It didn't prompt me to the update neither when starting the game nor when going online, but then again I have the 1.01 update that was uploaded prematurely. What version is it now? said:It didn't prompt me to the update neither when starting the game nor when going online, but then again I have the 1.01 update that was uploaded prematurely. What version is it now?
Headlines said:MotorStorm®Pacific Rift Update (Version 1.01) Out Now!
02.18.2009 Taking MotorStorm Pacific Rift into 2009 were pleased to announce that the first major game update is available to download right now.
The update contains improvements and amendments to the game, and fixes for several issues reported by players from the community.
To find out exactly whats in the update, and how to download it, click here.
Deleting the game data should do it. Not the save data though, just incase I'm misunderstood.CurlySaysX said:is it possible to uninstall the leaked update so it can update to this new version?
CurlySaysX said:is it possible to uninstall the leaked update so it can update to this new version?
Thank you!Goldrusher said:It's been 2 weeks, still no patch ?
I want to back up my save.
57MB.Philanthropist said:Any reports on its size?
ChryZ said:MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Game Update 1 Now Live
The patch supposedly fixed some of this and probably more will be fixed in patch #2.BoilersFan23 said:Does anyone (sorry, I haven't read every post in this thread) have voice chat issues where it keeps cutting out when people are talking? It happens a lot when I play with friends. I don't have that problems in other games.
I did just download the patch and right away I backed up my datasave.
This is such an odd complaint. How often do you actually use the hand break? I just tap the actual brakes when I need to get around sharper turns. Anyway, they fixed a LOT more than listed on the blog - go check out the post on Motorstorm.comTotobeni said:no Square button as handbreak yet ( O for Handbreak is just wrong ) controls alternatives ...meh patch
You can now back up your save data for later restoration to the User Account it was created under (on any PS3 system, so you shouldnt ever need to lose your personal progress).
The blog post list of changes was seriously gimped. Here is the complete one:BoilersFan23 said:Does anyone (sorry, I haven't read every post in this thread) have voice chat issues where it keeps cutting out when people are talking? It happens a lot when I play with friends. I don't have that problems in other games.
Whats in the update?
The update contains improvements and amendments to the game, and fixes for several issues reported by players on the forum.
· The stability of the game has been improved (the source of many of the problems which would cause the game to hang or freeze have been eliminated).
· The Saved Data file is no longer copy protected (making it possible to back up Saved Data and restore it if it should become corrupt, and allowing the file to be moved to a different PLAYSTATION 3 (providing that the User Account the Saved Data is being transferred to is the same User Account that the file was created under originally)).
· An on-screen MotorStorm Helmet icon is displayed whenever the game is making a critical save.
· The glitch which enables a player to exploit the Boost system is no longer present (the Leaderboards will also be sanitised).
· Any Time Attack times and online Rank information which have not been processed to the servers (due to a problem with the servers) will be processed systematically (as the problem has been resolved).
· Voice chat has been fixed when more than 4 players talk simultaneously online.
· The volume of the official Sony PS3 bluetooth microphone has been improved.
· In the Race Lobby screen, vehicles with light coloured liveries are more clearly visible.
· In the Race Lobby screen, the players chosen vehicle is displayed alongside their PlayStation®Network Online ID.
· When a player becomes the leader of a group, or the host of a custom game, the members of the group or Custom Game are informed as such.
· Maximum party sizes for Ranked Matchmaking has been increased to 12.
· During the matchmaking process, a timer is displayed to show how long it is taking to find a match.
· The online Rank system has received a slight balancing tweak.
· During the matchmaking process, the players Rank is now displayed.
· Rank icons show a number to make a players Rank more instantly recognisable.
· When selecting a vehicle in the Festival, the relevant track information is also displayed.
· In Eliminator events, eliminated vehicles will now emit fire and smoke to make them more easily identifiable.
· In the Festival and Free-Play modes, it is possible to pause the game before an event begins.
· In Time Attack, it is possible to toggle the current session ghost on and off.
· In Photo Mode, the level of detail has been improved to ensure better quality pictures.
· In split-screen multiplayer, the Boost gauge has been visually enhanced.
· The audio for the Monster Trucks engine has been improved.
· Many of the track reset points have been revised and modified appropriately.
· If a controller becomes disconnected in a split-screen multiplayer game, the game will return to the "number of players" screen.
· Group Invites work correctly for a player while they are viewing the Ranked Leaderboards.
· In the Speed event Dark Territory on Mudslide, the track reset points have been improved.
· In the Speed event Go With the Flow on Razorback, the gate timings have been refined.
· In the Speed event Go With the Flow on Razorback, a collision problem has been improved.
· In the Festival, the on-screen display no longer flashes if Start has been pressed before the race begins.
· In the Festival, a glitch which caused the medal requirements to remain on-screen as the event begins has been resolved.
· In the Festival, a glitch which caused the Final Lap! notification to malfunction has been fixed.
· In Time Attack, a glitch (which caused the Paused game-menu and on-screen display to stop working correctly) has been repaired.
· The navigational controls function correctly in the Player Stats screen.
Yeah, I saw how you got the Platinum. Yeah, the game is so much better than the first. The A.I. is honestly my only complaint about the game.ChryZ said:PLATINUM GET!![]()
Final thoughts:
-game critics who rated this game lower than its prequel should change their careers
-the sensation of speed is mind blowing and the driving model spot on
-the game is easy to pick up and hard to master, there is lots of hidden depth
-mastering the game is highly rewarding and satisfying
-MP is amazing, it took me quite a few races to reach the legend rank and the whole experience was rock solid (no lag, no glitches, etc)
-MP community is amazing, many very dedicated racers, highly skilled too but still good sports
-MP races full of rank4/5 players are sights to behold, SP rank6/7/8 is a walk in the park in comparison
-no rubber banding in MP, if you fuck up and they don't, then you're done
-the soundtrack was love on second sight, the amount of licensed music is crazy
I'm still not able to wrap my head around the fact that Evolution Studios managed to balance this monster: 8 vehicle classes, 18 tracks with all kinds of different routes ... but it all works like a charm. The game isn't flawless, especially the douchey AI can drive you nuts, but I'd easily give it a 9/10.
ThanksBoilersFan23 said:Yeah, I saw how you got the Platinum. Yeah, the game is so much better than the first. The A.I. is honestly my only complaint about the game.
Speaking of the voicechat, I finally noticed it when I played online with friends earlier this week. I could finally hear everyone clearly and noticed much more talking online.
Congrats on the Platinum.![]()
No dlc yet, but it was announced even before release:F#A#Oo said:Is there any DLC for this game btw? Can't seem to find any on PSN store...
F#A#Oo said:I just bought this game...
I have to say I'm so very disappointed at the minute...
The default controls feel very weird...the control and feel of the vehicles are horrible. It feels like I'm having to control a brick that is sliding around a stage...
I dunno...I really want to like this but the game is certainly not very inviting and at this point it makes me feel like quitting...:/ Also the rubber band A.I is worse then Mario Kart...and that says alot. This game makes me feel literally very much like I want to beat up on something and I am a very calm person in RL...but I want to literally tear shit apart...
I really like the soundtrack to the game though...![]()
F#A#Oo said:I just bought this game...
I have to say I'm so very disappointed at the minute...
The default controls feel very weird...the control and feel of the vehicles are horrible. It feels like I'm having to control a brick that is sliding around a stage...
I dunno...I really want to like this but the game is certainly not very inviting and at this point it makes me feel like quitting...:/ Also the rubber band A.I is worse then Mario Kart...and that says alot. This game makes me feel literally very much like I want to beat up on something and I am a very calm person in RL...but I want to literally tear shit apart...
I really like the soundtrack to the game though...![]()
Sounds like you aren't very good (yet) and you blame the game.F#A#Oo said:I just bought this game...
I have to say I'm so very disappointed at the minute...
The default controls feel very weird...the control and feel of the vehicles are horrible. It feels like I'm having to control a brick that is sliding around a stage...
I dunno...I really want to like this but the game is certainly not very inviting and at this point it makes me feel like quitting...:/ Also the rubber band A.I is worse then Mario Kart...and that says alot. This game makes me feel literally very much like I want to beat up on something and I am a very calm person in RL...but I want to literally tear shit apart...
I really like the soundtrack to the game though...![]()
No DLC so far, but it's coming ... I guess:F#A#Oo said:Is there any DLC for this game btw? Can't seem to find any on PSN store...
F#A#Oo said:I just bought this game...
I have to say I'm so very disappointed at the minute...
The default controls feel very weird...the control and feel of the vehicles are horrible. It feels like I'm having to control a brick that is sliding around a stage...
I dunno...I really want to like this but the game is certainly not very inviting and at this point it makes me feel like quitting...:/ Also the rubber band A.I is worse then Mario Kart...and that says alot. This game makes me feel literally very much like I want to beat up on something and I am a very calm person in RL...but I want to literally tear shit apart...
I really like the soundtrack to the game though...![]()
CurlySaysX said:Hello.
Just curious, are you playing in 1st person or 3rd person view?
3rd person view sucks donkey balls, the bonnet view is flawless though.
Also, use control set-up 2 with X as acceleration.
When taking sharp turns tilt the control in the direction that you're turning to avoid rolling or having to slow down.
I never experienced that. The most I lost when I totally fucked up was like 10% (incl not finishing the race). You should also mention that winning against higher ranked players will gain more %. I think the online ranking system is pretty fair.Goldrusher said:Online, if you win a race, your XP rises by 5 percent . Lose one against the wrong opponent and you might loose 50.
Its not unlikely you'll be winning races for a whole evening, only to get thrown back to square one for missing the podium just once.
You should switch to the other view. At least for starters. It's really hard to get the steering down if you don't. Also, avoid crashing. This may seem obvious, but slowing down to a crawl to avoid crashing is better then crashing itself. Playing this would come a lot easier if you had played 1, since the vehicles in that were even more loose when steering.F#A#Oo said:Hey,
I am playing in 3rd person. As I like planning a route before hand. Since the stages are not that linear...I find I take different route depending on my line around the course. Sometimes I'll misjudge my turning and end up messing up entries into area's...
I'm trying to get use to set-up 1...though I will mess around and see which is more suitable. I've only played the game for a few hours so I'm still fairly rubbish.![]()
icechai said:arghh this thread coming back up got me on a break from kz2, still can't figure out whether its better to get a good line in sharp turns while tapping break or to slide over using handbreak...
One other thing that sort of goes along with the new update is a contest using the new photo mode. Basically, if you take a good enough photo, it will be featured in online loading screens with your PSN ID, and you will get a t-shirt. Here is the article about it.Ranger X said:Wow that's a nice patch. And there's DLC coming on top of that? Now that's really awesome.
I retired from MSalpha1 said:Thinking about getting this game so I'm wondering how the community is holding up. Are there lots of players online? Games easy to find? etc.
I'm a big wipeout fan but sadly wipeout hd's community has died. I can never find anybody to play with.
Puck said:Rebought the game for a low low price and it is awesomer than when I got it at launch.
Really loving the different environments, the game is beautiful
Yeah it's weird. The general press seems to be 'meh' about this game, when it is actually pure sex. Most people will pass it off and consider it on the same level as Pure/Baja/other shitty racing games, but once you play it, you realize the MS2 is far ahead of this games.sun-drop said:has garnett played it yet? it got all excited about excitebots ... play tHIS!