That means I'd have to reveal my identity. >_>brian577 said:Our real Facebook surprise.
That means I'd have to reveal my identity. >_>brian577 said:Our real Facebook surprise.
Amibguous Cad said:Equestria Daily competitor?
Whole thing seems kinda redundant, what with Ponychan and various pony threads on countless different forums already catering to bronies. I guess they could try to keep it as like a family friendly place for the primary demographic, but is Facebook really the place for that?brian577 said:Our real Facebook surprise.
Yeah, in this thread alone a bunch of people mentioned who their friends don't know they watch the show because they don't want to be ridiculed by them.Pankaks said:I doubt it. I'd imagine anonymity is important to alot of bronies.
That's only one muffin, silly!AdawgDaFAB said:
I dunno, my 11 cousin has a Facebook. It's getting younger and younger.Orcastar said:I guess they could try to keep it as like a family friendly place for the primary demographic, but is Facebook really the place for that?
Regulus Tera said:Chrono Cross is crap.
This won't end well.brian577 said:Our real Facebook surprise.
Looks/sounds like a stand-in, possibly the voice director herself. Good VO sessions usually have a stand-in for someone to bounce dialogue off of, instead of just reacting to silence.TouchMyBox said:Chrono Cross easily justifies a play-through for the music alone.
Also, is that not Tara Strong in that behind the scenes video? Doesn't sound/look like her.
meltingparappa said:Looks/sounds like a stand-in, possibly the voice director herself. Good VO sessions usually have a stand-in for someone to bounce dialogue off of, instead of just reacting to silence.
TouchMyBox said:Yeah, just seems a little bit weird to feature stand-ins of your main character for promotional bts content.
Hmm, the forum thing seems hokey, but the good news is that it sounds like we might start seeing some cool updates in the near future. They got off to a good start by providing that behind the scenes video (even though it was found by fans hours before the Facebook page could post it) so I look forward to what they post next.brian577 said:Our real Facebook surprise.
brian577 said:Not when the VA lives about a thousand miles away.
8 minutes ago Kevin B
who the fuk is raceht
7 minutes ago Ratchet Lombax
I've saved a few galaxies... Sure you haven't heard of me?
Perhaps of my buddy Clank? He has his own TV show that plays across several sectors.
6 minutes ago Kevin B
defriend me
6 minutes ago Ratchet Lombax
Why did you friend me if you are not a fan?
Perhaps a minion of Doctor Nefarious?
6 minutes ago Kevin B
5 minutes ago Ratchet Lombax
Wouldn't surprise me, the doctor is always up to his tricks.
You aren't his butler Lawrence, are you?
5 minutes ago Kevin B
ya so just defriend me please
idk how this happened
nvm figured out how
ur gey
AdawgDaFAB said:Where did that convo happen? Your news feed? Some group you looked at?
AceBandage said:A good friend will just never let you live it down but still hang with you.
TouchMyBox said:I've preached the book of twilight sparkle to all of my friends, and only had one threaten me with legal action over it! (that's a pretty good ratio, right?)
So, how much time before the community manager goes insane and Hasbro pulls the plug?FTH said:This won't end well.
Myke Greywolf said:So, how much time before the community manager goes insane and Hasbro pulls the plug?
And hey, one more PonyGAFfer pony![IMG][/QUOTE]
IT IS....
I love it!
And good night, see you later.
the face to kill a prostitute with...
Wow, this is practically show accurate. Incredible job as always, Myke!Myke Greywolf said:
Myke Greywolf said:So, how much time before the community manager goes insane and Hasbro pulls the plug?
And hey, one more PonyGAFfer pony![IMG][/QUOTE]
Wow! That's awesome!
Amazing work, Myke! You get better and better with every PonyGaffer rendition.Myke Greywolf said:]
Myke Greywolf said:And hey, one more PonyGAFfer pony![IMG][/QUOTE]
Fantastic job Myke!
[QUOTE=brian577]I am seriously reconsidering my plan to out myself as a Brony on Facebook. Then again, it might just tell me how many real friends I have.[/QUOTE]
Until a few weeks ago, I avoided letting anyone know about it except for a friend who had also liked Daniel Ingram's page. I "outed" myself on facebook pretty dramatically. I liked the My Little Pony page, DJ Pon3, and added Princess Trollestia to my inspirational people list. The only response was my father liking the Trollestia status change, and 2 messages from friends.
I already have a reputation as being a bit weird among my friends, so I don't think this surprised them that much. One friend gave me a little trouble about it for a few days, but he no longer cares at all. The other friend is pretty much a brony at this point. Obviously it depends on who you are and what kind of friends you have, but I never had a problem with it. I even uploaded pictures with Rainbow Dash cosplayers from Anime Expo to a facebook album. No one cared.
ThreeSix said:Uh Guys? GUYS!? My mind is freaking out so hard right now!
Pankaks said:This, a true friend would never abandon you over liking a TV show.
Roy G. Biv said:So I just finished watching the first season, and I loved every minute!
(well except the owl episode which I never finished)
because pegasus have traditionally controlled the weather throughout equestria to the point where the self regulated everfree forest was considered unnaturalTouchMyBox said:So guys... if Ponyville was started by earth ponies, and Winter Wrap Up sticks to the tradition of ponies limiting themselves to the abilities of earth ponies to the point where unicorns shouldn't use magic, then why is it totally okay for pegasus ponies to fly?
I'm betting I'm the tenth person on GAF to question this.
Well, I guess there could be multiple ways to look at it.TouchMyBox said:So guys... if Ponyville was started by earth ponies, and Winter Wrap Up sticks to the tradition of ponies limiting themselves to the abilities of earth ponies to the point where unicorns shouldn't use magic, then why is it totally okay for pegasus ponies to fly?
I'm betting I'm the tenth person on GAF to question this.
Pandaman said:because pegasus have traditionally controlled the weather throughout equestria to the point where the self regulated everfree forest was considered unnatural
Fucking awesome.ThreeSix said:Uh Guys? GUYS!? My mind is freaking out so hard right now!
ThreeSix said:Uh Guys? GUYS!? My mind is freaking out so hard right now!
That was pretty awesome! Consider my mind freaking.ThreeSix said:Uh Guys? GUYS!? My mind is freaking out so hard right now!