Cerebral Palsy
FrenchMovieTheme said:here are some impressions:
- slowdown IS there sometimes, but that isn't whats bugging me, here's whats bugging me:
* homefield advantage is a joke. if you play against the #1 hometeam or anyone in the top 25 pretty much, and the crowd gets riled up, all of a sudden you go into bum mode. you can't run, you can't block, you can't pass, you can't catch, you can't do shit right. i like that there is a homefield "advantage" but this is ridiculous.
* many people have noted the "better defense", and to be honest it is much improved, but a lot of it has to do with nfl 2k3 style drops. these are WIDE open passes that are dropped. if the pass is within 5 yards, and its over the middle, it will be dropped 75% of the time guaranteed. runningbacks cant catch for shit wide open. etc
* triple coverage catches are more common than wide open 5 yard passes over the middle
* the kicking game IS ridiculous. if you have to kick anything above a 40 yarder, you can forget about it.
* commentary sucks balls. sounds like the exact same shit from last year
* online play might as well not be there at this point, it's a crap shoot getting online
anyways, all in all i'm pretty disappointed in NCAA. i can live with the slowdown from time to time, but the rest of the game just isn't all it's cracked up to be. maybe i tricked myself into believing a college football game would be worth my time, maybe it is genuine disappointment.
Glad I decided to pass on NCAA.
FrenchMovieTheme said:all i can say is thank god ESPN football is out next week
Welcome back.