Dark FaZe said:dem tips
ill take em smokey
You've lost 1 game (to me
Dark FaZe said:dem tips
ill take em smokey
Straight up lie ! you never asked for shitDCX said:I asked Smokey for tips last year..he refused, so I had to end his defeated season.
We all know that Wii is the system of choice.CB3 said:is that even a valid question
Nightz said:We all know that Wii is the system of choice.
I'm on ET, so if you're waiting to play until after Laker games, I can't really wait until Midnight ET to start on weeknights.CB3 said:Hawks
ecnal said:what system are you guys getting black ops on?
I have it. Will get to it in a couple of hours. There are glitches but tryarch is way more involved with the community than infinity ward, and have already said they are working on fixes. The problem is shit activision doesn't allow public betas.ecnal said::lol
i dunno if im even going to bother -- there are already a bunch of vids showing many of the same MP breaking glitches from mw2.
the core gameplay of cod is great--i've been playing cod since it was on PC--but mw2's mp was a cluster fuck of poorly designed perks/maps in conjunction with atrocious balancing that completely turned me off.
i know a lot of the reviews say the mp has been balanced back towards a more skill based experience, but i'm still skeptical.
does anyone have it already? impressions?
Smokey said:I have it. Will get to it in a couple of hours. There are glitches but tryarch is way more involved with the community than infinity ward, and have already said they are working on fixes. The problem is shit activision doesn't allow public betas.
Mw2 was horrible about 2 weeks from launch. Double shot guns, stackable kill streaks and just general crap iw didn't care to fix drove me away from that game. BlaCk ops looks to be back on track.ecnal said:cool, post up some impressions when you get a chance.
what were your thoughts on mw2?
and ya, i dunno what happened to IW. they used to be really involved w/ the PC community for COD/COD2, but, damn, they just haven't given a fuck since they moved to consoles.
Just save money. COD4 and BFBC2 are all you need on consoles if you are in to military shooters(non-hardcore types). I don't know what was done in MW2, but whatever they did messed up the shooting in MW2 which was perfect in COD4.ecnal said::lol
i dunno if im even going to bother -- there are already a bunch of vids showing many of the same MP breaking glitches from mw2.
the core gameplay of cod is great--i've been playing cod since it was on PC--but mw2's mp was a cluster fuck of poorly designed perks/maps in conjunction with atrocious balancing that completely turned me off.
i know a lot of the reviews say the mp has been balanced back towards a more skill based experience, but i'm still skeptical.
does anyone have it already? impressions?
real talk, fuck youcharsace said:Just save money. COD4 and BFBC2 are all you need on consoles if you are in to military shooters(non-hardcore types). I don't know what was done in MW2, but whatever they did messed up the shooting in MW2 which was perfect in COD4.
To this day MW2 and FF13 are two games that have gotten high scores and I just don't understand why. They are 7 range games imo.
You home homey?Dark FaZe said:I have played it.
A lot of the bullshit is gone. I haven't encountered any.
Its back to straight up gunplay on pretty solid maps.
Orly. " dude how the fuck do yo do those dribble animations that set up jump shots "Smokey said:Straight up lie ! you never asked for shit
Mrbob said:Vestal I'll be home around 9 cst tonight, can you play in this time frame? I can't stay up too late tonight.
DY_nasty said:real talk, fuck you
The common denominator is hate.Smokey said:FF13 was garbage, one of the few times I will agree with chars.
DY_nasty said:The common denominator is hate.
Smokey said:There's 2 million + ppl playing Black Ops on XBL right now holy shit
Can you tell me what makes that game good IMO, because in mine it was the worst FF I've every played.
Vestal said:Smokey im guessing you come from the old days of FF.. Were the games were mostly open, and you felt you werent being dragged along a story line but you actually had options on what to do what to equip..
That FF game is long in the past.. We are in the era of Handholding through the entire game, and being spoonfed stats,abilities, and directions.
Pisses me the fuck off.. Old FF games were awesome, so were games from Enix like 7th Saga.
Perfect review. I played the game for 20 hours and just stopped playing it.Smokey said:Not a big RPG fan, but I do try and play the FF's just to see what's up. FF13 was horrible. Linear as fuck and that one skank who's name escapes me right now was annoying as fuck and wouldn't shut up. Not to mention there were no towns either.
Battle system, awesome soundtrack, one of the best looking games this genSmokey said:Can you tell me what makes that game good IMO, because in mine it was the worst FF I've every played.
embrace the futureCB3 said:Im not a fan on RPG's. The only true RPG i can say ive played through is Chrono Trigger. But what the fuck Kinda RPG is that game without towns. Thats like step 1 right there
DY_nasty said:Battle system, awesome soundtrack, one of the best looking games this gen
but its okay, i understand
the fuck you need towns for? I got somewhere i need to go and fuck shit up at - the fuck am i gonna do in a town?
DCX said:Orly. " dude how the fuck do yo do those dribble animations that set up jump shots "
" can't tell you that bro "
When can you tonight friend?Dark FaZe said:Get that 2k10 shit out of here. There were like a handful of guys who were able to create their own shot with that old bullshit system. Only way you were getting midrange off was through a pivot lunging jumpshot or off a long developing play.
thank god for 2k11
The funny thing about gunmode in Blackops is that the best guns are mid-tier. The grenade launcher is hard as fuck to kill someone with and the torque bow weapon is awful as well.
daw840 said:@ Miami Heat - Ph33nix
Phoenix Suns - FrenchMovieTheme
@ Orlando Magic - Ecnal
Utah Jazz - charsAce
@ Los Angeles Lakers - CB3
So, either of you guys on right now? Would love to get one of the games out of the way. By far my hardest week of play right here. I go into each one of these games this week with the assumption that I would lose. Except FMT, that one I thought I had a fighting chance at, but the rest of them should be auto L's if the past is any indication. Definitely to these last two...
ecnal said:im playing FMT @ 630-7pm PST tonight, and i likely wont be able to get another game in -- unless it's later tonight (somewhere around 10pm PST).
otherwise we can just shoot for tomorrow around 630-7pm PST.
ecnal said:nah, im typically available weeknights after 630pm PST, so thurs/fri is fine. i'll also be able to play whenever on sat.
ph33nix said:I'm gonna wait till January for black ops. Because I'll know by then if you fucks will ever play a shooter for more than 2 months
and ff13 sucked ASS. i lasted 6 hours before i sold that shit
ph33nix said:I'm gonna wait till January for black ops. Because I'll know by then if you fucks will ever play a shooter for more than 2 months
and ff13 sucked ASS. i lasted 6 hours before i sold that shit