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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Lord_Nergal said:
It's like....I know I shouldn't enjoy this. If anyone saw me watching this I'd be embarrassed, but it's just so good.


Eh. If you enjoy something, you enjoy something. There's room in the world for both shows like Deadwood and shows about ponies.

Edit: Thanks for the input, everyone. I'll probably get around to trying a few episodes some time next week.


Lord_Nergal said:
It's like....I know I shouldn't enjoy this. If anyone saw me watching this I'd be embarrassed, but it's just so good.


I like animation in general enough to keep watching
cant see more than one per day or so though
it IS very childish


This has been the only show in a long while I've actually felt addicted to watching. I can't really explain it but for the past week or so since I started watching I've needed to see at least some MLP related content or I won't be able to get it off my mind. I think it's mainly because of the pure sense of happiness and joy only a show like this can provide, and it's commitment to quality either of which you don't see much of today with how cynical society and our media has become.

Foxix Von

Lord_Nergal said:
It's like....I know I shouldn't enjoy this. If anyone saw me watching this I'd be embarrassed, but it's just so good.


Haha I can kind of relate. I was just watching an episode a couple of hours ago and my dad walked into the living room. He said something like "God, why couldn't I have a normal twenty year old son that watches porn instead of My Little Pony?"

since it hasn't been posted in a while here's the link to the pony avatars:



Gold Member
Lord_Nergal said:
Why can't I stop fucking watching?

Wait until you hear 'Winter Wrap Up'. I'm waking up with that shit in my head. Love the song. Don't love the part where it's one of those songs.
Working on my GIMP knowledge tonight I made some more avatars of one of the episodes I haven't seen yet. Here they are:


Getting better at this. Just need to learn how to overlay another image inside the gif and I'll really know my stuff.

Foxix Von

Dr. Pangloss said:
Working on my GIMP knowledge tonight I made some more avatars of one of the episodes I haven't seen yet. Here they are:


Getting better at this. Just need to learn how to overlay another image inside the gif and I'll really know my stuff.

Let me know if you want any of those thrown in the avatar stew. Awesome batch!

Foxix Von

Dr. Pangloss said:
Sure go ahead and put them up there. I'm sticking with Dr. Strangelove.

Edit: Edit your post above me that also quotes me and I'll duplicate it. Is that what you want?

Wait... what?

Edit: ...did we get that sorted out? I hate to ask but what are the odds that we could get a link to the avatar slurry edited into the OP so we don't have continuously dig it up every time someone wants an avi?

Foxix Von

Dr. Pangloss said:
Looks good to me. Want me to PM the OP about putting you link in it?

Sure feel free if you'd like! It's starting to become more of a group effort than a solo one anyway. :D It'd be super handy having the link in the OP.

Edit: I've also just edited your guys' avi's to be at the top of the list. Also I've unfortunately added a second rule woops! If your ditching an avi just please let me know that you are doing so. There's been a few people that just stopped using them and it's difficult going through 28+ pages looking for who's not using their avi anymore.


Gold Member
Lord_Nergal said:
But we all have to be manly men, we can't enjoy GIRLY things.
Meh. I'm going to be watching Jones vs Shogun this weekend on PPV. And yes this avatar will be present as I comment in that particular thread on GAF.

The day after the new MLP episode even!
The_Author's_Apprentice said:
Just stopped by the New Mexico welcome center and saw that they had a book for guests to write/doodle in, so I drew a rough sketch of Pinkie Pie next to someone else's entry and wrote "Pinkie Pie Approves". My only regret is that I'll never know if a fellow brony stumbles on that entry someday...

Update: I was in Santa Fe today, and I signed the guest book in the Basilica of Saint Francis as Pinkie Pie from Ponyville, Equestria, then put a fake email adress ([email protected]). Later I was in a museum with a guest book, and I signed as Rainbow Dash and put "needs to be about 20% cooler" in the comments section. At this point I'd already decided that I must sign every guest book I find pony style. Then I had an epiphany: I need to create a gmail account to use in these situations so that fellow bronies can sign off if they find my entries. Anypony have an idea about what the name of the account should be?


Lord_Nergal said:
Just finished episode 3. It keeps getting better.

I'm having trouble picking a favorite pony.
Picking a fave is definitely a challenge.
I watched my first 5 eppies today.
Fluttershy is out to the early lead. But I can see Rarity or Twilight toppling her from that pony perch.

Pinkie would rate higher for me if she wasn't such a blatant ponyfication of Andrea Libman's character from Monster Buster Club (identical delivery and everything) with an added touch of Izzy's psycho personality from Total Drama. It's not a bad thing... just a been there, done that kind of thing.


Where do I find this avatar vault that people keep mentioning?

Just finished ep. 2, and I'm.....hooked. I guess I'll make this my new closet show for now.

Foxix Von

zmoney said:
Where do I find this avatar vault that people keep mentioning?

Just finished ep. 2, and I'm.....hooked. I guess I'll make this my new closet show for now.


The combination to the lock is 1401

And I actually posted it earlier on this page too lol I think it's the fifth post and highlighted to boot! We gotta stash this sucker in the OP or something. I feel like I'm already spamming the link too much as it is haha.


I don't mind not watching it for a while, but the songs just keep popping up in my head. I blame Super Ponybeat.

Winter wrap-up Winter wrap-up!


Gold Member
Jintor said:
I don't mind not watching it for a while, but the songs just keep popping up in my head. I blame Super Ponybeat.

Winter wrap-up Winter wrap-up!
Dawwww.... If it's going to be stuck in my head. May as well be yours.

"Three months of winter coolness
And awesome holidays..."


RiccochetJ said:
Now now Foxix. They might be new. They may have not made it to the end of this thread. You should let the rest of us focus on teaching the new ones while you focus on 'DERPY T-SHIRT GAF!' *yay*

This. Haven't decided to change my avatar yet...but I'm thinking about it. Its, just so...addicting.

Foxix Von

RiccochetJ said:
Now now Foxix. They might be new. They may have not made it to the end of this thread. You should let the rest of us focus on teaching the new ones while you focus on 'DERPY T-SHIRT GAF!' *yay*

Anyone who's reading this thread from start to finish is in for a real treat that's for sure haha.

Don't remind me. I'm seriously, seriously contemplating getting a couple. God help me. I'm thinking of either Derpy and Twilight or maybe Big Macintosh. The problem is I typically run between sizes...

ANYWAY! Basically once I watched winter wrap up every morning I wake up my brain feels like this:
Foxix said:
Anyone who's reading this thread from start to finish is in for a real treat that's for sure haha.

Don't remind me. I'm seriously, seriously contemplating getting a couple. God help me. I'm thinking of either Derpy and Twilight or maybe Big Macintosh. The problem is I typically run between sizes...

ANYWAY! Basically once I watched winter wrap up every morning I wake up my brain feels like this:

I just ordered a Big Macintosh shirt and a Derpy shirt and a Dr. Whooves shirt for my sister. I mean they're pretty cool looking shirts, but even better that the money's going to charity is simply awesome. Brony fanbase is best fanbase.

And a couple vids

Dammit Twilight Make Some Friends! AMAZINGLY synched.

Fluttershy Facemelter

Spike admiring Rarity's fine ass
The_Author's_Apprentice said:
Update: I was in Santa Fe today, and I signed the guest book in the Basilica of Saint Francis as Pinkie Pie from Ponyville, Equestria, then put a fake email adress ([email protected]). Later I was in a museum with a guest book, and I signed as Rainbow Dash and put "needs to be about 20% cooler" in the comments section. At this point I'd already decided that I must sign every guest book I find pony style. Then I had an epiphany: I need to create a gmail account to use in these situations so that fellow bronies can sign off if they find my entries. Anypony have an idea about what the name of the account should be?

That's pretty cool, man! I'm inspired to do the same thing next time I go to a place like that! I was planning on going on another nice long bike ride, and I was trying to think of things I could do on the way, nothing too "aggressive" just maybe post papers to signs or something, I don't know yet. As for account names, oh, I dunno "Brony_Traveler" maybe?

Foxix Von




I've been playing Art of the Dress on Youtube over and over. I decided to just watch the episode again and it held up just as well as it did the first time I watched it. Good thing, since I kind of flew through the series too quickly.

Think I'll do Winter Wrap Up next.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
wsippel said:
I doubt it's Flash. From what I gather, it's made with Harmony. How fitting... :)

It's indeed Flash - one of the animators popped up on 4chan's /co/ and answered to some questions regarding this. Flash 8, no less. But they apparent have lots of custom add-ons set up to allow for some impressive effects and animation.


Myke Greywolf said:
It's indeed Flash - one of the animators popped up on 4chan's /co/ and answered to some questions regarding this. Flash 8, no less. But they apparent have lots of custom add-ons set up to allow for some impressive effects and animation.
Seems a resume I found on the web threw me off - Harmony was used to produce some My Little Pony commercials(?) at a different studio three years ago. Studio B uses Flash for pretty much everything.


Watched Suited for Success last night and it was great.

The whole sequence where they're waiting outside Rarity's shop as she has a breakdown has some really great lines in it.

But has anyone noticed how Equestria seems to have quite a harsh economic climate?

Apple Jack seems to be permanently on the breadline, Rarity has faced financial ruin, Pinkie Pie has to work in a bakery, and even Rainbow Dash seems to have to hold down a job getting rid of clouds.

I'm not clear whether Fluttershy has a proper job but Twilight is clearly from some sort of bureaucratic elite and seems to be on a government training scheme - complete with a huge grace and favour home.


The characters don't really match up with Sailor Moon. But if the comparison has to be made, the farmer pony is Jupiter, and the fast pegasus is Mercury.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Here's a flaming Twilight Rapidash from "Feeling Pinkie Keen" avatar I made, it's reserved for Jintor. ;)


I'll try to make a version without the "upcoming show" notice as soon as I find an adequate video source.
Furret said:
I'm not clear whether Fluttershy has a proper job but Twilight is clearly from some sort of bureaucratic elite and seems to be on a government training scheme - complete with a huge grace and favour home.
Since the whole ecology in Equestria is controlled by the ponies under Celestia's mandate, Fluttershy may be seen as having a government job, looking after the local small fauna. She must also play the role of a veterinarian to some degree.

Twilight is obvously being raised and educated to be Celestia's successor, should anything bad happen. Meanwhile, she seem to play a role similar to an embassador, or central government representative, in Ponyville.
Myke Greywolf said:
Here's a flaming Twilight Rapidash from "Feeling Pinkie Keen" avatar I made, it's reserved for Jintor. ;)


I'll try to make a version without the "upcoming show" notice as soon as I find an adequate video source.
You should be able to get rid of that just like you would on a static image; making a small square of the same shade of red as the background and putting it over the top.

Btw that loops quite well, looks really cool.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
You should be able to get rid of that just like you would on a static image; making a small square of the same shade of red as the background and putting it over the top.

Btw that loops quite well, looks really cool.
Thanks for the tip, I followed your advice, and ended up with this:


Also; Two weeks ago, shortly after I passed the pony bug onto my wife, she asked me to buy one of these for her:


I had it made at Zazzle. Hasn't arrived yet, but you know how international shipping can be.

I'm still thinking of what I'm gonna put on mine.


Myke Greywolf said:
Here's a flaming Twilight Rapidash from "Feeling Pinkie Keen" avatar I made, it's reserved for Jintor. ;)


I'll try to make a version without the "upcoming show" notice as soon as I find an adequate video source.

Since the whole ecology in Equestria is controlled by the ponies under Celestia's mandate, Fluttershy may be seen as having a government job, looking after the local small fauna. She must also play the role of a veterinarian to some degree.

Twilight is obvously being raised and educated to be Celestia's successor, should anything bad happen. Meanwhile, she seem to play a role similar to an embassador, or central government representative, in Ponyville.

Maybe I've got this wrong but isn't Celestia essentially a god? Or at least some sort of supernatural being?

Although unicorns can use magic they themselves seem to be mortal like anyone else, but if Luna can live for at least 1,000 years presumably so can Celestia.

And why is Celestia a princess? Does that mean that there's a queen that outranks her?
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