A white girl with short blonde hair who likes taking selfies, never heard of that before
So on the fence over this game. Decisions decisions....
Just beat the current hourly tower and unlocked thekitana outfit, shit yeah.dark empress
So on the fence over this game. Decisions decisions....
Why you gotta be so much better than me? Somewhat impractical, but I can see it working in certain situations, depending on how aggressive the opponent is.![]()
Just beat the current hourly tower and unlocked thekitana outfit, shit yeah.dark empress
Anyone know if Nuuvem is delaying the Kombat Pack until DLC is out or it's just taking a bit longer?
I got my key immediately and put it into Steam no problem.
I have an iPhone and I'm not even close to getting Kitana's classic costumeSo if you have an android phone, you can't get the klassic costumes for Mileena or Kitana.
I have an iPhone and I'm not even close to getting Kitana's classic costume![]()
Seems like Ermac needs to be played in souls on order to get some big damage but it's probs my lack of knowledge. Ima play in souls and see how it goes.
Who's a straight rushdown in your face pressure heavy character? I'm all about that when it comes to fgs.
How do you know if a move can be special canceled or not? Or can ever move be? lol
If you look at the frame data of a move/special etc. there should be one that says cancel. If it has a 0 under cancel it can't be special canceled. Seems like there's varying cancel windows per move though.
Getting a character to level 40 in the case of Kitana's. That's a slow and painful process because the reality is that it's not a very fun game, has energy meters, and requires grinding. I have a level 20 character and I already want to quit the gameHow do you get them anyways?
Street Fighter player here, can someone explain the basic knockdown meta game to me? What are my options on wake up other than block?
Getting a character to level 40 in the case of Kitana's. That's a slow and painful process because the reality is that it's not a very fun game, has energy meters, and requires grinding. I have a level 20 character and I already want to quit the gameIt's so crappy that they can't be obtained otherwise.
Getting a character to level 40 in the case of Kitana's. That's a slow and painful process because the reality is that it's not a very fun game, has energy meters, and requires grinding. I have a level 20 character and I already want to quit the gameIt's so crappy that they can't be obtained otherwise.
First let me say that if the issues are fixed I will amend my review, and state that I recommend the game as it's great, but flawed.
The main reason I can't recommend it is the online mode doesn't work properly, at all. I CTD very often which means I eat losses through no fault of my own. The matches are also very laggy which tells me matchmaking isn't working correctly, and even if I join a "UK only" room it's still not great. This issue is mad worse by the fact ping bars don't refresh, everyone is either fully grey or constantly "loading" so you can never tell if someone is close to you or not. Online is the most important part of the game and right now it's barely playable, if at all.
Now onto some more general annoyances, Fatalities, X-rays, The Krypt, match intros, the menu and character select (this is especially choppy) are all hard locked to 30fps, and jumping from 60fps to 30fps is extremely noticeable and jarring, it really hurts the experience. There's nothing you can do about this.
But it's not all bad, the game runs perfectly for me, 60fps without dips all the time (where possible) on max settings at 1080p, and it's gorgeous looking, easily the best looking fighter available. When they fix all the CTD problems I will say it's a perfect port performance wise.
The story is also very well done, with QTE that don't make me want to kill myself, in fact they're possibly the best used QTE I've ever experienced. I will say the story cut scenes have a weird, overly orange colour to them which is very off-putting and noticeable when jumping from a cut scene straight into a match, you'll notice the colour difference instantly. I finished the story in about 6 hours, which is perfect IMO as any longer and you're just wanting it to be over so you can go online and kick some butt (or not, for now at least).
A guy on Reddit unlocked everything on mobile, shared his account... and then some jerk changed the password :[ That's why we can't have nice things.
To be fair, its locked the same way on consoles. 60 fps in fights, 30 fps intros, victories, and fatalities.
What does CTD mean?
A guy on Reddit unlocked everything on mobile, shared his account... and then some jerk changed the password :[ That's why we can't have nice things.
To be fair, its locked the same way on consoles. 60 fps in fights, 30 fps intros, victories, and fatalities. Seems like the PC port is literally the same as consoles aside from higher possible resolutions?
What does CTD mean?
Getting a character to level 40 in the case of Kitana's. That's a slow and painful process because the reality is that it's not a very fun game, has energy meters, and requires grinding. I have a level 20 character and I already want to quit the gameIt's so crappy that they can't be obtained otherwise.