i-Lo said:Any help?
I'll be able to check this out in about 4hours.. that is if you have no answer until then.
i-Lo said:Any help?
I have the PS3 version and a 3d television, and I have no idea. If it supports 3d as they had announced, I can't find the option to turn it on. Anyone know if the feature ended up getting cut?caligula13 said:so, how is it in 3D?
http://ps3.ign.com/articles/109/1099842p1.htmlPhloxy said:Pretty sure 3d was announced for 3d vision on PC. Never heard of any 3d on console.
sweetvar26 said:HOLY SHIT I just saw the Wii version.
WTF is that shit? I think any old console or PSN/XBLA can do better than that.
Not that I care about the Wii version but seriously, what the FUCK!
For those who haven't seen the Wii version here is a link for the gameplay.
Pandemic said:
Nintendo Playstation said:I don't use steam, so I don't understand why people in the forums are avoiding the game competely because of something so seemingly small. If you want a download, get it from the EA Store. But don't deprive yourself of such an amazing experience because you can't buy it in your most preferred way.
Shit. Guess I'll wait till it drops in price then.Pandemic said:
That's acceptable, I suppose. Then again, I've been lucky and never had a problem with activating anything. But I stand by my statement, don't miss this great game completely. Buy it for a console, even secondhand if you don't want to support the devs... (I'm aware of the online access limits)Shinjitsu said:Well there you go.
Most games on the EA store use the stupid 3-5 activation limit then you are boned, steam does not.
Neuromancer said:Wow multiplayer in this game is terrible. Can't race with a friend against the AI, but that's to be expected in this day and age. What's worse is with no party system you have to hope to get into a game with a couple free slots and then invite your friend/s in as quick as you can before they get filled. And then even if by some miracle you and your friends all get into a match, the game splits you up among the two teams (cops/racers) randomly so it's unlikely you'll be on the same side. WTF.
Criterion really screwed the pooch with this one, it's embarrassing really. I'll just be sticking to single player unless by some miracle they improve the multi player.
Can't you create a private match?Neuromancer said:Wow multiplayer in this game is terrible. Can't race with a friend against the AI, but that's to be expected in this day and age. What's worse is with no party system you have to hope to get into a game with a couple free slots and then invite your friend/s in as quick as you can before they get filled. And then even if by some miracle you and your friends all get into a match, the game splits you up among the two teams (cops/racers) randomly so it's unlikely you'll be on the same side. WTF.
Criterion really screwed the pooch with this one, it's embarrassing really. I'll just be sticking to single player unless by some miracle they improve the multi player.
johnny_park said:Can't you create a private match?
I need these, combined. Let me and a friend meet up online as cops, add 6 AI racers... and let the good times roll. Approach the suspect from behind, surround both sides, smash!UFRA said:I had a lot of fun with the multiplayer so far, but I can already feel a desire for AI cops or even AI racers for people to battle against online. That would be pretty damn fun.
Also a Free Drive mode online would be nice, even if there's no point...sometimes it's just fun to cruise around and chat with friends.
VOOK said:So anyone want any impressions of the Wii version? >_>
i-Lo said:What the heck!? As I take pictures they go into the slot which can be viewed under photo from the first game menu. I only shared one but you are right in saying that those photos are only available after it connected to Autolog. After the two HD shots, I was forced to only use R3 snapshots as otherwise the game kept on proclaiming that the slots are full and I needed to delete images.
I thought it would save the images on the HDD.
Phloxy said:Pretty sure 3d was announced for 3d vision on PC. Never heard of any 3d on console.
Error1355 said:Holy shit that's horrible.
Then again it's the first non-handheld game that Exient Entertainment ever created!
Edit: Hell, it's the first non-sports game they made too.
Argyle said:I have the PS3 version and a 3d television, and I have no idea. If it supports 3d as they had announced, I can't find the option to turn it on. Anyone know if the feature ended up getting cut?
dk_ said:Just went to the EA board and I read that the PC version doesn't run with quad CPUs. Is that correct?
crispyben said:Did I have an hallucination about that SCPD Rebels DLC pack? Not a single mention on the whole web, not a reaction from you guys... Better get back home and boot the game to check!![]()
Oh thanks, that's very helpful.UFRA said:Yeah you can.
The best way to ensure that your friends get into a public match with you is to first start a private match, invite your friends, and then use the "change access" feature and turn the room you're in to a public game. This won't ensure that you're on the same team, but it will ensure that you're in the same room together.
On PS3, it's the triangle button when you're in a private match.
I had a lot of fun with the multiplayer so far, but I can already feel a desire for AI cops or even AI racers for people to battle against online. That would be pretty damn fun.
Also a Free Drive mode online would be nice, even if there's no point...sometimes it's just fun to cruise around and chat with friends.
Yeah it's really bad. All the unskippable in-game movies were really irritating (not to mention they look like shit) but the Shift 2 trailer was fucking unacceptable. I agree, from disc in to play is about 20 minutes. Criterion ought to be ashamed of themselves for that nonsense.vesp said:Liking the game a lot but holy fuck do they leave about the worst first impression in a game ever.
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forced to watch trailer for shift 2
long winded autolog explanation.
It was like a 20 minute process (including install) of sucking all the fun out of trying a new game for the first time. Luckily the game is right up my alley so the frustration did wear off after I got to start playing.
Same here.Oneself said:I definitely can't seem to reach a limit with HD pics... :S
Jal said:"The need for speed demo is no longer available" WTF?
B-Dex said:Seems the Hot Pursuit Servers are down for me. Xbox Live is fine but I can't connect to EA's servers.
Agent X said:It was always meant to be a time-limited demo.
Jal said:They could have let me have a go seeing as i already downloaded it.![]()
UFRA said:Yeah you can.
The best way to ensure that your friends get into a public match with you is to first start a private match, invite your friends, and then use the "change access" feature and turn the room you're in to a public game. This won't ensure that you're on the same team, but it will ensure that you're in the same room together.
On PS3, it's the triangle button when you're in a private match.
I had a lot of fun with the multiplayer so far, but I can already feel a desire for AI cops or even AI racers for people to battle against online. That would be pretty damn fun.
Also a Free Drive mode online would be nice, even if there's no point...sometimes it's just fun to cruise around and chat with friends.
Slaylock said:You can still run the demo if you set your clock back to the first of November.
Jal said:Aah, i've just deleted it.
Jal said:Aah, i've just deleted it.