Quick video of day one combo progression. Sorry if scrubby, first fighter in a while, and I kinda suck...
Day One Combo's
Day One Combo's
Something just feels off with my 2 PS4 controllers, combos will not connect right...Almost like a laggy feel. Anyone else having this issue or am I rusty as fuck?
How do I start the invasion Boss? I don't see an invasion tower.
Nvm, had to go to the faction page. For my buddy his is all red'd out. He can't do them.
Have you tried turning ''release check'' off in the controller settings ingame?
That really helps!
Thank you, I was not aware of such an option. What does it do exactly?
Quick video of day one combo progression. Sorry if scrubby, first fighter in a while, and I kinda suck...
Day One Combo's
Apparently when you reach a certain number of Flawless victories.
I haven't even tried Raiden yet. He has a lot of hits to his moves.
God the net code is so bad. How is this acceptable? It's worse then injustice.
Not by a long shot...
Holy shit invasion bosses are insane.
Got a couple of questions regarding how to deal with different things in combat
1. Currently I feel like most people I fight are telepaths and know exactly when I let go of my block button, and then begin hitting me before I can do anything. Is there some simple tips to not get hit so often before I can get a hit off myself?
2. Is there anything similar to teching grabs from SF4 in this? I am having a lot of trouble with getting grabbed when I block.
3. How do I deal with projectiles? They just seem ridiculously hard to do anything against other than block. Jumping over is possible, but the timing is so much tighter than in any previous fighter I've tried. And I remember fighting someone that had a character than threw 2 projectiles at a time, where the second one would always hit me out of the air.
1. Not really. Learn what your quickest starters are and use them to punish people who hit you with strings that leave them negative. This is just something that you learn by playing against other characters and getting to know what their combo cadences are.
2. It's a little different. Throws are basically a 50/50 mixup at best in this game. You have to hit 1 to tech front throws, and 3 to tech back throws (I might have that backward).
3. Most projectiles are highs, so you can crouch under them (not crouch-block though, for some reason crouch-blocking lets you get hit by highs). For the ones that hit mid or low, you can try to use a move to armor through it (a lot of characters have a dash punch or some other form of forward momentum. You could also just swap to one of the million teleporters in this game and punish them if they're not safe about spamming them.
Could someone give me some general tips about creating combos? I practiced a bit yesterday but the best thing I could do were around 20-30% that involved a basic string into a special. It also seems like some punch/kick strings aren't able to lead into specials, is that correct?
Kotal Khan is pretty kool, though I kouldn't find many strings for him and instead relied mainly on df2 and db2 to generate damage. b32 is a decent *****, and 313 also seems alright. Not sure how to combo into his specials such as df2 and db2.
does anyone have a 360 controller and a ps4 controller (using DS4windows) on your PC and knows how to make the PS4 the primary? I can use the trackpad as a mouse but nothing else, I assume because the 360 controller is still "player 1". I dont want to have to remove the 360 one tho, I use it for other games
Yeah, a lot of strings can't lead into specials.
Basically find a way to combo into a pop-up, find a way to combo the pop-up into something else.
Right now, for playing online and at locals, I have a few consistent combos (fast, low, and OH strings that lead into a special that knockdown) that I do when I have to safe, and a few combos that have tricky stuff like run canceling for when I want to get fancy.
Just beat the story mode.
That single player campaign storyline was weak compared to the last one.
The dialogue and the way they used the characters was really poor.
I cannot believe there were no chapters for Liu Kang and Kung Lao either. The hell was that about?
I saw this on Eventhubs, 91% damage.
Thanks! I'll try this when I get home. gonna aim for one bigger pop-up combo and at least one of each you mentioned (fast, low and OH).
Just need to settle on a character :d, Cassie,Takeda and Kenshi are probably my favorites atm.
I saw this on Eventhubs, 91% damage.
I was goofing around trying to learn some stuff in an AI fight and I accidentally pulled off two of scorpy's Brutalities.
Didn't get a shot of the teleport one though sadly, was badass. But I did get the footage, will upload to YT or make a GIF if people want to see them.
Holy shit invasion bosses are insane.
Quick video of day one combo progression. Sorry if scrubby, first fighter in a while, and I kinda suck...
Day One Combo's
Please do. Some of these brutalities are a little more satisfying than the actual fatalities.
Speaking of Brutalities, I did Sonya's X-Ray Brutality earlier and just uploaded it to YouTube:
I also posted one of Kitana's Brutalities before:
Is this working now.It was red for me since launch.