit. Jump back, and while in the air, do a kick or punch. As you are doing it, do the motions for the teleport punch. The CPU should throw their projectile to counter your standard attack, but you've buffered the teleport and will execute it as they perform their projectile. You will teleport under the projectile and reappear behind for an easy hit. As they fall, you can juggle how you see fit. When the juggle is complete, jump back and repeat. The CPU is amazingly inept at stopping this pattern.
Cyrax has a pretty easy exploit, but setting it up can be a tad tricky. Toss out a net, then drop a close bomb. The computer will either block the net and be afraid of stepping on the bomb - therefore hanging back and allowing you to toss out another net - or it will get caught in the net. They will be dragged toward you, the bomb will detonate and send them over your head. You can nail them with a roundhouse. Follow that with another net/bomb set up. If you toss out the net and the computer is too close, you will get hit. They key here is to maintain distance.
Barring that, Sindel has a pretty easy loop. Jump straight up and throw a fireball (d,df LK). The CPU will either A) get hit. You then jump straight up again, this time throwing out a kick. The CPU should run in and attempt to air counter you. You'll hit them instead. B) Jump back ward and attempt to run in. You will jump straight up and do a kick, hitting them like before. C) Stand there as your fireball misses them. Simply inch forward and repeat the step. If you move too far forward, the CPU will either move back to compensate or run in an combo you. Inching forward is the only way to set it up properly.
Only use projectiles at a full or near full screen distance. CPU Liu Kang and Kabal are fond of their air projectiles. You will need to time your jump kicks at a closer than normal range if you go that route. Experimentation is key.
Well, the game is supposedly going to be released on the PC tomorrow (Feb 1). The trailer was added to the Steam registry earlier and from the looks of it, it'll be a GFWL title.
Impressions b4 I buy please? Particularly on the netcode?
It's about on par with the post-patch console versions. It's not the greatest netcode, but it beats Kaillera. I haven't had any horribly laggy matches yet. Only problem is that there aren't a lot of people playing.
Thanks for impressions man. If anyone else has any other impressions please let me know.
Long video, but a great one. I got 37 straight wins in ranked UMK3 during a livestream. I edited the video down and threw it on YouTube. If you've got an hour to spare, enjoy!
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Online: 37 Ranked Winning Streak (or "The Clerks Run")
So this is on sale right now on PSN for $6.99($4.89 for PS+).
Was wondering if it's worth it now post-patch? I read the last few pages but nothing really too informative.
I don't know how well it worked on PSN, but the XBLA patch showed a significant improvement. It's a pretty solid buy at that price if you're a fan of the games.
Has anyone in this thread ever pondered the lack of a MK Trilogy re-release?
The only problem with the game (non-64) are the load times, but with a digital re-release that could be gone.
The same goes for MK Gold.
Has anyone in this thread ever pondered the lack of a MK Trilogy re-release?
The only problem with the game (non-64) are the load times, but with a digital re-release that could be gone.
The same goes for MK Gold.
Did anyone else buy this for $2 on there PSN sale? Lemme know if anyone wants to run some MK2. I have the game on both PS3 and 360.
PSN: emperorbohe
Xbox Live: Emperor Bohe
I wonder if there's anyone else here from the old Kaillera days haha
I have both versions of MK2 on PSN, but the best place to play them with good netcode is mamehub. Lots of MK activity on there.