Thread of the internet confirmed am total of winning
S1kkZ said:the stream is horrible. it runs with 10 fps.
S1kkZ said:the stream is horrible. it runs with 10 fps.
maybe story mode has damage modifiers depending on the scenarioBarrage said:Did-did Kano's X-Ray just do 41%?
Somehow my decent computer is running this at 60fps no problem.S1kkZ said:the stream is horrible. it runs with 10 fps.
I just realized there are no fat characters in this game. Wouldn't it be kinda funny to have one of the female alts be obese? Someone Tweet Boon!SolidSnakex said:Sonya is really fast.
Hahaha.. I actually was planning on either linking to that song, or use a line pf dialog from Back to the Future. XDThe Lamonster said:fernoca, I like your line of thinking on the thread title, except the main problem I have with it is that I keep getting that Huey Lewis song stuck in my head! Plus there's that Back to the Future game that was recently released that could be confused with this.
But it doesn't really matter that much - the awesomeness of the OP eclipses all.
Mileena's huge boobs jiggle plenty in the demo...Gravijah said:It's weird seeing huge boobs not jiggle everywhere in a fighting game.
Yeah. It's not Soul Calibur or DOA level, but they certainly do.The Lamonster said:Mileena's huge boobs jiggle plenty in the demo...
Bossman said:Wow, Noob Saibot plays just like Shadow from One Must Fall.
Criminal Upper said:This post is fucked up.
Haven't checked the stream yet, but in the original games a few characters have similar defensive/offensive attacks.Barrage said:This stream is creating more questions than answers. What was with that "Blocking Disabled" thing Noob did on Mileena?
Barrage said:This stream is creating more questions than answers. What was with that "Blocking Disabled" thing Noob did on Mileena?
Barrage said:This stream is creating more questions than answers. What was with that "Blocking Disabled" thing Noob did on Mileena?
D2M15 said:For how old it makes you feel?
Man. OMF.
Barrage said:This stream is creating more questions than answers. What was with that "Blocking Disabled" thing Noob did on Mileena?
I saw Jade using that ability in an MK9 video, so that one is returning for sure.fernoca said:Haven't checked the stream yet, but in the original games a few characters have similar defensive/offensive attacks.
Noob could throw some dust that that caused the character to not block any attack, even if th character is actually blocking; for a few secs.
Jade has an ability, that for a few seconds, any projectiles you throw at her just go through her body.
I've seen both in other videos, but don't know if that's what you meant.
fernoca said:The original plan was to not add any subtitle; but all suggestions were considered, and in the end ended with one that fit the thread and made sense, rather than shoe-horn a subtitle, for the sake of trying to be funny or being witty.
Tried also to not use "expected subtitle".
References to the movie like "It has begun", "$500 sunglasses", or game references like "get over here", were expected and over-done, not to mention that it didn't made sense for the thread.
A subtitle that referenced the use of 'K' instead of 'C' was already used on the DC Universe thread so that one was also out of the question. Funny/taking shots-kind of subtitles like one of the planned ones I had "The kool kids in front, back of the bus Street Fighter", or other ones like "it's kool to like MK again"; were going to probably cause a few "lols", but also piss off a few people.
In the end, I prefered to play it safe and use one that made sense as it's not only the concept of the game, the concept of the thread itself and the name of one of the achievements in the game.
Yeah, they changed the square wave punch to an arc now.dralla said:sonya has a dive kick?
the fuck? half the characters are locked away? :\
ScOULaris said:This next week is gonna be a brutal wait for me. The first thing I'm gonna unlock in the Krypt is this:
Source for this? Nothing is confirmed I thought.GrayFoxPL said:Yeah, you're going to unlock it but with real money on psn/xboxlive.
derFeef said:Source for this? Nothing is confirmed I thought.
dralla said:sonya has a dive kick?
the fuck? half the characters are locked away? :\
derFeef said:Source for this? Nothing is confirmed I thought.
Khezu said:Kung lao is awesome in this game.