Lost Fragment said:http://iplaywinner.com/news/2011/6/27/mortal-kombat-kenshi-trailer.html
So yeah, Kenshi looks pretty fuckin badass.
Lost Fragment said:http://iplaywinner.com/news/2011/6/27/mortal-kombat-kenshi-trailer.html
So yeah, Kenshi looks pretty fuckin badass.
Well, they keep reintroducing the ninjas because people whine every time they don't.DryEyeRelief said:See? This is what happens when NRS introduces characters who aren't color swapped ninjas. They become kickass.
DryEyeRelief said:See? This is what happens when NRS introduces characters who aren't color swapped ninjas. They become kickass.
A raiden video would be sweet! I'm currently maining him right now.Naar said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDee02UwMbs&feature=relmfu
If you want more let me know and I'll try to upload that really long Raiden video (I need to edit it)
You might need to punch yourself first.Void Insanity said:Ok which dev do I need to punch for making the first DLC character Noob Saibot with a sword and ghost swords? Kenshi looks as cheap as Shao Khan.
notworksafe said:Second DLC character...and of course he looks awesome/cheap. That's the point of the trailer. Make him look the best so people will buy him.
Who was the first then? I kinda lost track of this games DLC with the PSN being dead for yonks at the time this game was released.notworksafe said:Second DLC character...and of course he looks awesome/cheap. That's the point of the trailer. Make him look the best so people will buy him.
Void Insanity said:Who was the first then? I kinda lost track of this games DLC with the PSN being dead for yonks at the time this game was released.
fernoca said:![]()
New content will be added after release. From new kombatants, to new ways to kill (or die).
- Each release of a character will also include a free 'Compatibility Pack'. This, not only lets you play against others that have the DLC characters; but also unlocks 2 retro skins for characters (for 8 additional retro costumes). This are separate to the 7 original retro-characters. (included in the Klassic Kostume Pack)
- Those that got the 'Season Pass'; it's recommended that you download each character through the in-game store; under normal circumstances. Each character will appear priced at 0 Microsoft Points in there; but fully priced through the Xbox Marketplace..
Out Now:
Klassic Kostume Pack
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Classic costumes that were once exclusive for preorders, etc. for Scorpion*, Sub-Zero*, Reptile*, Ermac, Kitana, Mileena and Jade.
*: Includes a retro fatality
(See 'What to buy' section for more information and artwork.)
Season Pass *Xbox 360 exclusive*
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: This pass lets you access and download all 4 upcoming DLC-characters/packs (Skarlet, Kenshi, Rain and ???), but only paying for 3 (400 MS Points/$4.99 savings). A nice deal if you're planning on buying all 4 characters. This pass doesn't grant access to the Klassic Kostume Pack; so keep that in mind.
New Playable Kharacter: Skarlet
Release: June 21, 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality, retro costumes for Cyrax and Sektor*
*Retro costumes will also be free with the "preview pack". This preview pack is required to play online in order to see other players using Skarlet.
Skarlet: Shao Kahn Enforcer
Shao Kahn has many warriors under his command, but his trust lies solely in the fighters of his own creation. Warrior blood gathered from countless battlefields, fused with sorcery, produced his most effective enforcer yet: Skarlet.
An expert tracker, she preys on those deemed enemies of the empire. During kombat, Skarlet gains strength from her opponent's blood, absorbing it through her skin. Shao Kahn has a new mission for this formidable kombatant: discover Quan Chi's true intentions and kill him if he plots betrayal of the emperor.
Fatality #1: Down, Back, Down ,Down, Block (Close)
Fatality #2: Forward, Back, Down, Down, Back Kick (Jump Distance)
Babality: Down, Back, Down, Right, Back Punch (Jump Distance)
Stage Fatality: Forward, Back, Forward, Front Punch (Close)
Koming Soon:
New Playable Kharacter: Kenshi
Release: July 5, 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality
New Playable Kharacter: Rain
Release: July 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality
New Playable Kharacter: ???
Release: August 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality
He doesn't even look that good. Skarlet is the one you need to be complaining about. Braindead meterless 40%s midscreen, lol.notworksafe said:Second DLC character...and of course he looks awesome/cheap. That's the point of the trailer. Make him look the best so people will buy him.
Skarlet. She came out last week.Void Insanity said:Who was the first then? I kinda lost track of this games DLC with the PSN being dead for yonks at the time this game was released.
I still need to put some time into her. Tourney planning and execution has had me too busy since she came out (and she was banned at ours so I didn't even bother thinking about her after I paid for her).corkscrewblow said:He doesn't even look that good. Skarlet is the one you need to be complaining about. Braindead meterless 40%s midscreen, lol.
Yeah, deconfirmed back then. The team said that Gamepro made a mistake and reported him as DLC, when they were supposed to just reveal him...and tease at Kenshi/Skarlet for DLC.akilshohen said:Where is DLC Kintaro gonna be in all of this then? Or was he deconfirmed as DLC?
djkimothy said:A raiden video would be sweet! I'm currently maining him right now.
zlatko said:He looks slow to me. Seems like he will get blown up by quick characters or ones with a teleport. His range on his normals and sword is great, but if the recovery is long then he'll get blown up easy.
Excited to see how he turns out.
corkscrewblow said:He doesn't even look that good. Skarlet is the one you need to be complaining about. Braindead meterless 40%s midscreen, lol.
If it's of any consolation, the ability to cancel the run into the mid launcher/high launcher is considered a bug that will be patched. Also it seems like she'll be banned for Evo due to coming out too late.
KorrZ said:Could anyone direct me to some good tutorial videos? I've searched on youtube for combo vids but, I'm a complete fighting game noob and watching people do these combos with no explanation doesn't help me at all.
I play mainly Ermac and Smoke, any help would be appreciated![]()
Not at the moment. Unless is something really hidden.malfcn said:do DLC characters have alts?
Skarlet has an alt, which is not available to choose.malfcn said:do DLC characters have alts?
notworksafe said:Wow, Kenshi is looking awesome! Can't wait to play him!
Figured I'd also post my match again Justin Wong in MK from the tourney this weekend. Excuse my terrible play.I was putting most of my effort for the last month into SF4, and I didn't even get to play against him in that!
Yeah you guys dominated us. Luckily it's kicked NM into ultra-hype mode and getting everyone to practice more.FallingEdge said:I'll check it out when I get home.
Tourney was mad fun. EFL rolling deep!
W Hudson said:Wow finally watched the Kenshi video and was blown away. Of course we have to wait for the character, but it looks like NRS did an amazing job. Hopefully he is as fun to play as he is to watch in that vid.
I don't have access to Youtube at work, but I will try and explain how I learned to pull off combos in the game, using your characters. The key in my mind was to learn how to link (or cancel) your character's normal moves/combos into their specials. Ermac, for instance, has a 3 hit combo consisting of Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch (from here on I will just abbreviate them as FP, BP, etc.,). But, rather than inputting the last FP, you can 'cancel' the last punch input and instead go into his special(s), the best one being force lift (down - back on the stick followed by FP). So now your inputs would be FP, BP, down back FP.
After the force lift, the opponent can now be juggled for further damage. Ermac's juggles can be pretty tricky to pull off after you get the opponent in a force lift. The easiest finishers would be either an uppercut (down + BP) or a force push (back forward FP). Or you can try to add a couple more hits prior to the force push. For example, you could hit BP, BP, then force push (back forward FP). So all together your combo would be FP, BP, force lift, BP, BP, force push (note you might need to move Ermac a bit forward after the force push so that the BP, BP string connects. I would work on getting this combo down first before trying anything else.
You can go even further and get more damage with Ermac following force lift. My favorite way to finish the combo with him is to jump in kick into teleport (the game calls it force port) followed by a dash, then BP, BP, force push. I will say that this is a pretty tough combo to pull off, one of the harder ones in the game. You can also forgo the dash into BP, BP part and just hit force lift. So all told your combo would be as follows:
FP, BP, force lift, jump in kick, force port, dash, BP, BP, force push.
This concept can be applied to many of the characters in the game. Start small, learn how to link the characters basic combos (you can view them in the move list) into their special moves. For Smoke, a good one to start with would be to use his BP, FP combo starter into his smoke bomb. From there the opponent can be further juggled. You can use this same concept with moves like Scorpion's spear, Sub Zero's ice ball, Kung Lao's spin, Reptile's force ball, Kitana's fan lift, Cyrax's net, and many more.
I hope this helps and makes sense, when I get back home I will see if there are any good tutorial videos I would recommend. I may have phrased a few things confusingly hopefully you can understand it.
KorrZ said:This was actually perfect, I'm going to take this into training mode for a bit and try it out. The concept of cancelling mid-combo was something I wasn't really grasping but the way you explained it helped, and it gives me something simple to practice at to start. Thanks for the help, if you stumble across any of those videos please post them!
W Hudson said:Glad to be of help. I struggled with a lot of this as well when I first started playing MK9, I hadn't played a fighting game in over a decade before this game. I looked around, there were no great videos, but I found this one which is a kind of beginner's guide to the game, but he goes over some important core concepts that the tutorial mode of the game doesn't really cover, most important is about high, medium, and low hits. He also covers combos and cancelling in to them as well, but its kind of similar to what I previously posted.
Machinima Beginner Guide
Also, if you have an iPhone or Android phone, there is a guide called the Hologamma Mini Guide which I found useful. It has each characters special moves, 'normal' combos, finishers, as well as about 4-5 longer 'juggle' combos for each. The guide has the exact commands for each of these combos, along with a couple paragraphs describing each characters combo abilities/strengths/weaknesses. It costs $1.99, but its really a good guide which is easy to use with a great interface. Plus it is updated consistently with any new information (such as DLC characters).
Best advice I would offer is to keep practicing to get comfortable with combo system, then work on learning how to mix people up with high/low/medium attacks (which is talked about in that video). Each character has around 3 really good combo strings (just the normal ones) which are going to be your go to moves. Its great when you have a combo string with a medium (also called an overhead) or a low attack, as those can connect against blocking opponents. For example, one string I love with Ermac is string which is a simple 2 hitter, forward + BK followed by back + BP. The first hit is low, so it hits a blocking opponent who is standing. Its not super damaging, but it hits very frequently due to the low starter.
One more concept I should mention that I struggled with is the buffering (at least I think that's the proper term, some here may correct me) system in the game. I don't want to be confusing, but in a nutshell this basically allows you to shortcut and avoid hitting certain buttons during combos. A simple example that's pretty easy to practice is with Ermac and his teleport. The teleport's normal input is down, back, BK. But if you start with a jump in kick using BK, you can then just hit down, back on the stick/pad without hitting BK again. Ermac will still do a 2 hit combo though, same as if you had hit down, back, BK after the initial jump in kick. It has to be done pretty fast though.
Again hope this helps. Once you start getting the hang of everything this game really does have a great combo and fighting system which is a lot of fun to use.
They look better than the two manfaces that are in-game Jade and Kitana, that's for sure.Ryaaan14 said:Wow, those are probably the best female ninja cosplay outfits I've seen.
The girls aren't that bad either
Are you sure? Neither the high nor mid show up in the move list as a dash option .Khezu said:UP/down slash from the dash is intended, its that you can cancel the slide into them that is unintended. Dash > slide > downslash is low to mid and way to powerful.
sleepykyo said:Are you sure? Neither the high nor mid show up in the move list as a dash option .
Good to know. Desyncs are also caused by the other person having any one retro costume. So if you're playing against someone that has one or are searching and paired with someone, it may/will cause a desync.Jeff Green's Son said:So far the patch on 360 has worked really well for me. Only a couple matches have desynchronized but I also don't have the retro costumes pack so I don't know if that helps. I've also noticed online that I'm seeing way more diverse characters being played compared to earlier when everyone was either, Scorpion, Ermac, or Raiden.
Sweet.Khezu said:Yes positive, the one dude who posted about the change specifically says upslash/downslash/x-ray won't work of a slide anymore, not the dash.
Also they do talk about some of her moves in this short Mkast video, mentioning that you can do several moves off the ninja dash.
sleepykyo said:Sweet.
Now if they would only boost the online to ae level and make Skarlett always playable.