Ugh, Apples didn't need a sequel, let alone five of them. The joke is just being beaten into the ground at this point.
My name is Myke Greywolf and I disapprove this message.
aw man i want that ghost town pic as a wall paper.
Some amusing details, but still don't like these overall. Gilardi has done much funnier stuff in the past.
I prefer this to both:
Ugh, Apples didn't need a sequel, let alone five of them. The joke is just being beaten into the ground at this point.
more importshalkun said:Hanging out on the Japanese side of the fence, I'm surprised how much in step the Japanese fandom is. What's cool is the English community lends a hand to help fix up translations and help out with some of the odder in-jokes.
It's adorable that Fluttershy has become an "honorary Japanese". Her nickname is "Fuwatan" and they write it as a Japanese name 「ふわたん」. She is also, by far, the most popular over there.
Big Macintosh is now known almost exclusively as "Aniki" 「兄貴」 and Cheerlee is "Sensei" 「先生」. There are many looking forward to the new episode with those two.
Rainbow gained the name "Rainbow Glass" after she started wearing the shades.
From looking at the comments, the fans are evenly split between boys and girls. (You can tell gender of the poster, women use a feminine dialect.) Speaking of dialects. AJ speaks with an Osaka accent.
I was going to translate some more 2ch comments... but the Vicadan kicked in (Whoo boy!).
Oh man this is amazing! Best use of the GMod Ponies yet, BY FAR!
more imports
That was great. Youtube needs more Python/MLP crossovers.Oh man this is amazing! Best use of the GMod Ponies yet, BY FAR!
Reminded me of this one.That was great. Youtube needs more Python/MLP crossovers.
Speaking of which, this deserves a lot more views than it has:!
Big Mac is known as "Big Brother"? Oh Japan I love you. :3
It's not that surprising... Twi's the book nerd and Dash is the pompous blowhard with a heart of gold.
And thank goodness they didn't go with that second name for "Secret of My Excess". Ew.
Dash reading to Twilight
At first I was all like d'aaaaw. Then I noticedthe bandages around Twi's eyes and thought she might be blind and I was all like