hide your water-based mammals
Do the tickets first. It's fun and you obviously learn the ropes.
As I understand it, custom soundtracks through the XMB and voice chat both use the same audio channel, so developers have to choose one or the other, not both.djtortilla said:this sucks
you can't play custom soundtracks when playing online!
I can't believe its due to technical reasons
Could it be due to licensing or MPAA restrictions.djtortilla said:this sucks
you can't play custom soundtracks when playing online!
I can't believe its due to technical reasons
Surprised noone wants to ask them anything. I asked how many objects the MotorStorm engine can handle for collisiondeepbrown said:You can ask Evolution Studios questions here:$1250313.htm
What about Warhawk? That has got xmb custom tracks and voice chat...Slaylock said:As I understand it, custom soundtracks through the XMB and voice chat both use the same audio channel, so developers have to choose one or the other, not both.
I finally got gold on this, damn it feels good! I can confirm the first lap is meaningless, just be sure to be at least 6th. Then take the suggested route, boost parcimoniously (after the big jump, I go low on the right then boost back up, jump a little boost through the water and up the inclination, then I boost in the corner, not in the straightaway, corner, and boost till the finish line) and take that last corner as best as you can. I did not make a perfect run, yet I won it in something like 3'42"83. Keep at it!Bajan32 said:Fuck this game man....
Rank 6 Razor Back Racing truck is the biggest pile of shit cheating assfuckery I've ever seen in my whole god damn life...
crispyben said:I finally got gold on this, damn it feels good! I can confirm the first lap is meaningless, just be sure to be at least 6th. Then take the suggested route, boost parcimoniously (after the big jump, I go low on the right then boost back up, jump a little boost through the water and up the inclination, then I boost in the corner, not in the straightaway, corner, and boost till the finish line) and take that last corner as best as you can. I did not make a perfect run, yet I won it in something like 3'42"83. Keep at it!
Flek said:i got the game today and i really like it BUT could it be that the vehicles handle a lot harder than in the first one? Even the motorbikes can be a real bitch sometimes :/
El-Suave said:As I play (still early in the game, won 6-7 races in each zone) and discover new tracks I keep asking myself how are they going to top this in terms of environment variety?
For MS3 I would love to have some Smuggler's Run mode/features meaning a more open world not limited to specific tracks. I thought of that probably because the smoking gates in the Speed tickets remind me of SR a bit.
I understand how you feel...Bajan32 said:Fuck this game man....
Rank 6 Razor Back Racing truck is the biggest pile of shit cheating assfuckery I've ever seen in my whole god damn life....
Im so god damn pissed right now..
Well over 300 races or so and i cant get higher than silver...
15 asshats all gunning to make you crash... they all take perfect corners and dont get me started on the fact that this track was made for Big rigs and Monster trucks, none of which i can use..
OMG if my Set up wasnt so god damn expensive something would have been broken by now.
i can run a perfect lap and get 1st on lap one...after that all shit breaks loose and no matter what route, angle, boost usage, luck, prayer and faith I try i cant do this shit.
I was having way too much fun w/ this game..all golds...then this race..
Now that I've taken a break from this game for 1 week (thank God for WotLK), I'm considering starting it up again. Sheesh, it's so much fun but damn, that rubberband ain't jokin' around.Seiken said:Okay, as a hardcore MS fan, I can say that I'm liking the game. It's definitely better in every aspect. Golding everything until level 7 has been easy, now it's starting to piss me off (Racing Truck Razorback festival race). Never in my life have I seen AI that cheats as much as they do. Heck, it's fun, I admit. But you know, after 1 ½ hour of tries, I really would like my #1 (probably my tenth time I've been first place until the last 3-4 seconds of the race, the rubberband gets frikkin ridiculous)
Bajan32 said:into this M*****F***ing piece of shit bullshit and now matter what they wont give me my gold medal..
This is beyond ridiculous, this is just absurd. I can understand losing based on skill, i can understand sometimes shit happens and victory just escapes your grasp, and i understand that shit aint supposed to be easy....
but THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!, every fucking try its some bullshit, get run over, flipped, crush, out driven, out turboed, out numbered and out of fucking luck...
take the fastest route possible, drive perfect 2 laps, last jump look down at one of the AI drivers about 3 secs ahead by some magic fucking bullshit then watch them hit turbo nonstop to the end while i gotta figure out how to line up that last run up the stream so i dont blow the fuck up trying to hold onto 2nd....
Im sorry but all the fun left this fucking game for me...i realized i wasnt even smiling, laughing, crying or anything.. just sitting there racing over and over and over hoping to pull off a god damn miracle.......
What's the event's name? Is it the one with the monster trucks and the bike?TabSel said:I was playing all night until 4:00am or so. Rank 7 Razorback Elimination Race with the bike... no chance for me... How are you supposed to win gold on this event???
MSR is awesome, it's like playing a CGI render video, I enjoy it so much, but I can't win gold on this event :-(
Anyone got gold there? How did you achieve this?
James-Ape said:This game is awesome.
the_prime_mover said:How awesome is this game?
Too awesome.the_prime_mover said:How awesome is this game?
G-Bus said:
jett said:SD GAMING REPRESENT :rock
what the heck is wrong with online rangking going up and down like its outa controll. Ive played a shitload of online ranged races today but my rang got up and down (!). Yes thats right one time i placed 4 its gone down from 50 to 20 or something like this. Then i placed 2 and it gone up to 60 again. The funy thing it actually unlocked a video while going DOWN WHAT?
G-Bus said:Yea, you want to finish 1-3 all the time if you want to see your rank shoot up. As you get higher in rank you get less and less points for 1st. Rank 3 (or 4, veteran. What ever that one is.) silver I'm getting 7 points for 1st place. 4th gets me nothing and I think 5th and down makes me lose points. Getting to Rank 6 (legend) online is going to take a lot of time.
Not completely sure on this point thing because it's changed for me depending on how many people were in the race.
ty_hot said:If dollar didn't reach the sky I would buy it, 3 months ago I could buy a game for R$100, now, because of the dollar, can't pay less than R$160... Why before Xmas? WHY? :'(
the_prime_mover said:How awesome is this game?