Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
Ikuhara has been so much class this summer I had to consider it.Slamtastic said:Frankly I'm offended you wouldn't expect it to be even if Animoo brought its A game.
Ikuhara has been so much class this summer I had to consider it.Slamtastic said:Frankly I'm offended you wouldn't expect it to be even if Animoo brought its A game.
i give up (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻Uchip said:you're one to talk about scrutiny
do i have my rozen maiden season 3 yet? Is nanoha Force being animated? no? then you haven't brought your A game.Slamtastic said:Frankly I'm offended you wouldn't expect it to be even if Animoo brought its A game.
Pandaman said:do i have my rozen maiden mseason 3 yet? Is nanoha Force being animated? no? then you haven't brought your A game.
no dolljoints.DrForester said:Or you could just watch Highlander.
Ookami-kun said:What is this pony day thingamabob?
Is it FiM birthday?
Ookami-kun said:What is this pony day thingamabob?
Is it FiM birthday?
Uchip said:its the day where you get a new manimal for your avatar
how did you possibly get that tag btw?
You guys always synchronise the tubes at the worst times for me. :XOMG Aero said:We're going to be watching today's episode on the Synchtube tonight if anyone doesn't mind waiting to see the episode or just wants to watch it a second time and chat with everyone about it.
Since this story is a two parter, we're going to start half an hour earlier with a repeat of part one at 10:30pm BST ( if you want to refresh your memory before seeing part two, but if you just want to see the new episode then join us at the same time as last week, 11pm BST (
Thanks to Firehead we now have our own TF2 server which we'll be playing on after the stream ends so if you want to join us on that then make sure to join the steam group and/or follow the community thread because it's password protected.
I'll brave the spoilers to post a reminder here shortly before we begin in case anyone forgets.
Watching ponies with a bowl of your favourite sugary cereal is the best way to start the day.Jintor said:As I suspected, looks like it airs at 8am tommorrow morning in my timezone. Sigh
What would be a good time for you? It's hard to arrange a time that's good for everyone as it's usually too late in one country or too late in another.Regulus Tera said:You guys always synchronise the synchtubes at the worst times for me. :X
jogarrr said:lol at a commercial for a Celestia toy they just aired.
She talks, "My Wings are sooo pretty!"
I could totally see Celestia saying that in the show.
I'll second this. When even Twilight is making me laugh things are going well.AceBandage said:It's not over yet, but I nominate this for best episode ever.
Truth. Flutterbitch is the best thing ever.AceBandage said:It's not over yet, but I nominate this for best episode ever.