Scarecrow said:3rd row, 2nd column.

Scarecrow said:3rd row, 2nd column.
That's so adorable.PBalfredo said:Well, I would have to ask why anyone would want an avatar of Twilight with an outhouse on her head nest twilight_sparkle winter_wrap_up.png
Subtlety? In My Little Pony? This show is about "in your face" as it gets.ChuckNoLuck said:Subtle humor is the best humor. This episode had none of it.
Wait, they used to exact same nest from WWU? That's amazing!PBalfredo said:Well, I would have to ask why anyone would want an avatar of Twilight with an outhouse on her head
Given how true most seem to be to the characterization of even the mane 6 in the show, I doubt this will change much beyond the initial whining that she is not the way she is in their favorite/own fanfic.Narag said:Luna ep so canonical characterization
DeadPhoenix said:Given how true most seem to be to the characterization of even the mane 6 in the show, I doubt this will change much beyond the initial whining that she is not the way she is in their favorite/own fanfic.
Back to the drawing board for chicks theory on subtle humour.PBalfredo said:Well, I would have to ask why anyone would want an avatar of Twilight with an outhouse on her head
I thought Luna was the younger one.Negator said:All we know is that she is Celestia's big sister and she missed her.
They can pretty much do anything.
This is true, personally is like to know what forrester thinks canon lunas character is, because I certainly don't know it. Maybe he just can't accept the thought that trollestia is Canon and so paints everything anti-Tia as fanon.The Awesomest said:It's always been my impression that most Luna fanwork depicts her as kind of a blank-slate type of character. Like they don't really do anything bold with her. I don't see how a Luna episode would contradict much of the fanstuffs.
How is asset recycling amazing?Acerac said:Wait, they used to exact same nest from WWU? That's amazing!
They could have used any of the other nests the ponies were crafting in Wrap-Up if it were really asset recycling.hateradio said:How is asset recycling amazing?
Pandaman said:. Plus what we've seen in the preview is very heartening.
There was absolutely no need to mess up the nest, they could have kept it looking identical and nobody would have cared. The throwback to the horrific nest Twilight made in the earlier episode makes it much more funny in comparison.hateradio said:How is asset recycling amazing?
Regulus Tera said:They could have used any of the other nests the ponies were crafting in Wrap-Up if it were really asset recycling.
Ducky's a fan? Wooo! I always thought he just tolerates us and stuffduckroll said:Wow. This was a REALLY good episode. It easily outclasses the first two episodes I wasn't really too hot on. Great direction, AWESOME faces, and a pretty solid episode gag. Also, this time it's actually a good lesson about friendship! Unlike some of the others. <3
Ookami-kun said:So essentially this is the height of Twilight's mental breakdown which we have seen signs in previous episodes.
...why are there no pony psychologists?
Ookami-kun said:...why are there no pony psychologists?
ZealousD said:What the fuck did I just watch.
This episode was somehow incredibly disturbing, incredibly strange, and yet incredibly hilarious.
This episode is pretty much GOD TIER, but I don't know if my fragile mind is actually capable of handling too many episodes like this.
I don't know if this episode is really good as an "introductory" episode, but if any episode could possibly convert the neigh-sayers, this is it.
(That's right, I just said "neigh"-sayers. What are you gonna do about it?)
Orcastar said:I agree that while this episode was amazing, they shouldn't try to make every episode quite as extreme. There's room for complete mental breakdowns as well as more warmhearted and mellow episodes in the series.
Can't wait to see how Luna turns out.
hateradio said:How is asset recycling amazing?
SpacePirate Ridley said:Do people really think all the episodes will be as crazy as this one? Im sure we are going to have a nice mixing of episodes.
Im calling it now, if this continues like this it can suprepass easily first season.
Wolf Akela said:I'll be one of the few who wasn't fond of the episode.
We're getting ponies going crazy a little too often. The episode was borderline slapstick humor. It doesn't help that we just finished a two-parter with ponies going crazy... then we got another crazy pony ep. :/
Rapeface Twilight overstayed its welcome imho.
Wolf Akela said:I'll be one of the few who wasn't fond of the episode.
We're getting ponies going crazy a little too often. The episode was borderline slapstick humor. It doesn't help that we just finished a two-parter with ponies going crazy... then we got another crazy pony ep. :/
Rapeface Twilight overstayed its welcome imho.
Pandaman said:Back to the drawing board for chicks theory on subtle humour.
As for the lady of the moon, she's a blank slate in my mind so she need only not disappoint and I shalt continue to fly the banner of the new republic. Plus what we've seen in the preview is very heartening.
Jexhius watches MLP?!Jexhius said:I was a bit worried about this season because the first two episode were rather underwhelming, but this a pretty amazing episode.
Regulus Tera said:Jexhius watches MLP?!
duckroll said:Who doesn't?
We should have a barbecue for everyone to come out of the closet.AceBandage said:I honestly think most of GAF does, but the majority are still too afraid to admit they do.
Captain Fish said:Pinkie realized that she was jumping to conclusions about the quality of her friends, but Twilight was still kinda rationalizing her behaviour up until the moment Celestia showed up. There's no way the Pinkie thing could happen again, but I can still see a minor Twilight anxiety episode at the next big Celestia-related deadline. Heck, the cupcakes scene implies that she's just generally high strung.
I'm pretty sure that was just an effect to recreate the mushroom cloud resemblance and not an actual Sonic Rainboom (This shockwave has already been reused before for Twilight's fail safe spell in the first episode). Not to mention the shockwave seems to happen after the explosion starts:McNum said:This episode was funny, it's amazing just how fragile the pony psyche is. Still, the other five should have picked up on "Oh dear, Twilight is getting obsessive again...", but that WAS the lesson of the episode, so it's all good.
The animation has changed a bit, I think. For one, it's obvious that the animators have gotten better with the ponies, and considering what they improved from, it's pretty amazing. They go way off-model, but in a good way. Twilight's faces were just hilarious.
Also, everypony must have leveled up after defeating Discord. Twilight can now teleport at will, even does so casually now, and Rainbow Dash has mastered the Sonic Rainboom to the point where she can use it for demolitions.
It also amuses me a little about Fluttershy. That bear wrestling she did, didn't seem like it was anything special for her, so... what DOES Fluttershy do when she's not on screen? If wrestling bears is normal for her, it suddenly makes a lot more sense where her badass side comes from. Not that she'd ever admit that being able to something like that to a bear, even when it's cooperating, is pretty awesome. It's just something she does.
I wonder if I should replace glass-Twilight there with one of Twilight's faces from this episode. The starry-eyed one is pretty funny.
OMG Aero said:Or at least I hope it isn't a Sonic Rainboom anyway. It really cheapens the Sonic Rainboom episode if she can just do it willy nilly now and I don't want Rainbow Dash to turn into a Mary Sue character that is literally the best pegasus and can do a Sonic Rainboom whenever she wants.
Well she was already the first and only person to do one, so I'd say she wins.OMG Aero said:I don't want Rainbow Dash to turn into a Mary Sue character that is literally the best pegasus and can do a Sonic Rainboom whenever she wants.
OMG Aero said:Or at least I hope it isn't a Sonic Rainboom anyway. It really cheapens the Sonic Rainboom episode if she can just do it willy nilly now and I don't want Rainbow Dash to turn into a Mary Sue character that is literally the best pegasus and can do a Sonic Rainboom whenever she wants.