ivedoneyourmom said:Anyone have the screen cap meme of twilight suggesting building of a new ponyville from Swarm of the Century? I think it might be appropriate for manos' blazing saddles thread.![]()
jediyoshi said:![]()
No one loves AJ. This thread is a sham.
It's said that if you read this thread three times over cross eyed Derpy will appear in your monitor.Machado said:why is this thread always on page 1???
is it really worth it reading through it?
Let it beee, let it beeeeMachado said:why is this thread always on page 1???
is it really worth it reading through it?
The_Author's_Apprentice said:
The_Author's_Apprentice said:Here, have a giant picture:
BY2K said:In which episode does Twilight turns nuts?
This one.Kirbyguy said:So what's tomorrow's episode again? Is it the one where we find out the origins of the Main 6's cutie marks or something about land dispute with onion things?
BY2K said:And Fillydelphia, really?
Jintor said:Right up there with Gallopfrey
This one?BY2K said:
It's for girls.zmoney said:can someone explain the pony-hate that GAF has?
zmoney said:can someone explain the pony-hate that GAF has?
zmoney said:can someone explain the pony-hate that GAF has?
Easy!zmoney said:can someone explain the pony-hate that GAF has?
zmoney said:can someone explain the pony-hate that GAF has?
Seda said:This one?
Geez, I almost forgot.ZoddGutts said:
Okay, first, let me say that while I'm not a fan -- I've only seen bits and pieces in YouTube clips -- I'm not one of the haters, so I'm working from a neutral point of view here.Bufbaf said:Easy!
First everyone thought, MLP:FIM was a big internet meme, for obvious reasons. If you only know the name, it's a girlish cartoon for little kids, but it's been made to awesome avatars and .gifs. That sounds like a perfect meme for everyone.
Then it was noticed it is by all means great, it has nothing to do with a meme, it's a great show and more and more people started liking it after actually watching it. The series never failed to impress with every new episode, and the fans kept liking it more and more, with no "meme" or internet fashion involved - it was just THAT good.
So, now everyone who came in for the meme wondered. They couldn't even make fun of the show, because there was no reason to do so. The big new meme was canceled, and there was no new one in sight. So a few haters started their job on the show, the fans and the ponys, without watching it. Said hate was kinda funny, there was a new victim in town and it was ponys! In the end, the hate became the new thing - "get out here, you and your ponies" spreaded to most nerd boards and everyone on the hip side joined in and started hating ponies for the hell of it, even if they are used to watch Sailor Moon, 80s Cartoons and other stuff clearly aimed for kids. Logic didn't apply, nobody cared and there you go - a new artificial meme was born.
Only two boards that I know of stayed true to themselves - GAF (I love you for that, once again) and the Allspark, a big Transformers forum with at least 2 general Pony threads, a Pony picture thread, episode thread and some other stuff, sharing the love without hate.
Since GAF is way more experienced in quickly adopting to internet memes, the hate will last longer here, but in the end we will have our Pony thread, and life will be normal again![]()
I was at an anime con and Bronies came up for some reason. People there seemed to put Rainbow Dash on top. This was a week after the Sonic Rainboom episode though.lexi said:Rainbow Dash and Applejack are my favorites. Strange to see them get relatively no love.
Articalys said:Okay, first, let me say that while I'm not a fan -- I've only seen bits and pieces in YouTube clips -- I'm not one of the haters, so I'm working from a neutral point of view here.
Now, this part here that I've highlighted is what I think is part of the problem comes from; a vocal minority of the fans of the show acting like it's some infallible paragon of animation. It definitely has great production values, don't get me wrong, but nothing can be perfect, nor can appeal to everyone, so you need to expect some resistance. Just try not to meet that resistance with any sort of lecturing on why MLP is better than whatever show they're currently watching, or imply that they're flawed for not liking it. Either politely ignore them or just explain that you like the show for its animation, humor, and characterization -- not that everyone should like it -- and that that's how it is. Eventually your dissidents will go away and you will be able to enjoy your Equestria in peace.
God, I think that's the remnants of a sociology class I took in college. Anywho, just trying to help establish some peace between Pony-GAF and the rest. Carry on.
Yeah, that makes a lot more sense, don't worry about it. A lot of the vitriol does seem to be bandwagoning, so everything should pass in due time.Bufbaf said:Oh, that wasn't my intentionMLP is awesome, but I'd never call it the peak of animated tv shows, and I perfectly understand the general "this is for little girls" opinion. I wouldn't watch one episode of the older Ponys either. I'm sorry if you understood that wrong, maybe it's because I'm not that great when it comes to wording complicated things in english
I didn't want to imply I'm lecturing anyone to like the show, the bolded part should probably say "they found no reason to make fun of the show's technical execution nor it's comedy or writing, because for what it is, its pretty damn well made in all of these aspects"?
I just think most people hate the show for completely wrong reasons and in this exaggerated scale this hate is only present because "everyone's doing it". Again, sorry if you got me wrong (or maybe I got you wrong).
For girls though. Girls.zmoney said:So? It's still entertaining....
Popstar said:
Popstar said:Oh, I almost forgot.
1a. Twilight Sparkle
1b. Pinkie Pie
2a. Rarity
2b. Fluttershy
3. Apple Jack
6. Rainbow Dash
Arrogance is a big character turn-off to me. Rainbow Dash is capable of the best, but most of the time, she contents herself in being a jerk. She really needs a big lesson in humility.Furret said:I just don't understand the Rainbow Dash hate. She's hilarious every time!
I can get that Apple Jack is a bit one note, and her accent can be a bit much, but what's not to love about Rainbow Dash?
Myke Greywolf said:Arrogance is a big character turn-off to me. Rainbow Dash is capable of the best, but most of the time, she contents herself in being a jerk.
I think most people were going for the first angle with the rankings, as shown by the prevalence of Fluttershy on the top spots. Otherwise, Twilight would be first in all rankings, as there wouldn't be a show without her presence.Furret said:OK, so maybe people are listing the ponies they like as characters, rather than the ones they think make the show what it is. The latter was my angle.
I actually really like Apple Jack, including her accent. Her character is pretty even-keeled most of the time though. She's the "straight man" even more so than Twilight I think.Furret said:I just don't understand the Rainbow Dash hate. She's hilarious every time!
I can get that Apple Jack is a bit one note, and her accent can be a bit much, but what's not to love about Rainbow Dash?
Myke Greywolf said:Arrogance is a big character turn-off to me. Rainbow Dash is capable of the best, but most of the time, she contents herself in being a jerk. She really needs a big lesson in humility.