Hahaha Jintor.Jintor said:awwww yeah
Plus it didn't really help that just by skimming the player list I saw someone on my ignore list :/Nishastra said:Yeah, by the time I got there it was full and stayed that way for some time. Then I went to play Magicka![]()
AdawgDaFAB said:Was anyone paying attention to the poll results today? I think Sonic Rainboom might be our new #1 voted episode.
Yep. Didn't do too badly today, and nice medic double teaming with me!AceBandage said:Fun games guys.
There's polls Aero puts up after the end of each episode on the synctube.SirSwirl said:I can get behind that.
And for the uninformed, what poll?
SirSwirl said:I can get behind that.
And for the uninformed, what poll?
Jintor said:Send out a Steam group announcement next time you're playing :T
or a sniperJintor said:Where are you all based? Anywhere in the states is going to give me 300+ ping. Which is playable... if I'm a medic.
Pandaman said:fun
eh, we could just redraw a characters sprite and do it ourselves.
Captain Fish said:
TouchMyBox said:Yo guys... Ponies
Narag said:Episode has an entirely different feel than the others, I thought. That was my first time seeing it and while it was nice for Pinkie and swinging doors, it felt off to me!
PBalFredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
Which would stand to reason. If someone were to ask "What's the deal with all these ponies" and the answer is "Well, if you have cable, watch channel X at time Y and etc" then the person's interest is unlikely to be sustained long enough to make the effort to catch the show when it is on. However, when the answer is "click this link" and the person is taken immediately to an ep on youtube, then that person is already on the road to bronidom.
If youtube is a big contributor to the growth of MLP fandom, could the same be applied to increase the fanbase of other shows? Even if it could, how would a show translate internet fans watching free episodes into an income source. MLP is a unique case because the show is Hasbro's vehicle for advertising their toy line, rather than aiming for ad revenue like most shows (even then I wonder how many bronies are going out and buying pink Celestia dolls).
Calpain said:I think it might be because it has a slightly more Looney Tunes feeling than most episodes? For instance it is certainly one of the more slapstick episodes in the series so maybe that could be why it feels a bit off.
PBalfredo said:So watching the synctube today got me wondering. How important is the fact that all the MLP episode are freely available on Youtube to the rather unprecedented growth of the fandom?
Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
Which would stand to reason. If someone were to ask "What's the deal with all these ponies" and the answer is "Well, if you have cable, watch channel X at time Y and etc" then the person's interest is unlikely to be sustained long enough to make the effort to catch the show when it is on. However, when the answer is "click this link" and the person is taken immediately to an ep on youtube, then that person is already on the road to bronidom.
If youtube is a big contributor to the growth of MLP fandom, could the same be applied to increase the fanbase of other shows? Even if it could, how would a show translate internet fans watching free episodes into an income source. MLP is a unique case because the show is Hasbro's vehicle for advertising their toy line, rather than aiming for ad revenue like most shows (even then I wonder how many bronies are going out and buying pink Celestia dolls).
I don't get The Hub here and would have had no way to officially watch it without YT, so you can put me down on this list.PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
It is done already for many shows via company sponsored Youtube uploads of episodes w/ 1 or 2 brief ads in them or partnerships w/ sites like Hulu. They get $ from ad revenue and get to expand the fanbase.PBalfredo said:If youtube is a big contributor to the growth of MLP fandom, could the same be applied to increase the fanbase of other shows? Even if it could, how would a show translate internet fans watching free episodes into an income source. MLP is a unique case because the show is Hasbro's vehicle for advertising their toy line, rather than aiming for ad revenue like most shows (even then I wonder how many bronies are going out and buying pink Celestia dolls).
PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
brian577 said:I saw it on TV, watched Over the Barrel when it first aired. I was quickly laughing at Applejack babying Bloomburg and immediately knew I was going to like it.
you applejerkers will say anything to help yourselves sleep at night, its really kinda sad.Ookami-kun said:I just realized that in both episodes involving AJ+ another pony involves the other pony being a shitty person towards her, yet she has to get her "just desserts" when she wasn't even bothering anyone.
Pandaman said:you applejerkers will say anything to help yourselves sleep at night, its really kinda sad.
twilight and big mac were clearly being such jerks telling her to put her ego aside for a minute and ask for help.
Having had seen a bunch of avatars/macros of the show online, I found the animation appealing so I reluctantly added an episode to my DVR queue. It was the Diamond Dogs episode, and I couldn't make it through the whole thing. The dogs were so annoying and stupid it was pretty much what I expected out of a show with "little kid humor," so I gave up on it.PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
Pandaman said:you applejerkers will say anything to help yourselves sleep at night, its really kinda sad.
twilight and big mac were clearly being such jerks telling her to put her ego aside for a minute and ask for help.
Calling Rainbow Dash a Mary Sue only proves your closet love for her.Ookami-kun said:I was talking about the pony + AJ eps not counting Applebucks Season - I was talking about Rainbow Sue and Rarity.
I got my first taste of MLP when the Ponycraft 2 video was linked to Kotaku, so yeah. If I had first run into MLP when the show eventually comes here, I probably wound't have given it a second glance, seeing as how Finnish dubbing tends to ruin everything. Overall, I think Youtube has been instrumental in the show's success; just look at the episode stats on Youtube and you'll see that a lot of views come from countries where the show isn't officially shown yet. I just hope Hasbro realizes this and continues to let people ulpoad the episodes when season 2 starts.PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
ruby_onix said:Calling Rainbow Dash a Mary Sue only proves your closet love for her.
I can't see Rainbow Dash as being significantly more amazing or perfect or as much of somebody's self-insert than any pony, short of Applejack or Luna.Ookami-kun said:Fine, not a Mary Sue, but still has those elements, especially with the self-insert thing. I mean, even Hermione wasn't this bad!
Prince Blueblood disagrees.Rarity is more beautiful and classy than royalty and all men love her?
Of course, in that same episode, Rarity batted her eyelashes at some random guys and they agreed to pull her vehicle to another city. And Spike (who also loves her) absentmindedly whipped those lovestruck guys, and they barely let it slide because Spike is favored by the mistress.Ultimoo said:Prince Blueblood disagrees.
Yeah, I had to keep retrying the server for ages before I could finally get in. At least the NeoGAF server has replays enabled though so I was able to record this footage of me being an idiot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QARGWmIHigCalpain said:Hmm, sorry I couldn't join you guys for TF2. I kept getting an error saying the server was full. Hopefully I might be able to join in next week then.
I don't live in America so Youtube is heavily reliant on why I like this show. Had the episodes not been on Youtube then the only way I would have seen them would be through downloading them and I don't think I would have given MLP that much effort before I knew what the show was actually like. I have no doubt that the reason FiM is so popular is because you can easily say to someone "Hey check this out" and give them a Youtube link and they can be watching in seconds, but if you had to tell someone to start downloading 30 minutes of video they might not like or tune in at a certain time to a channel they might not even get, they probably aren't going to do it unless they were already interested to start with.PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
PBalfredo said:Quick survey, how many here got their first taste of MLP on youtube as opposed to catching it on TV? I expect it would be the grand majority, if not everyone.
Jintor said:Guys, guys, guys.
Ponies, NES style