It's not like the Vita costumes would fit the console game. The character models are significantly lower poly in the Vita version.
All of them.Is the VITA version playable online through WiFi, VITA to VITA or it's only single player ?
Those models were pretty much already created though in higher resolution. We've seen MK2 female ninja, MK2 male ninja, and UMK3 male ninja minus the mask (and I bet they had created the masked version too). But for whatever reason they held it back-- maybe they thought that people wanted the costumes so badly on the console version that it would be a selling point for the Vita version? Remember that the first costume pack was labelled "costume pack 1".
I am having trouble starting 4 player local tag team matches. I select 4 player mode, Versus and when I get to the select side screen only the 1 player controller is able to move. The rest of the controllers remain static in the middle. How do I get them to activate and move to their appropriate sides? This is killing me that I don't know how to do it.
Maybe they were already done for the console version but someone determined that the other DLC wasn't selling well enough to bother releasing 'em, so they stuck 'em in the Vita version as a little bonus.
Afterall , the Vita version like the Batman iPhone game; while done in-house, were done by smaller teams rather than the entire team; so the team that made the "main game" seem to be busy at the moment with something else (plus they've already said they are doing something else).
DLC definitely sold well. Especially the costumes and the Freddy DLC. It just kinda sucks because I want those costumes that are Vita exclusive, but I don't want them in a downscaled fashion. They are leaving free money on the table by not releasing the unreleased costumes as DLC.
I wanted MK2 ninja costumes![]()
I'd be interested in buying this but there's something on the back of my mind saying this won't be the final re-issue.
$60? Really? Four characters and a year later and they release it at full price? Was considering giving it a shot, but not at full price.
Yeah, really. $60 is dumb. Better fighting games are rereleased with actual new content for $40.
Yes, but do they come with a digital copy of the film and soundtrack? You may not like the fact that you are forced into paying for these items, but you can't just sit there and say all you are getting is DLC.
I didn't know these were included, nice. That kind of info should be in the OP, which seems a bit short to me, aside from the Vita stuff.
What is weird is that the game is below £25 here.
Then, read the OP.
Why the price difference? Why $59.99 in the US?
Aside the extra content on the disc, the US version includes digital copies* of the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie and the 2011-soundtrack
'Songs Inspired by the Warriors'; along an extra track. UK version doesn't includes those 2 extras. (*in a voucher)
OP is short, because the original MK OT was...quite big. (which is linked at the end of the main post)
Must be secondapps/my iPhone fucking something up then because I definitely can't see the part you quoted in the OP, all I see are the Vita details and the links to the original OT. Sorry for the uncalled for comment then.
Edit: just checked without second apps, yeah, it has trouble parsing the OP and like 90% of the info is missing with it. Probably an image tag or something. My apologies, again.![]()
Didn't see the update on it being pre-patched up to (decently) playable online. Any word on this?
Anyone know if the PSN multiplayer is peer-to-peer, or dependent on some servers that won't be around in a few years?
C-Sword from TRMK said:Someone just posted this on another MK board 1) The title screen actually reads Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition. 2) There is an extra trailer for Mortal Kombat legacy in the Announcement Trailers section 3) The dlc Characters have nekropolis spots. Kenshi and Rain are next to kratos. Skarlet and Freddy are next to Quan Chi. 4) If you have beaten the game with the dlc characters before their endings are viewable in the Necropolis 5) Saves from previous edition work on this edition 6) Graphics glitches like Mileena's hair going through her neck have been fixed. Also stages like the Flesh pits have been lightened up a tad to bring out detail 7) the music has been raised up a notch or two. Still not like it should be but louder than before
Someone on TRMK mentioned that this game has some improvements
Those are all good, necessary updates that I hope will come as patches to the original disc.
Alternately, I'd like MK:KE come out as a PS3 DD. That'd get me to double dip.
Fuck. I've already triple dipped (MK9 360, MK9 PS3, MK9 GoD). I'll end up buying this game two more times if they release MK Komplete on GoD and PSN. Its a good thing I've held back on getting the PSN version...
I've only single-dipped so far, but I did buy the Tournament Edition (PS3).
I'm not dipping again until KE is available as a DD and the Vita bonuses are available as DLC for it. I want that Test Your Balance pit stage and those costumes.
Those were made specifically for the Vita because of the gyros on it. The challenges that were originally planned for the console games were others; like the ones were you play as Shao Kahn (and could possibly the ones that appear; but they already said that for DLC, they weren't going to add modes like that or to expand the Story Mode). The costumes could appear since the base-work was already done for the console versions, but there are no plans at the moment.
Guess, like Rain..people should go to Twitter and official forums to share their opinion about that.
Apparently, the game includes the patches; but I haven't been able to confirm that. PS3 version uses Gamespy (apparently) for lobbies, spetactator (i.e. King of the Hill), chat, etc.; but the game is peer-to-peer. Though if it will be around in a few years, noone knows.![]()
Do I need an "Online Pass" to play this online?
Like the version that was released last year, an online pass is indeed required to play. All new copies include one already.
Gamestop gave online passes, to used buyers of the original game; but is unknown if they'll do the same for this version.
If you already have an Online Pass and buy this version, you don't need to redeem the one in this version or buy a new one.
The Online Pass carries a price of $9.99/800 Microsoft Points, by separate.
MK folks, Final Round this weekend!!
I figure the answer to this is no, but does the Komplete Edition come with a manual, or just an insert with DL codes for the movie and soundtrack?
I'm really considering picking up MK, but I have what might be an odd question. Given the $60 price tag for Komplete, would it be cheaper to buy the vanilla game plus the DLC characters and costumes? Would I be missing out on anything going that route?
This has the first MK film attached to it, so you'd be missing that. Gamewise, I think you'd only miss costumes?
I'm really considering picking up MK, but I have what might be an odd question. Given the $60 price tag for Komplete, would it be cheaper to buy the vanilla game plus the DLC characters and costumes? Would I be missing out on anything going that route?
The film I can do without, but costumes? Dammit. I was hoping they were all available as DLC.
Original OT said:Klassic Kostume Pack
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Classic costumes that were once exclusive for preorders, etc. for Scorpion*, Sub-Zero*, Reptile*, Ermac, Kitana, Mileena and Jade.
*: Includes a retro fatality
(See 'What to buy' section for more information and artwork.)
Yep (check the description):Does the Vita version have tag in the game like the console versions
The film I can do without, but costumes? Dammit. I was hoping they were all available as DLC.
Currently playing Gotham City Impostors, Gamespy is still awful on PSN/SEN.
Mileena should have the nails one