After playing every day since it came out, feeling the good and the bad I have to say I think its better then 2004.
I don't think the dropped passes are a big deal like most everyone. Shit, I'm playing with really terrible receivers in my Dynasty and I expect them to drop passes. With good receivers I've nailed some pretty nice completions. There are times when I go "Damn, he should have caught that", but its hardly the game breaking feature people are making it out to be.
About this long bomb stuff I've heard. I had a guy online who tried that shit on me. He'd get into shotgun and just fire it deep play after play. Guess what? He never scored. Hell, he didn't even get in position. Maybe I was just lucky, but he didn't have the heavy effectiveness people are saying the long bomb brings. In fact, he didn't have any effectiveness at all with the right coverage.
Defense is hella improved. Not just with the DB AI (which I admit seems a little to good at times), but with D-line and LB play. In the previous NCAA my leading tackler was always a defensive back, this year its a linebacker. My DT's are no slouch. This is a damn good improvement that I haven't heard anyone speaking about.
Tipped balls are overdone, but again they aren't as big a deal as everyone saying "OMG It bouncesss to much!!11". Its not ping pong, you get some tips which can result in some cool plays. If they are causing to many picks, turn that slider down.
Dynasty is better. How much I don't know. But, I like the ability of team captains and what not. I'll know more when I get to the off season. Create a school is still the same, which is just lazy work. Especially shit like not being able to have a greatest game with a created school. Just terrible.
Sliders seem more effective this year. A few notches really helped my running game seem more realistic.
Sweeps work. Trick plays work. Not 100% better, but a good deal better.
HFA and composure is cool. Its not broken like osme made it out to be. I came back quite a few times online against guys who had a 2 TD lead and HFA.
Sack tracking is much improved as is the QB not getting it off a milisecond from the defender being close. Play action sacks now count as sacks 100% of the time rather then mostly tackles like last year. Good improvement I've been wanting.
Slowdown is there, and it can be very bad. That is fucked up, no two ways about it. EA should worked much harder on this aspect of the game. I adjusted, but I shouldn't have to.
I don't like the slwoer game speed when compared to last years.
I shared the initial dissapointment that many of you have. But, the game is good. Its solid. The problem is they didn't improve in enough areas, and they stayed the same in quite a few. That really makes ones initial reaction a negative one. But, there are many improvements like I listed that make this NCAA the better one. I agree, they should have done more. But, they didn't and that's where we are. In the end, I'm having fun with this game via Dynasty and online play.