Orcastar said:Dude, the first two episodes were Sailor Moon with ponies.
HahaUchip said:i refuse to believe that there is nerd pandering in my little pony
McNum said:Also, this may change something for season 2. The mane six defeated Nightmare Moon, but that happened in secret. With just the six of them plus Luna and Celestia witnessing the battle, it could be a secret and the ponies could live in peace. Now? Now they're the Saviors of Equestria, the wielders of the Elements of Harmony, the heroes who defeated Discord, and quite possibly the most famous ponies in the world. I hope they don't leave that plot thread hanging, there are some good stories to tell about dealing with being a hero, and I hope they take them on.
Pancakes said:Honestly, I hope they do.
Don't get me wrong, I like the sailor moon ponies and they have their place at the beginning of the season. But now i want to see the episodes shift into the silly slice of life phase. I wouldn't mind them occasionally calling back to the events of episode 1 and 2 (this could be especially fun for a CMC episode) where the crusaders try to determine their element). But I don't every episode to turn into Princess Celestia sending the Main 6 on a quest that only they can accomplish.
FoxSpirit said:Haha
Actually, there has been the one or other mini-reference in MLP, including Lord of the Rings. Oh yeah, and the whole song boner for Sondheim stuff ;-)
And it's definitely a homage to the StarWars ending, down to the very wink... from Applejack??![]()
Uchip said:i refuse to believe that there is nerd pandering in my little pony
I didn't mean that they needed to become an adventuring party and travel the world to fight evil. I mean it more in the "being celebrated as heroes" part. Like in Green isn't your Color with Fluttershy becoming famous. How will their day-to-day lives change by being those who saved the world? It's a story that is rarely told, but one that's a good opportunity for Season 2. I want a slice of life episode next, too, but at the very least, we need to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders react to this.Pancakes said:Honestly, I hope they do.
Don't get me wrong, I like the sailor moon ponies and they have their place at the beginning of the season. But now i want to see the episodes shift into the silly slice of life phase. I wouldn't mind them occasionally calling back to the events of episode 1 and 2 (this could be especially fun for a CMC episode). But I don't every episode to turn into Princess Celestia sending the Main 6 on a quest that only they can accomplish.
AceBandage said:Applejack is basically Harrison Ford as it is.
So it makes sense.
Uchip said:that explains the awesome
Narag said:http://i.imgur.com/tm50S.jpg[/IG][/QUOTE]
perfect. just so perfect.ahoyhoy said:For EatChildren:
Corky said:*looking at pic in op*
Where are all the black ponies :I?
Hey is that grey with black stripes or black with grey stripes?Slamtastic said:
The joke is that Rainbow Dash was already a jerk.RomanticHeroX said:I can't help but notice there wasn't much of a difference between nega-Dash and regular Dash.
RomanticHeroX said:I can't help but notice there wasn't much of a difference between nega-Dash and regular Dash.
Seems strange he'd be so cocky after going though all that trouble to split them up so they couldn't use the Elements, only for them to show up again back to normal. Also, I personally would have like to see them have to trick the trickster in order to defeat him.First thing was the quick Discord battle at the end that other people have already mentioned, he didn't really try to stop them or escape though I guess that could be attributed to him being cocky about seemingly winning.
DrForester said:
Jintor said:I thoughtBut still, it was tres awesome.they were going to have Dischord more or less allow them to defeat him because, well, he's Dischord and that's the sort of crazy-ass bullshit dischord would do!
are we assumingNEO0MJ said:I don't know.
He loves to joke and play around but I felt that it was because he knew he was in total control. He should have known things will go bad when they came to him and had colors.
The crazy thing is....this episode was completely finished before Bronies were well know.
Wolf Akela said:Uh, is this quote true?
Regulus Tera said:Gurren Lagann ponies. You motherfuckers. :/
I'm pretty sure it was always meant to be a season 2 episode, started at the end of the first season to keep people working during the break. I think I even remember reading that it was expected to be aired at the end of this season.PBalfredo said:If Return of Harmony was originally going to be the finale of Season 1...
What could it mean?
brian577 said:Jayson Theisson gives us a hint about episode 3 at Bronycon
Tick-tock, time's running out
What could it mean?
He also mentioned more two parters
brian577 said:Jayson Theisson gives us a hint about episode 3 at Bronycon
Tick-tock, time's running out
What could it mean?
He also mentioned more two parters
hateradio said:I saw both episodes. I still think Twilight gets too much screen time. Does she always have to figure out everything?
What about the CMC. Also the show is about freindship and twilight is the only one with no freinds /freinds for the first time.hateradio said:I saw both episodes. I still think Twilight gets too much screen time. Does she always have to figure out everything?