sleepykyo said:So much for not charging for stuff on the disc, unless the costumes are technically full downloads.
Dammit, not this shit again...
sleepykyo said:So much for not charging for stuff on the disc, unless the costumes are technically full downloads.
Still 5 bucks for a bunch of classic costumes is better than paying 80 for 1.The Lamonster said:Damn, was hoping the klassic DLC would be free!
In my case, I'll be paying 5 bucks for 3 costumes. I already have Scorp, Rep and Ermac classics...so I'm conflicted about paying for this...especially when the AI doesn't randomly choose costumes and always defaults to the...default.Raxus said:Still 5 bucks for a bunch of classic costumes is better than paying 80 for 1.
Same here except I have Subby's instead of Reptile's. So I guess in my case, it's $5 for 3 costumes and 1 fatality... I could pretend I won't bite, but I probably will.The Lamonster said:In my case, I'll be paying 5 bucks for 3 costumes. I already have Scorp, Rep and Ermac classics...so I'm conflicted about paying for this...especially when the AI doesn't randomly choose costumes and always defaults to the...default.
Professor Beef said:I think he's talking about how badly animated and matched the retro outfitted version of the spit looks. I've seen it, and it's pretty dumb.
grendelrt said:Honestly 5 bucks for extra costumes and fatalities isnt that bad. For the people with multiple already it kinda sucks, maybe they will sell them individual as well? I will def buy this though, game has exceeded all my expectations and I have no problem supporting the devs.
I think there was a little easter egg at the end of that trailer. Sub-Zero clearly turns grey when Scorps does his fatality. Maybe hinting at more than just the pre-order skins?HeresSomeWeapons said:Still no klassic Smoke though. You make me sad, Boon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_AStruct09 said:Classic costume pack coming June 7th, and will be $5: http://www.trmk.org/news/21725/klassic_skins_pack_dlc_video_details_revealed.html
Video at the link.
Struct09 said:Classic costume pack coming June 7th, and will be $5: http://www.trmk.org/news/21725/klassic_skins_pack_dlc_video_details_revealed.html
Video at the link.
Yeah, I was expecting for them to throw in Retro Smoke and Noob (since they're on-disc) as well as classic Cyrax and Sektor (not sure if on the disc, but retro Cyrax is sometimes in the background for the Dunes level).NEO0MJ said:I wouldn't have minded it if they went through the trouble of creating klassic smoke and Noob for the pack, as well as including the klassic robots. The deal just feels like a rip off to me as it is right now.
rasberryjam said:I think there was a little easter egg at the end of that trailer. Sub-Zero clearly turns grey when Scorps does his fatality. Maybe hinting at more than just the pre-order skins?
Could be a technical problem they didn't catch. It would be a nice surprise, though.
Preorder for jades, I still have her code in my email.AnEternalEnigma said:I've gotten codes for free for all the characters except Sub-Zero and Jade. But as far as I know, there's no way to get Jade's klassic on 360.
Chamber said:Lame.
Sub-Zero and the Reptile are the only ones I even want. Not sure if I want to shelve out 5 bucks.
SMZC said:This is disgusting. I'm all in favor of DLC; it's work put in by the developers to create something that wasn't going to be in the game. You either take it or leave it, as any other product. However, here, they're essentially charging for stuff that was completed before release, and actually arguably meant to be in the initial product.
To be fair though they are only charging $5 for all the costumes, someone earlier in the thread said that they sold their Reptile costume code for $90.SMZC said:To add insult to injury, they warned people to refrain from buying these codes from people on ebay. Not because they were worried they were throwing their money away, of course. "Hey guys, don't give your money to some random ebay douchebag; instead, give it to us k thx".
SMZC said:To add insult to injury, they warned people to refrain from buying these codes from people on ebay. Not because they were worried they were throwing their money away, of course. "Hey guys, don't give your money to some random ebay douchebag; instead, give it to us k thx".
gutter_trash said:if the Sub-Zero fatality comes with them, then I will get it. Anyway, I rather play Reptile as ninja mode
infinityBCRT said:Its ridiculous to be angry about paying for content that was completed before release.
To be fair though they are only charging $5 for all the costumes, someone earlier in the thread said that they sold their Reptile costume code for $90.
Reptile codes were going for upwards of $90 on eBay, and aside from Jade the other codes were going for ~$20. If anything they did everyone a favor by saying to be patient and not buy them off eBay.
This is hilarity of the highest caliber.black_vegeta said:
Yeah, people want it. Just because you don't. This option is better than if you DIDN'T preorder at Amazon, and missed out on Reptile, then were forced to goto ebay if you really wanted it. there was no post-release option (pre-order content is BS already, yadda yadda) so for NRS to release a pack with all the stuff for 5$ is a God-send for all the people that DO want this stuff.SMZC said:That's the buyers' fault, though. I can see why people would be desperate to get their hands on, say, Reptile's skin, but from a purely objective standpoint, it isn't worth much. Especially considering that it's just a palette swap of a basic skin shared with 3 other characters, like I just said.
The shitty netcode means there is no communityzlatko said:Shouldn't this thread be in the community section now with SF,MvC3, and Blazblue ?
Yes, but for some reason there's three threads for this game including one in Community.zlatko said:Shouldn't this thread be in the community section now with SF,MvC3, and Blazblue ?
Now you're talkin'. He really did have one of the original game's more iconic costumes, IMO.Tansut said:It strikes me as a little silly that you guys think they would blow their kollective wad of klassic skins in one set. I can totally see them doing another couple of sets at least. Like the next one could have Noob, Smoke, the Robots and Raiden or something.
It just makes good business sense even if it does kinda suck on our end.
There's the Online Community Thread for that same reason. So that people can continue talking here about all the aspects of the game in general, while use the online community thread for online-talk.zlatko said:Shouldn't this thread be in the community section now with SF,MvC3, and Blazblue ?
Yea I like the mk3 ninjas better than these but oh well.Kweh said:I don't even think the ninja kostumes look that great with the exception of Reptile's. There is something off about them...Jade/Mileen/Kitana look good though.
Still, I won't be buying them.
Kweh said:I don't even think the ninja kostumes look that great with the exception of Reptile's. There is something off about them...Jade/Mileen/Kitana look good though.
Still, I won't be buying them.
I don't think you have to be a psychic to know they wouldn't leave money on the table by not releasing such a thing after all the ebay hype.GrayFoxPL said:Hahah! I predicted that months ago! I'm a fucking MK Nostradamus.![]()
_dementia said:I don't think you have to be a psychic to know they wouldn't leave money on the table by not releasing such a thing after all the ebay hype.