Seda said:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Mode config="fgm_std_2v2" name="TXT_CLASSIC_2V2" description="TXT_PLAY_NOW_CLASSIC_DESCRIPTION" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_2v2_backboardsmash" name="TXT_BACKBOARD_SMASH" description="TXT_BACKBOARD_SMASH_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_rx_dom_2" name="TXT_DOMINATION_2PLAYER" description="TXT_DOMINATION_2PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_rx_dom_3" name="TXT_DOMINATION_3PLAYER" description="TXT_DOMINATION_3PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_rx_dom2v2" name="TXT_DOMINATION_2V2" description="TXT_DOMINATION_2V2_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_brawl_3" name="TXT_ELIMINATION_3PLAYER" description="TXT_ELIMINATION_3PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_brawl_4" name="TXT_ELIMINATION_4PLAYER" description="TXT_ELIMINATION_4PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_s21_2" name="TXT_21_2PLAYER" description="TXT_21_2PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_s21_3" name="TXT_21_3PLAYER" description="TXT_21_3PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_std_s21_4" name="TXT_21_4PLAYER" description="TXT_21_4PLAYER_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
<Mode config="fgm_rx_2v2" name="TXT_2V2_REMIX" description="TXT_2V2_REMIX_DESCRIPTION" category="0" />
(Boss info deleted because of spoilers)
:lolGaimeGuy said:The online is there. It just isn't activated.
GaimeGuy said:.These files are NOT dummy files. They have real, non-garbage data in them like the other game modes. Either EA is planning on releasing online as DLC later on for NBA Jam wii, or they're deliberately withholding it to sabotage the wii version of the game. The online is there. It just isn't activated.
Little Green Yoda said:holy shit
I don't know which of those two possibilities is worse. The former seems like par for the course nowadays with unlock codes so that's probably closer to the truth. If they were intentionally sabotaging the Wii version, couldn't they have deleted the code instead of leaving it in? Or are they too lazy to do even that? :lol
Netcode isn't written in XML. That's just data. The word from the devs is that they were testing out an online mode for the Wii, but they didn't like the fact that it couldn't run at 60fps, so they cut it out. How complete it was is anyone's guess.riceandbeans said:My guess is that they probably didn't think the online community would be active enough and the server costs weren't worth it with the Wii's broken online play. They were saying they were trying to get the Wii version online from the beginning so it doesn't surprise that there's code in there. What is surprising is that it's done in XML format and so easily accessible.
How is Wii's online play broken? You do know that EA uses it's own infrastructure (at least they did in the past on Wii)?riceandbeans said:My guess is that they probably didn't think the online community would be active enough and the server costs weren't worth it with the Wii's broken online play. They were saying they were trying to get the Wii version online from the beginning so it doesn't surprise that there's code in there. What is surprising is that it's done in XML format and so easily accessible.
Yes, because those are the only two possibilities *puts on tinfoil hat*GaimeGuy said:These files are NOT dummy files. They have real, non-garbage data in them like the other game modes. Either EA is planning on releasing online as DLC later on for NBA Jam wii, or they're deliberately withholding it to sabotage the wii version of the game. The online is there. It just isn't activated.
Yes, drop the persecution complex nonsense, please.Struct09 said:EA was pretty upfront with the fact that they were working on an online mode for the Wii version. It's more likely that it was cut due to not being up to par rather than being cut to sell it later or "sabotage" the Wii version.
Game doesn't support the gamecube controller only wiimote + nunchuk,wiimote only and classic controller.Snowballo said:I'm poor.
I've just a Wiimote + Nunchuk
Plus a couple of Gamecube controllers (including Wavebird)
Can I use them to play NBA Jam with my even poorer friends?
MiniDitka said:Game doesn't support the gamecube controller only wiimote + nunchuk,wiimote only and classic controller.
wackojackosnose said:£29.99 on 26th November.
MikeE21286 said:This game bombed didn't it
I brought this over my buddies house last weekend and it brought back so many memories for everybody. We grabbed some beers and sat around talking shit at each other and laughing at the hilarity on the screen. At the end of the night you could always find someone playing a game of NBA Jam. It's great fun, not quite sure that fun translates into playing it by yourself...Most of my friends don't play games at all anymore but everyone had a blast with it.
isnt the wii version 29.99 pounds too ? zavvi is selling it at that priceApenheul said:Wow :lol
Now there's really no more reason to buy the Wii version unless you don't own a PS3/360.
If true, I hope GameStop offers some sort of "Power Trade" incentive towards it (extra 25%); if so, my copy of the Wii version is going back where it came from.MyEpitomeCliché said:Just noticed that Gamestop has listed the PS3 and 360 version for $49.99 with a release date of November 16th.
Apenheul said:I noticed how the Jam Challenges (achievements) don't show the Republicans and Democrats teams, is there any way you can earn those or are they only unlockable using codes?
fberger said:www.gamefaqs.comthey have a lot of codes
dskillzhtown said:Anyone picking this up for the 360 or PS3 next week?