My only complaint about this game is online related. Every single time I'm in a King of the hill match, my PS3 freezes. So annoying.
I have a PAL copy for PS3, and am within AUS, this game doesn't exactly have many players online from the looks of things which is to be somewhat expected here. But regardless, it's still been good fun, just it's extremely annoying that when I'm looking for a nice king of the hill match, finally enter one with an acceptable to even lag-free connection, then my PS3 locks up completely during a match. It's happened every single King of the Hill session I've had...
Frustrating, the matchmaking is also atrocious. I get paired with players where the character select screen lags by seconds and the game session always ends. I even join rooms, AUS AND NZ rooms, everyone has green bars. Then when i challenge them, the character select screen lags like shit, game session goes to unavailable, can't even challenge people sometimes, or they just decline vsing.
As for the game itself. I absolutely love it. Enjoying it a lot despite only having several dozen actual matches. It's a real shame it got banned here in AUS...
I also can't even decide on a main xD Before release i wanted to play Ermac since he's been a favorite character of mine within MK, but i don't particularly like how he plays. The same goes for most of the characters i considered before playing it.

Leaning towards Sub-Zero though since he's one of the funner character I've tried.