Museum reclassifies Roman emperor as trans woman


Both genders serve their biological and psychological purpose.

in "ancient" "history" the female reigned supreme.

Tin foil hat: divide and create a narrative due to genetic shenanigans and here we are. With all the BS it brought.

Incorporate both female and male would make for interesting times.

Although not the way it is pushed currently.

Just thinking out loud



Stupid meme faces.

We've had a lot of recent and not so recent races on this earth not so long ago.

Not only humans as described in our books that were carefully kept. There are many more that were either destroyed or hidden/suppressed

We don't know shit all about our history

Alas. Carry on.
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Gold Member
Elagabalus likely would have been transgender had he been alive today. But it's telling that he was mocked and cursed for being a pervert and a degenerate who let his passions destroy his life and harm the Empire, and this was the standard, accepted story, based on testimony and writings, for thousands of years. Today, with the exact same testimony and the exact same writings, he is stunning and brave. Does that say more about him or about "us"?
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Elagabalus likely would have been transgender had he been alive today. But it's telling that he was mocked and cursed for being a pervert and a degenerate who let his passions destroy his life and harm the Empire, and this was the standard, accepted story, based on testimony and writings, for thousands of years. Today, with the exact same testimony and the exact same writings, he is stunning and brave. Does that say more about him or about "us"?

Not sure if it's 100% comparable. I'd say us.

PS "Pervert" could've easily meant something different around those times.

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I just did part of a course to become a teacher today.

I'm ashamed. Not shocked ashamed.

I walk in. Rainbow lanyards on everyone. Intros: 'Please introduce yourself with your name, where you're from, and if you're comfortable, your preferred pronouns'. All the fuckers went along with it apart from me.

Oh, and there was a box of 'sensory toys'.

Eventually, a few copied me and gave up the pronoun shite. It was mainly the still in uni or just recently graduated ones who where not only into it, but eager to defend it.

The nonsense has reached adults now through the education system.

And to make this on topic: a fair few were hoping to become history teachers.
Ok, ok, but did you feel safe there?


Gold Member
Elagabalus likely would have been transgender had he been alive today. But it's telling that he was mocked and cursed for being a pervert and a degenerate who let his passions destroy his life and harm the Empire, and this was the standard, accepted story, based on testimony and writings, for thousands of years. Today, with the exact same testimony and the exact same writings, he is stunning and brave. Does that say more about him or about "us"?
Elagabalus was a spoiled brat, raised in the East where luxury and sexual freedom and excess were unquestionably approved, priest of an Eastern sect and its undoubtedly no-holds-barred rites, exposed to morals that would be universes removed from those of Rome, pushed to rule Rome by his mother and grandmother. The thought of “transgenderism” wouldn’t make sense to him. He was most assuredly raised with the very basic concept that sex is sex, whoever you have it with, and that to rule is to have all the riches, fuck the poor, bring me another whore or two regardless of their sex, thank you. Back then they didn’t need a sexual “identity” to justify their sexual acts. It’s just that he was basically forced to rule an empire that had very different ideas on how a ruler should exercise the power, and that preferred to not openly reveal what happened behind the curtains. I’m sure somebody today would summarize all of this with “they were a victim of toxic masculinity and the patriarchy”.
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