More GIFs and reaction images please =)
Huh, I hadn't caught that. Deliberate shout-out to that memetic pose?
Just occurred to me, why doesn't Sweetie Belle lift up the paper for them with magic? Lazy Unicorn.
Also one thing I really liked about this episode was how classy the CMC were at the end. Not ONCE did they blame Diamond Tiara. They could've easily said it was all Diamond Tiara and they were blackmailed by her, but they didn't, they took all the blame. Stay classy fillies.
If they didn't say anything about DT, why did Cheerilee come in and fire her?
If they were really classy, they would have let their embarrassing photos get in the paper, just like all the ponies they wrote about.
If they didn't say anything about DT, why did Cheerilee come in and fire her?
If they were really classy, they would have let their embarrassing photos get in the paper, just like all the ponies they wrote about.
Another fan theory is that in the blackmail scene, Featherweight takes a photo, and people are thinking he told Cheerliee.
Wait, what?
Luna? Vinyl Scratch? Spikebelle? Sorain's shirt? Human dancing poses?
Will any of this stuff make it into the episodes?
Saturday's episode was probably my favourite "Cutie Mark Crusaders" episode, speaking as a person who watches each episode and then has nothing else to do with MLP:FiM in any way, shape or form.
But that's not saying much since they're probably my least favourite characters and this series has been dragged down by the sheer amount of episodes focusing on them. I guess the upside to that is that whenever they have an episode focusing on one of the decent characters, it makes it all the more better for it. Maybe that was the plan all along.
spike confirmed to crash a wedding? low.
and right after the clip an ad plays
Wait, what?
Luna? Vinyl Scratch? Spikebelle? Sorain's shirt? Human dancing poses?
Will any of this stuff make it into the episodes?
Not sure if this was discussed already but Derby does appear in the episode albeit briefly.
[episode link]
On the bridge right of town hall in the very beginning of the episode. They reused the shot from heart & hooves day since all the ponies are paired up for the most part. She's next to Dr. Hooves.
Cadence is a Spider?
She looks so weird here.
So it could be a mix between the finales for Dinosaurs and St. Elsewhere, whereIf Luna make a appears in season finale, then, this will be the best finale evar.
So it could be a mix between the finales for Dinosaurs and St. Elsewhere, where, but because Luna gets a token cameo it'd be awesome?the ponies have a giant corporation that basically ruins the land, sowing enough discontent that the Windigos return and kill everybody off... and then they reveal that, shocking the young girls and giving them incurable PTSD for the rest of their livesEquestria is actually inside the snowglobe of the autistic human boy Tommy Westphall, much like 90% of all television
My Little Reaper: Indoctrination is Space MagicActually, an even better analogy came to mind.
Mass Effect 3's ending, with added Luna cameo.
Looks promising. Silly Twilight underestimating the power of Pinkie again.New clip from Saturday's episode
Hopefully not, but you know the community will make tons of jokes about that anyway.I hope no cake is lie jokes.
New clip from Saturday's episode
Hopefully not, but you know the community will make tons of jokes about that anyway.
That part of the promo whereUgh...