enjoying the updates. wanna hear what you think on the TrierI had no idea Thelma was even being made until it popped up in festival schedules, but I was looking forward to it. Louder than Bombs was very good but it was starting to feel like Trier was getting stale, little growth between Reprise, Oslo and Bombs.Up next, back to back disappointments from Trier and Barnard. Say it ain't so!
Interesting. hearing how abnormal the season sounds actually makes me more excited for it though? Since Top of the Lake I've seen a few more Campion. Watched An Angel at my Table this week, have The Piano and I have China Girl recorded and ready for after that. And in retrospect (and on a rewatch) the first season of Top of the Lake was soooo muted and normal for Campion. Sweetie and Angel at My Table and her early shorts/features are extremely wacky and exaggerated. to me it sounds like the difference is that they aren't often on-the-nose about gender politicsit's a huge part of her films but in like Angel at My Table it's more observed than it is driven home.its an odd one to describe. the first season had a great performance from Peter Mullan as the antagonist, and David Wenham was in there to deal the majority of the misogyny towards the main character.
now in the second season almost every male character is dialed up to 11 as pieces of crap to show the gender politics. and also there's some goofy humor thrown in the mix whereas the last season was pretty grim throughout.
oh and don't get me started on the bad guy, breh...he's like Tommy Wiseau if he played a horrible sex trafficker. I'm not joking dude. if you manage to make it through the season you're gonna laugh so hard when you see his master plan (fwiw though he is really entertaining because of his absurdity)
I thought it was kinda fascinating though. Campion tried to tackle a lot, and made some questionable decisions too. But honestly I think she nailed some of the ideas at least, specifically the internet gen and how they treat women and also the bitter reality of the escort business. its short too, and as soon as i saw the first episode I knew it would get hella divisive. its such a wacky season in comparison to that more grounded detective drama we got with the first series. it entertained me but I can't help but think it would have been better off they didn't go so absurd and comical here. oh and also moving from a small town in New Zealand to Sydney made the show lose its beautiful landscapes too![]()
Shimmer Lake is definitely my last foray into Netflix original movies (Okja excluded).
It's a Fargo-ish comedy thriller, with an entirely unlikable and unredeemable cast, the protagonist being chief among them.
A cast of assholes is fine though, if the movie has deeper layers moving underneath it (man bites Dog or even Angst?) to keep you interested, but I've seen nothing more here, than the usual Netflix original sleek shallowness I've come to expect.
Was surprised to see the lead from Miss Bala though.
I similarly loved it the first time I saw it, but it doesn't hold up as well upon a couple viewings, especially when compared to The LEGO Movie.Two more movies on the plane ride back from LA.
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) - this was a ton of fun. From the ass-kicking start to the heart-warming end, this movie felt so infused with Bat-awesomeness that I just kicked back and enjoyed the hell out of it. "This song fills me with raaaaaage... let's use it." With enough depth in terms of having Batman face the fear of finding people to care for again, the movie avoids being super shallow. The fact that all this stuff is animated LEGO's is just mind-boggling.
4.5 / 5
It's pretty straightforward and engaging. Some nice moments of suspense too. I thought it was quite good. Led to me reading up about the actual event.Has anyone seen the Korean film A Taxi Driver? Saw it's playing near me today and looks interesting. Might take a chance on it since I have moviepass.
American Assassin (2017) - 4.2/10. A very, very silly film that takes itself very, very seriously. Michael Keaton was good but otherwise this was a dull, unintentionally hilarious mess. I advise waiting until it's available on streaming and watching it with a pack of beer.
American Assassin (2017) - 4.2/10. A very, very silly film that takes itself very, very seriously. Michael Keaton was good but otherwise this was a dull, unintentionally hilarious mess. I advise waiting until it's available on streaming and watching it with a pack of beer.
What's up you movie loving fucks, I'm at TIFF. Get ready for some TIFF TAKES fresh out of the festival oven.
God gave all things a purpose. For a horse, it's to run across an open field. For a cowboy, it's to ride.
The Rider (dir. Chloé Zhao) - 8/10
This is a remarkable blend of documentary and narrative impulses, as Zhao takes people she knows, and the stories of their lives, and shapes them into a "fiction" that plays in a familiar genre, but still holds a mirror up directly to the reality of their surroundings (some scenes, particularly a subplot involving bull rider Lane Scott, might as well be a documentary, but even that gets folded into the "narrative" by the end in a really beautiful way).
It's a really beautiful film, which is all I can think to say. It's the word I keep coming back to over and over, and it fits. There is a vulnerability, a painful nakedness to the film, that is both challenging and uplifting. It hits upon a lot of themes (disability, masculinity, identity more generally, community, and in some of the most touching and memorable scenes, the relationship between people and animals) and explores them with great patience and insight. Also, horses. If you love horses, don't sleep on this. They basically deserve equal billing, for all the screen time they get (and are an important part of the story, obviously).
Now the hardest question to answer is going to be: Which movie had the best animal performances at TIFF 2017? The horses here set the bar pretty high, but there's a llama in Zama that might be the real MVP. More on that later.
The poet says to share.
mother! (dir. Darren Aronofsky) - 7.5/10
It's really fucking dumb, but that's inevitably going to be the case when you swing for the fences, and then keep swinging until your arms fall off, and then go and set fire to the fences (with your feet? because you have no arms?), and then somehow convince Paramount (while you are on fire, because why would you play with matches with your feet are you crazy) to launch this obscene madness onto 3000 SCREENS WHAT THE HELL LOL. This Friday is going to be a shit show, is what I'm saying.
It's the most audacious and earnest thing Aronofsky has made since The Fountain, which means it's the best thing Aronofsky has made since The Fountain, which doesn't mean it's a good movie... but I probably love it? It's so awesome and terrible I don't really know for sure! I really don't want to say anything until other people have seen it and we can get a conversation going (because there's a lot to unpack, or maybe there's nothing to unpack?), but wow, it's intense. I was in a perpetual state of anxiety and the third act is probably the fastest I've ever seen a movie ramp from any kind of sense of normalcy into pure fucking chaos. I'm torn on it, but proceeding cautiously with a positive rating, because I certainly admired its audacity, and I certainly FELT the damn thing. That was one hell of a visceral experience. And that's more than I can say for a lot of movies.
Currently on the schedule for the remainder of the fest (I hope to see at least a couple more than this though):
Zama (just saw it, going to sleep now tho so will be back later with thoughts)
Thelma (I have a feeling this won't be as good as Oslo, August 31st, but what is?)
Dark River (because The Selfish Giant was amazing)
Kings (because I loved Mustang, but... well, this sounds terrible on paper, but we'll see)
TIFF Report #2 feat. The Zama Llama
His loneliness is atrocious.
Zama (dir. Lucrecia Martel) - 6.5/10
Sprawling and fascinating, but also a little exhausting. It feels weird to complain about plot in a movie where plot doesn't really matter, but here I go: The movie eventually reaches the point of dull repetition (the investigation into a scribe's book adds yet another delay and did nothing for me, even if the payoff was a wickedly funny punchline) and then it does a hard left into a manhunt scenario that charts an obvious and tired course to a predictable conclusion (I started tuning out at this point). The final act is appropriately disorienting but I can't say I got a lot out of this adventure of colonial decay.
Which is a shame, because I found The Headless Woman to be so thrilling in its formal precision, and politically scathing in its conceptual rigor (it's the ultimate anti-mystery, in which a woman convinces herself that she killed someone and her bourgeois peers fall over themselves attempting to safeguard her status). But of course Zama is an entirely different beast, so it wouldn't be fair to make that comparison. Also, Martel's much lauded formal mastery is still evident, and lives up to the hype. I love the way Martel frames her subjects, and stages (in)action. There are countless striking and memorable images and scenes. Unfortunately, they didn't add up to as much this time. But, I am both willing and eager to revisit Zama after the fest, in a better environment, where I can focus on it more attentively, and don't have the cacophonous nightmare of mother! still rattling around in my brain (no movie, however good, could stand up to that).
As for the llama, A.A. Dowd says it best:
Maybe I was just losing my mind by this point (possible!), but this scene is seriously amazing. I couldn't stop laughing. The llama just wanders into the house in the middle of the scene, and in one single take, saunters down the hallway to the room with Zama, walks right up to him and stares at him, walks around him and stares at him again (he ignores it the whole time, deliberately?) and then wanders off. I was dying to ask Martel if this was something they managed to coax the llama into doing, or if the thing actually stumbled into the shot accidentally (it can be spotted in earlier shots in a pen outside of the house), but I didn't get a chance. Either way, perfection. Out of the five movies I have seen so far, this is the single moment I keep replaying in my mind. I'm still laughing as I type this. I've never seen an animal steal a scene like this before.
Up next, back to back disappointments from Trier and Barnard. Say it ain't so!
It's pretty straightforward and engaging. Some nice moments of suspense too. I thought it was quite good. Led to me reading up about the actual event.
Does it go off the rails in the third act (adding spoiler tags, but it was in the trailers)?:what the heck's going on with the Navy getting wiped out by a wind/EMP weapon? I thought it was a spy movie!
LOL, spoilers ahead -Taylor Kitsch steals a nuke to get revenge against the CIA for abandoning him out in the field, and for some reason he wants to launch it in a speedboat against the Navy. It's fuckin nonsense man.
Yeah I'm mostly saying "for now".Wait for Mudbound, at least!
It's the first Transformers movie I didn't have any fun watching. It wasn't even so-bad-it's-fun like the other ones, it's just depressingly bad.Transformers: The Last Knight
All right. I wanted to say a lot about this one, especially after the half-review I gave back on Tuesday night, but... it's not worth the effort, haha. The attempts at humor completely wreck any goodwill the visuals and some of the action have. There are pieces of story that are past nonsensical and bordering on worrying. The Bumblebee/Optimus fight (sorry, sorry, Nemesis fight) has a BvS fight ending (you know what I'm talking about) that ruins how stunningly beautiful that whole sequence was beforehand. There's ADR that riddles every scene that doesn't fit what's happening on screen. There's bad editing, especially when there's SIX editors. It's a real rotten movie.
And Anthony Hopkins may have gone insane during the filming of this movie, based on his performance. I'd say it's something to behold, but then you'd have to watch it, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
But the true crime is, Paramount could have funded 50-60 incredibly well made smaller movies for the price of this one. They never would have, of course, but just the thought of it is painful.
It's the first Transformers movie I didn't have any fun watching. It wasn't even so-bad-it's-fun like the other ones, it's just depressingly bad.
But considering I saw it in theaters, I guess I'm part of the problem.
It's ok, we can be part of the problem togetherI ended up giving them more money in the long run since I bought it with iTunes credit, haha, so I'm more of the problem than you are![]()
It's ok, we can be part of the problem together![]()
It's the first Transformers movie I didn't have any fun watching. It wasn't even so-bad-it's-fun like the other ones, it's just depressingly bad.
But considering I saw it in theaters, I guess I'm part of the problem.
I've been working my way through the Hellraiser series the last few days. Just watched the fifth one, Hellraiser: Inferno, the first to go straight to video.
It fucking sucked, fam. Pinhead's in it for 3 minutes. What a jip.
"What a piece of shit"mother!
Man as I left the theatre: "I can't believe what a fucking piece of shit that was!"
Woman nearby: "Jesus Christ..."
Me: I think I just had a fever dream.
I'm not saying a damn word about this movie. Just go see it. Aronofsky delivers. 8/10.
Man as I left the theatre: "I can't believe what a fucking piece of shit that was!"
Woman nearby: "Jesus Christ..."
Me: I think I just had a fever dream.
I'm not saying a damn word about this movie. Just go see it. Aronofsky delivers. 8/10.
Glad to see you enjoyed it. The actor who played the driver is pretty great in general, and a lot of his movies are worth a watch. I'd recommend checking out Memories of Murder which is another one of his films. It's somewhat like Zodiac, and is also based on the first serial murders that occurred in South Korea.Yep, I thought the driver's performance was great, had some funny moments. Made me realize how little I know about South Korea's history, it was interesting to learn about that event.
I was one of about a dozen people in the theater, and the only non-Korean.
I've generally enjoyed the Transformer series because I think they're a good example of what a great soundtrack can do for a blockbuster movie. (And also because they're my pseudo-replacement for the National Treasure series, which has disappeared.) The first four movies have some amazing tracks in them that help enhance them greatly, and I think the bloated nature and location swapping works in giving me the cartoonish adventure movies I want.Transformers: The Last Knight
All right. I wanted to say a lot about this one, especially after the half-review I gave back on Tuesday night, but... it's not worth the effort, haha. The attempts at humor completely wreck any goodwill the visuals and some of the action have. There are pieces of story that are past nonsensical and bordering on worrying. The Bumblebee/Optimus fight (sorry, sorry, Nemesis fight) has a BvS fight ending (you know what I'm talking about) that ruins how stunningly beautiful that whole sequence was beforehand. There's ADR that riddles every scene that doesn't fit what's happening on screen. There's bad editing, especially when there's SIX editors. It's a real rotten movie.
And Anthony Hopkins may have gone insane during the filming of this movie, based on his performance. I'd say it's something to behold, but then you'd have to watch it, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
But the true crime is, Paramount could have funded 50-60 incredibly well made smaller movies for the price of this one. They never would have, of course, but just the thought of it is painful.
"What a piece of shit"
This is some shit I need to see.
I'll take your word for it. Definitely seeing it this weekend. Love Aronofksy's prior work (especially Black Swan), and this movie has polarizing and batshit insane written all over it.
Glad to see you enjoyed it. The actor who played the driver is pretty great in general, and a lot of his movies are worth a watch. I'd recommend checking out Memories of Murder which is another one of his films. It's somewhat like Zodiac, and is also based on the first serial murders that occurred in South Korea.
I've generally enjoyed the Transformer series because I think they're a good example of what a great soundtrack can do for a blockbuster movie. (And also because they're my pseudo-replacement for the National Treasure series, which has disappeared.) The first four movies have some amazing tracks in them that help enhance them greatly, and I think the bloated nature and location swapping works in giving me the cartoonish adventure movies I want.
But The Last Knight is a step too far into crazy territory. I didn't dislike the movie, but it was just bland without the memorable music, and a distinct lack of any noteworthy action. More than that, there's too many characters who are superfluous, and the death toll really goes to a ridiculous degree in this movie.In the previous movies, there are some thousands dead. In this movie, there likely tens, if not, hundreds of millions. That's just crazy even for a movie about caricatures and psycho robots that's basically a cartoon in live action form.
It's a shame really, as the fourth is probably my favorite right alongside the first. Whereas the fifth is the worst in my opinion.
Man as I left the theatre: "I can't believe what a fucking piece of shit that was!"
Woman nearby: "Jesus Christ..."
Me: I think I just had a fever dream.
I'm not saying a damn word about this movie. Just go see it. Aronofsky delivers. 8/10.
I watched The Tree of Life with 2 other people, one fell asleep during the first hour, and the other watch the whole thing and absolutely hated it. I always feel weird when that happens, as if I have to defend liking something even though it's pretty clear they just don't grasp all of what's going on.This is usually the same response that happens when my local indie theater shows films. General audiences are so clueless.
A movie with unanimous high praise is usually worth watching, a movie with unanimous low reviews just might be so bad it's entertaining, but a divisive movie, that some hate and others love, is almost always interesting.The best way to describe it is, it's a film lover's type of movie. You're not guaranteed to like it solely because of that, but it's not for the general moviegoer. Paramount are nuts to release this so wide, and I love them for it.
Man as I left the theatre: "I can't believe what a fucking piece of shit that was!"
Woman nearby: "Jesus Christ..."
Me: I think I just had a fever dream.
I'm not saying a damn word about this movie. Just go see it. Aronofsky delivers. 8/10.
Those reviews have me so f'ing hyped to see mother! now. There aren't too many people better than Aranofsky when he wants to go ambitious.
I'll always lament the fact that we never got to see an Aranofsky directed version of Man of Steel.
I really can't imagine Aronofsky directing a Superman movie. Tonally his style is all wrong for it.I'll always lament the fact that we never got to see an Aranofsky directed version of Man of Steel.