I did have to adjust to the special move locations a bit, however it was most important to me to have D+HP still be uppercut, and B+LK still be sweep, etc. The basics, if you will. Plus a good amount of the character's specials arent really close to the originals anyway, so I'd have to be adjusting regardless... all in all, I'm quite happy with the setup.
Also it may go without saying but just in case it doesnt - when you remap controls, any trainers, move lists, etc in the game will show your corresponding buttons correctly. Example, one of Scorpion's fatalities that normally would result in a final button press of Y, correctly changes to show a final button press of X due to how I remapped.
One caveat I've noticed is
some of the like "Press A to continue" screens dont
always change to reflect that - such as when I beat the arcade ladder and it says Press A, I have to actually press Y for it to work. lol.
And yes, it is my username origin

Basically the shortened, friendly version my pals would refer to me by in IRC/etc.