Calpain said:That's awesome! Great work you've done there. How long does it usually take to put together something like that?
I lost track of time. I forgot when I finished my Lenna and started on Rainbow Dash.
Calpain said:That's awesome! Great work you've done there. How long does it usually take to put together something like that?
Negator said:Whipped up a little something. Sprite source is desktop ponies.
I'm going to have agree with that. Reminds me that I have a FFVI play through I need to get back to after I finish with Planescape.Narag said:The FFV stuff is amazing as well.
ahoyhoy said:I was very much considering making one of those the other day. I think I have the colors to make a Spike or Apple Jack...I just don't have the balls to have that project sitting on my desk over the course of a few days
Negator said:Do what I did, do it in one sitting.
I think the FF5 sprites took longer, because they use so many colors compared to the relatively simple ponies.
swarm of the century!Uchip said:rofl
those are the only episodes ive seen
its probably because people told me to see those
n8BitMan said:Heh, I just went back to a free multiplayer game called Transformice. They added the main cast's manes as wearable hats recently I guess.
Watch Over a Barrel because no one is going to recommend it.[/QUOTE]
Holy crap! That is SO AWESOME! I remember when a lot of gaffers were playing that, we even had an [URL=""][U]Official Thread.[/U][/URL]
Yeah, I got into it when GAF did. Fun times were had, but the GAF scene is dead. It's still fun and I'd join up some more if people here wanted to add life to it again.Negator said:Holy crap! That is SO AWESOME! I remember when a lot of gaffers were playing that, we even had an Official Thread.
Probably not gonna get to many (positive) responses here, but I can say I've been reading the Fallout: Equestia and I'm loving it, it does really good job combining both Equestia and the Wasteland to create an interesting world. Small warning though for about 99% of it I would say its content should be rated around where Fallout is(explicit violence and the word rape is used in the past tense a lot), but the last 1% goes 1 step further with the sex at which point it skips to the next scene before turning into a clopfic. Fortunately this never happens with the Mane cast from the show, who really only show up in flash backs, with the exception of AJ, which is ended before it is even started.Adelor Lyon said:I'm not sure what everyone here thinks about My Little Pony fan fiction
Oh god! The possibilities!ThreeSix said:I deliver to you minutes of entertainment. MINUTES!
careksims said:![]()
Congrats Bak. Too bad you couldn't decide on a Cmark.
Pandaman said:brb, retconning bak as belles cousin.
careksims said:Okay comp just crashed, but unless we get more active mods in the chat, I won't be coming back for awhile. :/
TriAceJP said:I've been wanting to get a custom decal made for my laptop lid, but I cannot find any pictures that are high enough resolution to use.
Where are all the super high resolution Pony pictures at?
Negator said:
Adelor Lyon said:I'm not sure what everyone here thinks about My Little Pony fan fiction
Negator said:
Which episodes have you actually seen? I find it weird that you're this active in the thread but haven't seen them all yet.Uchip said:alright
im drunk enough to watch an episode
reccomend me a few
chances are i havent seen it
You get your mark when you are no longer a junior. That's the way it works around these parts.Bakphoon said:IT IS BEAUTIFUL... (sorry for quoting the big picture, but its so awesome, i needed to quote it)
Carek, you rock! I looks much better as I imagined it! (I will shop the Cmark later in)
Isn't Cheezmo the creator? Can't he just add a password to the chatroom and share it here or in the FB group?Pandaman said:i believe he's referring to the random trolls who wander in from the tinychat directory and shit all over the place because the chat mods are not there or afk.
Love it, you can't go wrong with Power Metal.Choppasmith said:Thought I'd re-post this for the new page. Not sure if anyone caught it.
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Power Metal version
Your avatar made me think it was Jenga writing this, and my mind was momentaneously blown.AXavierB said:This show is incredible.
I hope Luna has a bigger role in season two.
This is a fantastic piece, thanks for sharing!Calpain said:Welcome you guys! Good to see fans joining the thread here. And did someone say party?
Amazing work right there, Negator. I also do a little sprite perling, and those are some big sprites you were working on... how long did it take you to finish them?Negator said:Whipped up a little something. Sprite source is desktop ponies.
Excellent, as was to be expected. Your work really shines, I really love it but I can't help but feel a little envious.careksims said:
Congrats Bak. Too bad you couldn't decide on a Cmark.
So the guy got sent free stuff for those photos of himself? Huh, I guess he was doing marketing for them.Jintor said:Physics Pony-guy got a call from Hasbro. It was a cease and desist... nah I'm kidding
A skirmish? I assume this was in tinygaf?CHEEZMO said:I apologise for last night, Gentlecolts.
I was caught up in a skirmish with some weaksauce OPA trolls.
I assure you, I will be more vigilant from now on.
No, OPA were in PonyChat getting mad at me.Thnikkaman said:A skirmish? I assume this was in tinygaf?
That was surprisingly great. Thanks for posting the linkAdelor Lyon said:I'm not sure what everyone here thinks about My Little Pony fan fiction, but I just finished reading the most incredible story by Saddlesoap Opera on I don't think I can recommend it highly enough for what it deserves.
tiff said:You guys are making Ponychat sound like a battlefield now.
Calpain said:Welcome to the thread! Always good to see another face. As for the video you linked I believe it or the anthology it is part of has been linked before. Doesn't matter though because that PONIES parody is awesome.
oh boy, you're getting close to my contribution.Proelite said:This thread is awesome. I've already read through entire 100-200 page threads on my other forums (literally all the ones that I visit.), and I can't wait to finish this one. Jenga was trolling it up the first few dozen pages. :/
Oh yeah, I understand that OPA is not a big fan of the ponies.AdawgDaFAB said:From what I understand, its more so the normal GAF TinyChat vs OPA, and PonyChat was an innocent bystander in the battle.
Thank you very much for sharing this, not only because it is extraordinarily good, but also because you had the courage to break the taboo on promoting fan fiction in this thread.Adelor Lyon said:I'm not sure what everyone here thinks about My Little Pony fan fiction, but I just finished reading the most incredible story by Saddlesoap Opera on I don't think I can recommend it highly enough for what it deserves. Six chapters, one for each pony. Linked in chronological order:
1) Fluttershy: Origins
2) Pinkie Pie: Schism
3) Rainbow Dash: Dependence
4) Applejack: Exposure
5) Rarity: Loss
6) Twilight Sparkle: Spellbound
The first chapter is short and the second chapter really get the ball rolling. I was intrigued after the first chapter and the second chapter completely sucked me into the story. Every chapter keeps getting more and more interesting, and while I hate to use the word "epic" to describe anything anymore, I can't think of anything else to describe this. The fact that it's in well written English also helps the readability and enjoyability.
I'm willing to give this a try.Myke Greywolf said:Haters gonna hate, but this piece is as praiseworthy as the finest fan art I have put my eyes on, and I gladly recommend it to anyone willing to give it a try.
Or anything GAF does in generaltiff said:Oh yeah, I understand that OPA is not a big fan of the ponies.
McNum said:So I saw the toys for FiM in the wild in Denmark today. Pink Celestia looks a bit weird, but the interesting thing was that, as a person who cannot resist a "Try Me!" button on displayed toys, I of course tried to hear what Celestia had to say. She spoke Danish. Very interesting, I guess that means that the show itself is not far behind. Didn't the Nordic Cartoon Network get the rights to it?
Didn't buy anything, though. Maybe later.
McNum said:So I saw the toys for FiM in the wild in Denmark today. Pink Celestia looks a bit weird, but the interesting thing was that, as a person who cannot resist a "Try Me!" button on displayed toys, I of course tried to hear what Celestia had to say. She spoke Danish. Very interesting, I guess that means that the show itself is not far behind. Didn't the Nordic Cartoon Network get the rights to it?
Didn't buy anything, though. Maybe later.
Choppasmith said:Holy crap! I just found this pic and it blows my mind. It seems a few episodes have the two directors' names on screen when two characters are present.
Crazy coincidence? MIND BLOWN! Going through the episodes now starting with 26. It's there!