Naughty Dog Vs. Insomniac Games, who is the premier Sony developer?

Who is the boss?

  • Naughty Dog, obviously

    Votes: 212 34.4%
  • Obviously Insomniac Games

    Votes: 241 39.1%
  • I lean Naughty Dog, slightly

    Votes: 92 14.9%
  • Insomniac Games by an inch

    Votes: 72 11.7%

  • Total voters


Insomniac Games have done a lot for Sony and the PS5 launch with Miles Morales and soon Ratchet & Clank, so I looked up their library and was surprised at how busy they have been the last 20 or so years. While they lack the huge hits of Naughty Dog, they have continuously produced quality content for Sony.

Notable Playstation games from both studios:

Naughty Dog
1996 - Crash Bandicoot
1997 - Crash Bandicoot 2
1998 - Crash Bandicoot: Warped
1999 - Crash Team Racing
2001 - Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
2003 - Jak II
2004 - Jak 3
2005 - Jak X: Combat Racing
2007 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
2009 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
2011 - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
2013 - The Last of Us
2016 - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
2020 - The Last of Us: Part II

Insomniac Games
1996 - Disruptor
1998 - Spyro the Dragon
1999 - Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
2000 - Spyro: Year of the Dragon
2002 - Ratchet & Clank
2003 - Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
2004 - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
2005 - Ratchet: Deadlocked
2006 - Resistance: Fall of Man
2007 - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
2008 - Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
2008 - Resistance 2
2009 - Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
2011 - Resistance 3
2013 - Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
2016 - Ratchet & Clank (ps4 remake)
2018 - Marvel's Spider-Man
2020 - Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
2021 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart


Insomniac actually makes good games... Naughty dog used to make OK games up until the PS3 released and then became wannabe hollywood directors.

Spyro > Crash (BY A FUCKING MILE)
Ratchet > Jak (also by a large margine)
Resistance, Sunset Overdrive, Spider-Man > anything Naughty Crap did since Jak


instead of a "VS" this should be a "thankful" thread, that's basically the whole playstation history on those lists. However, the're basically the same: Fantastic AAA studios and sometimes one develops a game better than the other.


Right now? Imsomniac probably, they have a super fast turn over speed to produce games and they are bringing in cash by the boatloads with Spiderman.
Pretty crazy honestly.




Writes a lot, says very little
I'd lean towards ND.

They have record GOTY awards and are working on a new IP.

I love Insomniac and I'm happy they are working on more Spiderman, but if they do 3 titles, like Spiderman 1, 2, 3 etc. I'd like to see a new series by them or at least the studio split to doing Spiderman / New IP.

As of right now, If i had to pick, it is ND with the record GOTY awards and record sales. Both are amazing teams though that push the tech HARD!


I feel like Naughty Dog may be better focused when it comes to polish and level of detail, while Insomniac seems to be better at managing internal resources developing simultaneous projects, Insomniac's output as of recently surprised me, honestly, I didn't think they could launch Miles Morales and a new Ratchet so soon after Spiderman 2018.

So, I think that this gen Insomniac might surpass ND, we'll see.


It's probably Naughty Dog but Insomniac suit my tastes MUCH better.
this is my take too, I'm sure Naughty Dog for the most part attracts more attention since aside from Spider-Man I don't think anything Insomniac has done has reached the level of sales/critical acclaim that the Uncharted & The Last of Us series have

but I've always loved Ratchet & Clank + Spyro more

Sucker Punch deserves an honorable mention too though since I personally at least loved Infamous even more than Naughty Dog & Insomniac's new series during the PS3 gen (also Sly Cooper was above Jak & Daxter for me too)


insomniac Games to me. They seem to be matter of fact in their decisions and more versatile. And I don't even know if what I just said is true.....but I believe it. They might get 4 high quality games out this gen.

Astral Dog

Damn, i think the gameplay in the Uncharted games sucks ass and Naughty Dog is overall a little overrated, but The Last of Us is a great game with an ok sequel.

I don't care about the Ratchet games from Insomniac just find them boring and annoying but i LOVED Marvel SpiderMan, what a fun superhero game! good combat.

So its between Spiderman and Last of Us, i give the victory to Naughty Dog, because their writting>Insomniac, really close, but Uncharted has fun characters next to Ratchet


Gold Member
I guess Insomniac?
I like my favorite ND games more than my favorite insomniac games. But insomniac has overall made more games I like.

Naughty Dog might make a game I love or they might make one I think is average. While insomniac has a slightly lower chance of making something I love but a much higher chance of making something I'll at least like.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Naughty Dog has literally never made a bad game.

Insomniac has made an entire bad franchise in Resistance :messenger_poop:

If you wanna compare their cream of the crop stuff then...

The Last of Us >>>>> Spiderman.

Naughty Dog is better graphically, at level design, writing, tech, animation, essentially everything. No games push the Playstation platform further than a ND game.

Insomniac only got to top tier this gen (PS5) with their insane output so far.

If you compared them last gen youd be laughed at. Stop it


Insomniac's output is incredible. The speed with which they make excellent games is so impressive. As good as TLOU2 is, you gotta give Insomniac their flowers as Sony's best studio.


insomniac Games to me. They seem to be matter of fact in their decisions and more versatile. And I don't even know if what I just said is true.....but I believe it. They might get 4 high quality games out this gen.
This is a very strong point when considering which studio might be the strongest, Imsomniac already has 2 VR tittles under their belt. They are stacked with know how already.


The first Jak is better than any Ratchet game

it's not, the first Jak is the only game made by them that I would consider to be actually somewhat on par with Insomniac. like the new gameplay for Rift Apart already looks better than anything Naughty Dog ever produced


The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, and Uncharted 3 are all better than anything Insomniac made for PS3. The Last of Us Part II, Uncharted 4, and Uncharted Lost Legacy are all better than anything Insomniac made for PS4. Insomniac don't make 90+ metacritic prestige titles. They make fun kid friendly games that are very good. So no. No developer is on Naughty Dog's level. Rockstar is close tho, but they barely make games now.
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It's currently Insomniac and easily. It's their most important developer.

In June Insomniac will have already produced 2 full games (Miles Morales with exclusive RT on PS5, Ratchet) and patched 2 others (Spiderman, Ratchet 2018) for PS5 while Naughty Dog will have produced NOTHING for PS5. Zero, nada, niet. Not even a mere patch for any of their PS4 games and they are the biggest Sony studio.

By the way we could say about the same for Guerrilla. No new games and no patches for PS5 yet.
The first Jak is better than any Ratchet game
Yes, of course. But the first Jak is a true platformer while Ratchet has always being a shooter with very light platorming.


I think the order is:
Media Molecule
Sucker Punch
Japan Studio
Pixel Opus
San Diego

But I think Sucker Punch, Bend and Guerrilla joined a close 2nd tier league making a big jump in the PS4 generation, and if they tweak some minor stuff in the PS5 generation they can join the top tier league, the distance now is way smaller.

In June Insomniac will have already produced 2 full games (Miles Morales with exclusive RT on PS5, Ratchet) and patched 2 others (Spiderman, Ratchet 2018) for PS5 while Naughty Dog will have produced NOTHING for PS5. Zero, nada, niet. Not even a mere patch for any of their PS4 games and they are the biggest Sony studio.

By the way we could say about the same for Guerrilla. No new games and no patches for PS5 yet.
They had to market first the games we got during the first half a year. I think in E3 they will market the main games we'll see the next 6-12 years. And then it's where we'll see there:
-Horizon 2 (+PS5 HZD patch?)
-TLOU Factions 2
-TLOU 2 PS2+TLOU remake (remake PC port too)
-Spider-Man 2 teaser

They also announce they purchased one or two studios, probably Housemarque and Bluepoint. And maybe announce some PS Now/Plus stuff, something like PS1 Classics support on PS4 and PS5, PS1 and PS5 coming to PSNow, PS Now supporting mobile and TV and more countries supported for PS Now (at least a worlwide download only version).
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Sony Santa Monica and Polyphony Digital has been always and still are my favorite Sony studios, i'm a God Of War and Kratos stan, and a GT stan too, GT is the only Car franchise i give fuck about, while i love the other Sony studios too. Ico Team and Naughty Dog were pretty much at same level of both two mentioned above. I used to not care much about Sucker Punch, never been a fan of Infamous tbh but Ghost Of Tsushima is one of my favorite open world of the generation, i loved it so much, and spent countless hours in Legends too. And i like Guerrila too, not big fan of Killzone games, but im' not super big fan of fps games tho except few exceptions like Metroid Prime (love KZ2 tho), in other hand i really loved Horizon and Guerrila gained more point to me with that game.

I also always loved Insomniacs but not stan about the studio and their games either, their first game that i really loved was Spiderman, despite i like it less than Batman Arkham games, but i still really loved Spiderman games, and Spiderman 2 will likely be Day One for sure.

Between Insomniacs and Naughty Dog, years before i would have said Naughty Dog but today the answer is Insomniacs without the doubt and looking forward to the Ratchet Rift Apart. And i hope Insomniacs will keep up with that energy.

So overall: (hard to make a poll like that but approximately)

-Sony Santa Monica, Polyphony Digitla, Naughty PS3/PS1 Era
-Japan Studio/ Ico Team
-Sucker Punch
- Naughty Dog PS4 Era.

Dunno where i would put Bend, i truly loved Days Gone and used to be a fan of Syphon, but i don't think i played much other games from Bend outside of those. I like Dreams and LBP too.
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Happy to see Insomniac in the lead.

Look, I respect Naughty Dog. When it comes to realistic human game animations they are essentially peerless. However, I think in terms of advancing game design and putting fun ahead of (IMO) poorly-executed mature themes simply to look adult, Insomniac wins by a mile.

Also in terms of productivity they are essentially peerless ATM in terms of game dev acquisitions across all three platform holders: in simply about three years they've published a massive superhero AAA, a story expansion offshoot AAA in the same universe, and arguably the most impressive upcoming PS5 game at this point with Rift Apart due in June.

Meanwhile, Naughty Dog are doing a remake for a game barely seven years old and not in need of a remake (and the excuse it's for the TV show is weak; how many other game IPs had new shows/movies come but opted not to do remakes for barely-outdated entries in their franchise to coincide?) and there's really nothing to know on their new IP, which is years away. That doesn't necessarily scream "excitement", especially if they trend TLOU2-wise when it comes to stories subverting expectations simply to subvert them (Rian Johnson Syndrome).

I've no doubt those will be good games, quality games. But as the more exciting of the two studios, Insomniac takes that title quite easily IMHO.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
ND haven't released a flop, ever. Basically.

Insomniac were a bit unfortunate during the late PS360 era.
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