Umm Rarity, I don't think RD's gonna feel disgusted from that...
Nice StrongBad reference there~
No Snapshots or GIFs of Big Mac's Brony tears?
Nice StrongBad reference there~
No Snapshots or GIFs of Big Mac's Brony tears?
The more episodes I watch, the more I question why Applejack is considered the element of honesty, and Rainbow Dash loyalty.
Even in this last episode, it just naturally seems like it'd be the other way around to me.
Rainbow Dash is always Loyal. Going on and rescuing a friend instead of giving up the chase and going back for two ponies that can walk the 10 minutes back to town is not being disloyal.
... and assuming they didn't break their necks in the fall makes her... what exactly?
Smart. She knows that Rarity is with Pinkie and nothing can stop Pinkie.
cant break a marshmallow.... and assuming they didn't break their necks in the fall makes her... what exactly?
cant break a marshmallow.
So then they would swell and explode in the hot desert sun! They would be left to become the deliciously sugary prey of coyotes and scorpions alike!
Eeehh? We're told as such in a couple of episodes, but her actual behavior throughout the majority of the series tells a different tale.Rainbow Dash is always Loyal.
So after the chase ended just a few minutes later.... then what? And if it was so close, why did Rarity and PP have to take a rail cart back? Burning questions!Going on and rescuing a friend instead of giving up the chase and going back for two ponies that can walk the 10 minutes back to town is not being disloyal.
:lol YES! Too perfect.
So after the chase ended just a few minutes later.... then what? And if it was so close, why did Rarity and PP have to take a rail cart back? Burning questions!
Eeehh? We're told as such in a couple of episodes, but her actual behavior throughout the majority of the series tells a different tale.
Who wanted to ditch Fluttershy on the way up the mountain in Dragonshy? Rainbow Dash.
Who's the only one that stayed behind to help the wimpering pony? Applejack.
And after all the back-and-forth drama in Ticket Master, Rainbow was more than willing to take the remaining Gala invitation, expressing her honest jubilation without a second thought. She only recanted due to peer pressure.
Even the quick quotes in this scene encapsulate the essence of RD ("She kind of is!") and AJ ("Well we cant just leave Rarity like this.") pretty well.
Rainbow is characterized as a lazy lone wolf that gets annoyed when others can't keep up with her RADICAL pace.
AJ's whole persona is based on dependability and unwavering familial bonds.
The couple of times the "Rainbow-is-soooo-loyal" card was played, it always came off as extremely forced imo.
And after all the back-and-forth drama in Ticket Master, Rainbow was more than willing to take the remaining Gala invitation, expressing her honest jubilation without a second thought. She only recanted due to peer pressure.
It's been that way the whole series, and many fans have noticed and commented on it.
Basically it's just the whole Elements of Harmony thing being completely ignored except for the 4 specific episodes where they appear.
A leftover of the initial plan for the series.
Maybe Dash and Applejack have been wielding the elements of Honesty and Loyalty respectively this whole time. Twilight just associated them with the incorrect element. It's not like those things have labels.
The Discord episodes dispels any chance of that.
Another thing I guess trains don't have to be pulled which mean the train was either broken or ran out of fuel in the episode Over a Barrel,
I thought it was because it was a Canterlot train rather than one going to the deep country.The ponies pulling the train was Lauren Faust's idea. So i guess they changed it after she was gone.
What on Equestria gave you that idea?they probably want to support or make a poni train toyset.
okay, but what does any of that have to do with loyalty?
being loyal does not mean patience
being loyal does not mean humbleness
bein loyal does not mean putting others wants ahead of your own
being loyal does mean leaving fluttershy behind when fluttershy does not want to go and is being forced through her feeling obligated to the group.
the ponies are not exclusively defined by their element. all of the ponies are kind, loyal, honest, generous and according to Faust, magical.I guess my point was that "loyalty" isn't a specific trait I would naturally assign to Dash, independent of being told that. I'm not saying she's entirely disloyal, just that "loyalty" doesn't define who she is. Excluding the season premiere Elements of Harmony episodes, I would say things like "brash" "egotistic" "thrill seeker" "brave" and... "honest to a fault".
But looking the word up, I see "faithfulness to commitments or obligations"? I can instantly say that's AJ in a nutshell, way more than RD.
the ponies are not exclusively defined by their element. all of the ponies are kind, loyal, honest, generous and according to Faust, magical.
I'm not even sure how you're measuring loyalty to find AJ as 'way more' loyal than dash.
Product shown in fantasy situation? What does that even mean!?
Never said anything about exclusivity. Of course they all exhibit these traits to certain degrees. The overlap is obvious.
No hard measurements either, just my personal perception from watching zany pony antics over an extended period of time.
AJ abandoned her family, and you're arguing about her loyalty?
I don't see it that way at all. Laughter, kindness, and generosity define their respective ponies perfectly. Throughout the series we get constant reminders (even entire episodes) that organically illustrate these specific traits. But with Rainbow (loyalty) and AJ (honesty), not so much. Just seems odd to me.then the only pony whose element defines who they are is twilight, so why single out dash?
In addition to that, AJ was still following through with her perceived responsibilities, sending money back to Ponyville. Her extreme embarrassment from losing the competition clouded her judgement, which just kept her from showing back up in-person. She was still loyal, though.She's very loyal that she didn't want to disappoint her folks.
Think of it as this: a character who is loyal to his master allows himself to be branded as a traitor because it is the only way he can save his master/serve his master much better
Link already found one, but I also wanted the classy waterworks:
Are you surprised by his tears? Strong ponies also cry.
Strong ponies also... cry.
Distance estimating is unreliable, since they don't need to show the boring parts of the trip, but it seems to me that Pinkie and Rarity's landing spot was WAY closer to the railroad crossing where Applejack stopped than the town they left behind. And Pinkie and Rarity were seen on train tracks.They knew what they were getting into.
Not to mention if Rainbow and Fluttershy pulled the wagon out there, they're clearly within walking distance of the town...
Four big Earth ponies with big legs pulling a heavy luxury passenger wagon and one medium sized pony. I'm guessing they had significant pulling power and endurance, but not speed.Japan said:後、アースポニー4発1人乗車の馬車に、ペガサス2発3人乗車で食い付ける辺り、
身体能力の差は著しいんだな。 主人公勢がチートなのかも。
Later there were 4 earth ponies drawing 1 pony in a carrage, and there were 2 Pegasus pulling three ponies in a wagon.
Even though there are differences in bodies, I think there was a "protagonist cheat" going on.
I assumed from RD's matter-of-fact tone that she was 100% confident that Pinkie and Rarity had died in the crash.... and assuming they didn't break their necks in the fall makes her... what exactly?
RD/Fluttershy interactions are always fun. They don't seem to have that many scenes together, but when they do we get stuff like house sitting for a bear and the Find a Pet song.