And that makes all the mane 6 as Starcraft units. And it works a lot better than you'd think. I'd love to see those modded into Starcraft, just for the fun of it, but I doubt it's possible.
And that makes all the mane 6 as Starcraft units. And it works a lot better than you'd think. I'd love to see those modded into Starcraft, just for the fun of it, but I doubt it's possible.
And that makes all the mane 6 as Starcraft units. And it works a lot better than you'd think. I'd love to see those modded into Starcraft, just for the fun of it, but I doubt it's possible.
From the adorable, Ask-The-Crusaders tumbler.
The first thing I saw when i saw this picture was that the wrong ship is displayed on the read monitor...
or the federation has a standardized bridge structure for ships built around the same time periods.
1. Galaxy Class bridges were unique.
2. The ship on the back display is the NX-01 Enterprise, a pre-Federation Starship.
cheezmo has been fired for consorting with hated otter kind.
the following promotions will be handed out:
Linkman, you are now cheezmo.
Slamtastic, you are now linkman.
myke will fill in for slamtastic until we find someone new.
No raises.
CHEEZMO;33764204 said:No one replaces me.
Twilightflutterjackpie Dashity is best pony.
You are already dead.Panda said I was a caribou and I don't know what that means.
You are already dead.
i imagine it would have to be pony bits. my guess is that the part were the human pelvis would probably be is occupied by a large outgrowth of the pony sternum that would protect the curving spine between the two ribcages.*Regrets what is about to be asked but...*
Well, with centaurs, do thy have human bits, pony bits, or both? I have checked online and through old stories (yes, I was a book perv back in the day)...and it seems to be say the least.
No, I am not trying to outdo Pandaman...just asking honestly.
Four limbs good, two limbs bad.
To be strict, it would be eight limbs.Four limbs good, two limbs bad.
Six limbs... ugh.
Well that was worded poorly >.> You know what I mean.I too would be disturbed if people were posting double-amputee pictures in this thread.
Counting wings? Yeah I guess, point is anything with more than four limbs freaks me out. :/To be strict, it would be eight limbs.
Thread is going down a dangerous path....
What do you think Rei and Makoto?
Uh, it was episode 8.wait i've seen all of pgsm did I miss a special?
now we can finally stop arguing over human ponies vs pony ponies, a compromise as been reached!
I wonder what her skeleton looks like.