Thanks, I guess seeing that it is on Hub which I do not have, I might have to find some clips on the web through this thread.Jintor said:That should tell you what you need to know
Thanks, I guess seeing that it is on Hub which I do not have, I might have to find some clips on the web through this thread.Jintor said:That should tell you what you need to know
Huggie-wugs!G-Fex said:Aw there's my cheezmo come here and gimme a hug.
It isn't exclusive to GAF. When it was still allowed on Something Awful, loads of people had pony avatars and changed them regularly. I think someone in the thread worked out that pony avatars and banners alone raised hundreds of dollars for SA.Mechanical Snowman said:Relative to what? Can you compare GAF to other online communities?
And it might have something to do with GAF members in general being tolerant and open minded. That and a lot of sparking interest and curiosity through avatars, a lot of people have reported in saying they checked out the thread and, subsequently FiM episodes because they started seeing pony avatars everywhere. I don't think I've seen members of any other forum use their avatars like members of GAF do, in that various groups adopt certain avatars to identify the clique that they're a part of (sports-gaf, creepy-gaf, kpop-gaf etc).
I can swear that I saw something about her parents being bakers.Mechanical Snowman said:Pinkie doesn't live with her parents, we've never seen her house or her parents. And I don't think Twilight's home in Canterlot was her parent's home, I imagine that it was student accommodation for ponies studying under the Princess.
ivedoneyourmom said:The CMC are probably around 11 or so.
Mechanical Snowman said:Applejack: 22
Rarity: 21
Fluttershy: 20
Pinkie Pie: 19
That's Mr and Mrs Cake, they own the bakery where Pinkie works. So it's not her house, it's her work place, and those old ponies are her employers.Shanadeus said:I can swear that I saw something about her parents being bakers.
Maybe I just imagined it?
Mechanical Snowman said:And we know Fluttershy is ~1 year older than Pinkie.
She said it in one episode, I guess it was Griffon the Brush-Off ^^jogarrr said:Wait, I forget.. How do we know that Fluttershy is ~1 year older than Pinkie?
Also, I agree that they all seem to be young adults. They live on their own and have their own jobs/businesses.
Perhaps, but that's only relevant to a human economy. Ponies are automatically gifted at something specific so it might be more natural for them to pursue their career choice at an earlier age and with a skill set relevant to it.ZealousD said:Rarity runs her own business essentially by herself. 21 seems young for her, honestly.
She says it in retort to Pinkie under her breath in one of the earlier episodes, I think when Pinkie refers to herself as 'Aunti Pinkie Pie' or something.jogarrr said:Wait, I forget.. How do we know that Fluttershy is ~1 year older than Pinkie?
Also, I agree that they all seem to be young adults. They live on their own and have their own jobs/businesses.
Serious and magical pony debating.mr. puppy said:wtf is going on in this thread
Bufbaf said:She said it in one episode, I guess it was Griffon the Brush-Off ^^
Mechanical Snowman said:She says it in retort to Pinkie under her breath in one of the earlier episodes, I think when Pinkie refers to herself as 'Aunti Pinkie Pie' or something.
That's what I was thinking.ZealousD said:Rarity runs her own business essentially by herself. 21 seems young for her, honestly.
R.I.P the Cape.Mechanical Snowman said:That's Mr and Mrs Cake, they own the bakery where Pinkie works. So it's not her house, it's her work place, and those old ponies are her employers.
Edit: Just realised that you're my Cape buddy :lol. I think we were the only two left watching in the end.
She's a douchebag, alright. But an interesting and adorable one, and (hopefully) totally redeemable.BY2K said:Trixie is a bitch.
That is all.
Friendship and magic. They seem to be one and the same.mr. puppy said:wtf is going on in this thread
Too much of an arrogant jerk for my taste. But she has redeeming traits, so I can't really hate her.CHEEZMO said:*She's clearly the best. Doesn't get enough love in here.
Bufbaf said:This scene pretty much sums up the entire CMC:
I LOVE them![]()
ZealousD said:Younger than that. I'd put them in the 6-8 range.
hahahaMirimar said:They're all legal?
Choppasmith said:I skimmed through one of the OLD MLP episodes just for kicks
jogarrr said:Eww.. Spike is hideous.
Yeah supposedly her backstory, career and all that was made up by the fandom and Faust made it canon as a tribute to the fans. Not sure how accurate that is though.G-Fex said:I watched a clip, this means derpy works for the united Pony Postal Service?
CHEEZMO said:Where's my hug?
Choppasmith said:Speaking of little ponies. I skimmed through one of the OLD MLP episodes
Mechanical Snowman said:Yeah supposedly her backstory, career and all that was made up by the fandom and Faust made it canon as a tribute to the fans. Not sure how accurate that is though.
Now this is something no one should be allowed to watch, little girls included.Choppasmith said:Speaking of little ponies. I skimmed through one of the OLD MLP episodes just for kicks the other day and THOSE had some crappy ass "child" characters. I seriously couldn't watch it for than about 15 seconds. It's really no wonder people have such a hard time believing a MLP series can be good when this crap was made. Screeching music, AWFUL voice acting (though, it's kinda neat to hear Charlie Adler as Spike) ATROCIOUS dialog. Yuck.
Foxix said:I lasted exactly 25 seconds.
ivedoneyourmom said:Anyway horses age comparative to human age slides from 6 to 2.5 starting at 2
They are most likely older than 6 because that would put them at the age of weaning.
They all seem like they have been somewhat independent of their mothers for a while. I would say the youngest they could be is 8, and I'd put it higher due to, analogous coming of age waiting that humans may endure...
Myke Greywolf said:I don't think that the way MLP's ponies age can be compared accurately with the way real horses age. They're a sentient race, and that by itself is associated with a longer infant/juvenile stage. With similar levels of intelligence and social interaction to human society, it would be impossible to reach such a mental maturity level at only 8 years old, I think.
Well, it's a magical world so it's not as if their rate of development couldn't have been sped up somehow.Myke Greywolf said:I don't think that the way MLP's ponies age can be compared accurately with the way real horses age. They're a sentient race, and that by itself is associated with a longer infant/juvenile stage. With similar levels of intelligence and social interaction to human society, it would be impossible to reach such a mental maturity level at only 8 years old, I think.
ZealousD said:Younger than that. I'd put them in the 6-8 range.
Rarity runs her own business essentially by herself. 21 seems young for her, honestly.
No...CHEEZMO said:I think you guys might be reading too much into this.
Actually, Azumanga was always intended for a male audience (it's even classified as shonen) and it's hard to compare the sketch comedy style to full-length episodes, so I'm not sure if I'd make that kind of connection.
And yes, that deadpan singing scene is a good example of how it all works together.
Great post, thank you for that! Also: Love the "Frens" picture![]()
Just thought it strange all those ages happened to be above 18 =/tiff said:hahaha
Choppasmith said:Speaking of little ponies. I skimmed through one of the OLD MLP episodes just for kicks the other day and THOSE had some crappy ass "child" characters. I seriously couldn't watch it for than about 15 seconds. It's really no wonder people have such a hard time believing a MLP series can be good when this crap was made. Screeching music, AWFUL voice acting (though, it's kinda neat to hear Charlie Adler as Spike) ATROCIOUS dialog. Yuck.
Mirimar said:Just thought it strange all those ages happened to be above 18 =/
What if pony school doesn't last as long as human school, huh?ivedoneyourmom said:They are all out of school except for Twilight, which is doing advanced studies under Princess Celestia. It'd be strange if they *weren't* above the age of 18.
FoxSpirit said:Pfft, wimp. So you even missed the "Newborn twins" song.
Pretty surprised there was singing in that show.
So, the plot is almost there, the dutchess was an insult and the Ponies had no character. The voice acting is terribad too, which not even one really distincetive voice. The animation is baed 80s, but at least it won't hurt you, it even had a nice monster design in the song. Actually, I'd say more love went into the monster than any of the Ponies.
Even as a group, the ponies did basically nothing and the enemies were laughable failures.
And the resolution was completely retarded.
At the end of the episode I somehow felt a little bit more stupid.
tiff said:What if pony school doesn't last as long as human school, huh?
Those cartoons are part of my childhood, brah! Although, doing some wiki research, I probably watched My Little Pony Tales as a kid. I specifically remember this episode...G-Fex said:Watching a few seconds of that will give me nightmares. It's so hideous.
ivedoneyourmom said:However my guess is it is more like French schools, and there are options to move into more technical schools early on.
Hmm, I'd base the comparison on something like Lucky Star or K-On going by that reasoning. But I digress, I'll end my theorizing here, I don't mean to get into a longer argument; just interested in what would really be considered an "equivalent" show.Ikael said:The connection came from how both series "works": a group of cute characters doing cute (and fun) things is appealing to a male demographic. Azumanga was intended for a mainly male audience since its inception while MLP was aimed to girls first and foremost, but that was more due to a cultural difference: Japanese are very aware than cuteness and "moe" as they call it is appealing to males, in the same way that the French thought that Amelie (yet another movie that revolves around a cute character doing cute things) is a movie with a universal appeal, rather than female - targeted. American producers automatically assumed that these qualities makes the show appealing to girls while excluding boys. Surprisingly enough, even if both series had a different demographic on mind when they were created they ended up attracting the same demographic group because they resorted to the same strenghts. So yes, even if they are quite different from a structural point of view (Azumanga following a strip pattern while MLP being a more traditional, closed history arch type of show), I do think that the comparation holds still.
ZealousD said:I doubt that Faust has thought that far ahead.