Um, in case you haven't caught on...I disagree. It is stated that in that episode disaster seems to be prominent than usual, hence RD growing his head. It's not rigged in a sense that it just happens to be them being more on the watch. Since everyone has a costume they are pretty much observing the whole town and send one in the appropriate disaster.
well, nowhere in this episode was it hinted at even once that the accidents were caused by someone else, there's absolutely no basis to build this on (nor do I think that writers put that much thought into it to begin with).
I disagree. It is stated that in that episode disaster seems to be prominent than usual, hence RD growing his head. It's not rigged in a sense that it just happens to be them being more on the watch. Since everyone has a costume they are pretty much observing the whole town and send one in the appropriate disaster.
Spike is part pony.
Spike is part pony. I think Merriweather Williams likes to create much deeper implications that seem to explain what's going on, but then she lampshades and dismisses them, because nah, that kind of thing doesn't happen in a kid's show. Or does it?
Three accidents would have been more prominent that usual.
RD saved a kid. Everypony called her a hero. She was humble.
RD saved a baby and everypony called her a hero. She accepted their praise and made an inappropriate joke about it. Her friends care more about her joke than the fact that she saved a baby's life.
Negligent ponies on a structure that should be condemned. RD: I guess it's time for me to be a hero again. RD's friends: She must be stopped!
Fourth disaster: RD is getting tired of this. MDW appears. War is on.
Now the whole town falls to shit in exactly the right way for MDW to win and humiliate RD.
Forgetting something? Didn't RD set-up a book deal after what 2 rescues with Spike as the ghost writer since RD was so busy and tried to open a jar of jam along with mowing the lawn all while looking for praise for doing so after MDW one-ups her. Very humble and tired of it indeed.
Finally managed to watch it.
Daaaamn, how good was This Day Aria?
A record-setting performance by the much-buzzed-about, two-episode special wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor -- from the pop-culture phenomenon series My Little Pony Friendship is Magic-- on Saturday, April 21, delivered the best-ever audience numbers for any series in the history of The Hub among the target demographics of Kids 2-11, Kids 6-11 and Households. The series is produced by Hasbro Studios.
The first episode of the two-part My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Royal Wedding Event (Saturday, 1-1:30 p.m. ET) was The Hubs best-ever telecast in network history with Kids 6-11, Kids 2-11 and Households. It was the second-best ever among Persons 2+.
The first episode earned year-to-year delivery gains among Kids 6-11 (+1047%, 218,000), Kids 2-11 (+1100%, 336,000), Women 18-49 (+140%, 36,000), Adults 18-49 (+102%, 95,000), Persons 2+ (+369%, 483,000) and Households (+286%, 363,000).
The second episode (1:30-2 p.m. ET) was second-best telecast in The Hubs history with Kids 6-11 and Households, ranking third best-ever with Kids 2-11.
The second episode earned year-to-year delivery gains among Kids 6-11 (+654%, 211,000), Kids 2-11 (+487%, 311,000), Women 18-49 (+80%, 36,000), Adults 18-49 (+46%, 104,000), Persons 2+ (+157%, 475,000) and Households (+130%, 341,000).
Driven by the outstanding performance of Saturdays My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Royal Wedding Event, The Hub earned its second-best Saturday (6 a.m. 12 a.m.) in network history with Kids 6-11 (58,000), Kids 2-11 (98,000), Persons 2+ (184,000) and Households (129,000).
I wonder what this means.
followed by a feature length film movie! weeee!
Since this is Hasbro, I'll be live action directed by Michael Bay. Woot!
Yay ponies! Does anyone know where I can get a sweet pony icon for neogaf?
That we can expect the 3rd season not to be the last?
Women 18-49 (+80%, 36,000), Adults 18-49 (+46%, 104,000)
Yup, there's your Brony statistic. Twice as many adult men as adult women.
Yay ponies! Does anyone know where I can get a sweet pony icon for neogaf?
This link made me re-read that thread. This made me laugh so much.
I think it would be pretty awesome if someone could turn this into an icon:
Of course, seeing how limited the space is for an icon maybe something like this might work a little better:
And I feel like this would simply be freakin hilarious as an icon:
Refer to the last line on my previous comes you rank It's About Time among your top episodes, but put Lesson Zero at the bottom of the list? They're both rather similar in my opinion, and most people seem to prefer Lesson Zero (including myself)
Refer to the last line on my previous post.
Anyway, if you really want my rationale, I think that Twilight was mischaracterized in Lesson Zero, where she delved into paranoid hysteria without any real logical reason to it. This had a big impact on my opinion about the episode, because Twilight is on top of my pony rankings. In It's About Time, she had a legitimate concern to freak about (it was the missing information that proved her wrong), and didn't go about spreading chaos and manipulating other ponies in order to solve the perceived threat.
Besides, I love time travel as a plot device.
No problem, I'm sorry if I seemed a little abrupt in my answer.ah, this makes sense, alright. I was just a bit curious, is all =)
Rewatching Luna Eclipsed made me wonder... wasn't she paraded in Ponyville at the end of ep 2? If so they should know she's normal.
Rewatching Luna Eclipsed made me wonder... wasn't she paraded in Ponyville at the end of ep 2? If so they should know she's normal.
Because the other 5 were all jerks who went through a long convoluted plot to trick Rainbow Dash and make her feel bad instead of just talking to her. While being giant hypocrites, "teaching RD a lesson" on humility while constantly praising their alter ego.
Not to mention RD was fine and didn't need a lesson at all.
Not to mention that Rainbow Dash was out of character in that episode, as we've see before that while arrogant, she has never really shown jealousy. Just look how quick she was to praise AJ in apple buck season.
and by new contender you mean a team of specialists competing against her handpicked for each task that they choose to compete in.That's because she wasn't competing with AJ in Apple Buck so it didn't matter. In this one she's clearly in competition mode once she gets shown up by the new contender for everyone's affection. This wasn't even the first time she let her competitive side go out of control. She exhibits the same behavior in Fall Weather Friends where her superiority is challenged and she does whatever it takes to win since she hates to lose. Circumstances are different but the behavior is there and established. She also shows it in May the Best Pet Win when after the rock slide she states that she's suppose to win. Competition breeds jealousy.
Whether or not RD needed the lesson, they could have just told her upfront instead of tricking and messing with her.
It wasn't "tough love", it was "being straight up assholes and bad friends".
Not to mention that Rainbow Dash was out of character in that episode, as we've see before that while arrogant, she has never really shown jealousy. Just look how quick she was to praise AJ in apple buck season.
About the only thing from that episode I didn't like was watching Rainbow go off the deep end in the third act - the whole sequence was awkward as hell (protecting grass? Really? She'd stoop that low?) and was uncomfortable to watch.
Really? People say that?
I kind of figured if Rainbow needed to learn a lesson, then, well, Rainbow should be the one to learn the lesson. I mean, she can be undeniably arrogant - funnily enough, more than the fashion-obsessed character, who's usually the go-to character for arrogant traits in other shows. Certainly more than the other main characters, so there's a fairly blatant Rainbow-only lesson to be learned right there. Which "Mare-Do-Well" tackled. There's no reason at all she should drag other characters into lessons that apply to her, and her alone.
And I'm pretty sure they did try just talking to her, during the whole scene with the ghostwriting, didn't they? It didn't work. Maybe the whole vigilante thing was a bit over the top, but hell, I don't care, it was good fun to watch. About the only thing from that episode I didn't like was watching Rainbow go off the deep end in the third act - the whole sequence was awkward as hell (protecting grass? Really? She'd stoop that low?) and was uncomfortable to watch.