Union Carbine
Sorry to hear, OP 
It sucks dude, I share your pain. All I can really relate to you is my own personal experience. I'll keep it short:
My wife and I got pregnant at the end of 2010, expecting August 2011. She gave birth to our first child (son), but he swallowed a lot of baby poop being born and completely destroyed his lungs at birth. He died two weeks later in intensive care. We spent an additional three and a half years trying to have another child. We had eight pregnancies in total across four years: our son, 6 miscarriages (3 passed naturally, 3 D&C), and the final pregnancy which began at the end of 2014 in December.
That last pregnancy was going to be our final one. Our last hope. We had discussed adoption, artificial insemination, etc. But, we decided to give the natural way one last shot.
And it worked. We had our daughter, after four years of trying to have children, in September of 2015.
Do not give up hope. Do not stop trying. It'll hurt, every single time if you have more miscarriages, but it's so worth it in the end. Rely on your wife's strength, and she'll rely on yours.
The night before the D&C they had my wife start taking meds at home that would start contractions to try to get things going for the surgery the next day. Shouldn't be a big issue they said. Well it caused awful bleeding and pain for my wife and she ended up passing him at home. We found out it was a him because he fell into the toilet at one point.. and I had to get him out with a salad spoon from the kitchen. Fuck.. And this was on my birthday.
This is one of the most horrifying things I have ever read. Man, I feel for you. That's just an absolutely terrible experience. You're a much stronger person than I am (got him out with a salad spoon?).
I just wanted to update you. It's the day after my D&C and I'm in no pain. Wearing a pad but it's just like a period.
I do not regret my choice as it's over now and once I heal we can try again. It hurts that this baby was lost but I am sure our bundle of joy is just around the corner.
Both my wife and I have been having a terrible time dealing with this, still here over a month later. After talking to my wife we decided to take my original idea of keeping a written journal and scrapbook for the pregnancy, and instead create an online blog instead. I am no one special at all, I know that. However, I hope this not only helps us cope with everything as we move forward to try again but I also hope other couples in the same situation finds it and it offers something to them, even if it's just to show them that they aren't alone. I'm hoping other dads out there in this same situation finds it as well. There is way too little out there for dads, and I want anyone that finds this to know that it's nothing to be ashamed of and that they aren't alone.
That's all, with that I'll let this thread fade away. Thanks again for all of your kind words and support. It has meant a lot to me this year, it really has.
My hospital told me it was one third of all pregnancies not fifty percent.
Anyway OP sorry to hear you are still struggling. One of my best friends, two of my cousins, three other friends and a tonne of people I see at work (daycare) are all pregnant so it's hard. It is what it is though.
I just got my period today for the first timr post surgery so in two weeks we can try again. It was an awful experience but the future is still bright.
We're going through this right now. I'm actually at the hospital which my wife just had a D&C. It was originally scheduled for this morning but last night she was in the worst pain of her life. I was able to get her to the ER and the D&C done earlier than expected. I'll read through the rest of this thread and hope your stories help. I can't even imagine how she's feeling physically and emotionally.
just be there for her. And i think i said it in this thread previously, but there is absolutely no shame in talking to other women or a professional about it.
Since my wife and I and all of our friends have started having kids, her older sister had an ectopic pregnancy, we strongly suspect that one of our good friends had a miscarriage based on discussions we've had. It is very, very common for women to have a miscarriage, its almost like their bodies need a "trial" run. But the thing is almost no one talks about it.
there was a great article that i want to share, i read from a woman who had a miscarriage and didnt talk to her own husband about it for like 6 months, but now i can't find it.
just be there for her. And i think i said it in this thread previously, but there is absolutely no shame in talking to other women or a professional about it.
Since my wife and I and all of our friends have started having kids, her older sister had an ectopic pregnancy, we strongly suspect that one of our good friends had a miscarriage based on discussions we've had. It is very, very common for women to have a miscarriage, its almost like their bodies need a "trial" run. But the thing is almost no one talks about it.
there was a great article that i want to share, i read from a woman who had a miscarriage and didnt talk to her own husband about it for like 6 months, but now i can't find it.