Yea he looks so sick.Beardz said:"Dark" Raiden... nice![]()
GhostRidah said:Yea he looks so sick.
Gary Whitta said:Holy shit these fatalities are RIDICULOUS. Pre-order validated!
Can someone familiar with the franchise explain what the deal is with fatalities being gone from MK for a while and now they're back, seemingly more graphic than ever? Was there a period before ESRB when they were considered too controversial or something?
gray_fox224 said:Has anyone's Amazon order shipped yet?
RSTEIN said:Justin app will get!
Umm, it's 4.99 screw that!'re no fun! Join the midnight launch!!!Gary Whitta said:When I pre-ordered at Gamestop today the clerk asked me if I wanted to pick it up at the midnight launch. I politely declined - can only begin to imagine the very special hell that will be.
There are 25 stages not counting the ones with day/night variations that's way more than most games, even a lot considering the amount of extra content it has.DevelopmentArrested said:Played a bunch of matches of retail. Really fun, good mix of characters. Some awesome and truly gruesome specials and fatilities. Enjoyed what I played for sure, kind of wish there were more stages and that they would be a bit more interesting.
Artist James White, he has great stuff.Ronabo said:Hey, what is your avatar from. Looks so familiar to me...
Well, the game will be released in Canada on April 23rd, so guess we'll know by then.shagg_187 said:Is there Midnight Launch in Canada?
Gary Whitta said:When I pre-ordered at Gamestop today the clerk asked me if I wanted to pick it up at the midnight launch. I politely declined - can only begin to imagine the very special hell that will be.
Huh, I guess I just am kind of assuming that the hardcore MK crowd would be similar to the hardcore Halo/CoD/Gears crowd - ie people I don't want anywhere near me in real life.Xevren said:Not much hell for me, I just show up a few minutes after midnight, get my copy and go. Quick and painless. Really only sucks for shooters, everything else has been kind of small. Could just be because where I live though.
Hey guys, what's cookin'?AAK said:Believe in Lupinko
Gary Whitta said:Huh, I guess I just am kind of assuming that the hardcore MK crowd would be similar to the hardcore Halo/CoD/Gears crowd - ie people I don't want anywhere near me in real life.
ummmm... isn't Jeff kinda part of that crowd? lolGary Whitta said:Huh, I guess I just am kind of assuming that the hardcore MK crowd would be similar to the hardcore Halo/CoD/Gears crowd - ie people I don't want anywhere near me in real life.
gamerecks said:This is gonna be the first fighting game Ive purchased since Virtua Fighter on PS2
I don't think soshagg_187 said:Is there Midnight Launch in Canada?
low-G said:This is the first Mortal Kombat game I've ever bought.
No way dude, those people are the cream of society, like me.Aruarian Reflection said:You've been to multiple Apple iOS product launches... I can't imagine there's anybody more insufferable than the people waiting in line at those.
Gary Whitta said:No way dude, those people are the cream of society, like me.
Frank "Trashman" Reynolds said:Negative edge inputs are recognized for too long! Causes some target combo inputs to be skipped if you follow up with a special move motion without pausing a second. Don't like it!
Aske said:Hey guys.
The new trailer.
Are they doing what they did with previous MK games and releasing the first cutscene under the guise of a trailer? Or has this video been created solely for the purpose of promoting the game? I'm happy to watch an awesome CG trailer, but I'll skip it if it's all footage taken from the story mode.
lupinko said:Hey guys, what's cookin'?
DryEyeRelief said:? Example?
fernoca said:There are a couple of trailers in the game, don't know if that's one of them. But there's a section for them. Remember seeing the E3 trailer, Kratos reveal I think was there, and a few others.
Ballmer. You heard it here first.Seraphis Cain said:Kratos reveal trailer in The Krypt? Wonder what that'll be replaced by in the 360 version.
Not in the Krypt..I think. I remember seeing a trailers section so I guess all trailers are there unlocked or something.Seraphis Cain said:Kratos reveal trailer in The Krypt? Wonder what that'll be replaced by in the 360 version.
Teknopathetic said:It's worth noting that the SF4 (Vanilla) strategy guide had Zangief 2nd, Fei Long 4th, Akuma like 9th or some such, Cammy 4th from bottom, C. Viper 5th from bottom, and Blanka in A tier.
Gary Whitta said:Ballmer. You heard it here first.
There is still no confirmation that playable retro costumes are in the game, only theories. No retro costumes have been gotten by anyone so far who has the game early. Unless they are super hidden or will come later as DLC, because it doesn't look like they're in the krpyt. Don't post absolutes unless you have proof (PICS) to back it up.derFeef said:It has been confirmed that they are unlockable (spoiler thread), but you need to work a bit more for them.
Claiming laggy connection but I think he's just butthurt about losing.B1gg_Randall said:The guy on gave the guy bad feedback lol
lol yeaGary Whitta said:Claiming laggy connection but I think he's just butthurt about losing.