OK EA I'll make a deal with you. I'll play this video in the background, but not actually watch it, in exchange for you forcing me to watch that Shift 2 commercial. Fair?AlphaTwo00 said:Watch This Trailer One Million Times, Get Three Free Cars for Hot Pursuit
AlphaTwo00 said:Watch This Trailer One Million Times, Get Three Free Cars for Hot Pursuit
Which cars:
Ah, another one with music off, very goodOpus Angelorum said:The engine noises are fantastic, I recommend turning the music volume down (or off) to appreciate them.
Same here (360), but still having a great time even without Autolog.USF said:Got no friends playing this game
Feel free to add me PSN: XUSFX
Jin34 said:Damn I had completely forgotten this was made by Criterion :lol
So from what I've read its 30fps on PS360 and 60fps on PC right? Any issues with the PC version? Good port or bad port?
Jin34 said:Damn I had completely forgotten this was made by Criterion :lol
So from what I've read its 30fps on PS360 and 60fps on PC right? Any issues with the PC version? Good port or bad port?
I have so many awesome memories of buying a broadband adapter for my PS2 just to play Burnout 3 online. You could drive through non player controlled cars to account for lag, and it stuttered a lot, but it was still some of the most fun I've ever had online. I just ordered the PS3 version off of Amazon for $35 and I'm hoping it can bring back those memories. My PSN account is "VelociraptorBill" if anyone wants to add me, only one of my friends has this game.FStop7 said:Burnout 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, I hope this brings some of that kind of fun. I need spectacular, over the top crashes. Need them.
Agreed. For me it really feels like spikes/jammers are really the only option.Gary Whitta said:Anyone have any good tips on how to shake off an EMP lock? That's the weak link in my game right now. The old trick of throwing yourself into a hard e-brake u-turn doesn't seem to work as well as it did with the lower-level EMPs.
So is AmazonGame Analyst said:
Now $30 at amazon.Gary Whitta said:BARGAIN. Now there is no excuse not to buy it. Racing GOTY!
LIGHTNING DEAL!Aaron said:Now $30 at amazon.
Damn it, I could have saved $5.Aaron said:Now $30 at amazon.
Done, but it's only at 150K views and the deadline is December 12th. What can we do???AlphaTwo00 said:http://kotaku.com/5699545/watch-this-trailer-one-million-times-get-three-free-cars-for-hot-pursuit
Watch This Trailer One Million Times, Get Three Free Cars for Hot Pursuit
Which cars:
twinturbo2 said:Done, but it's only at 150K views and the deadline is December 12th. What can we do???
Y on Xbox changes the cop siren (hold to turn off/on.) Have yet to play a non police car but I'd think that would do the horn too. I guess that'd be triangle on the PS3.Snuggler said:Had time for a few races before work. Seems pretty cool, I had a couple nice crashes.
one problem: can I not honk my horn? what the fuck is this shit.
Never happened to me, hitting someone cancels all other actions.Pandemic said:Question, when someone deploys 2 spike strips, is it possible that the car can hit both spike strips, and cause even more damage...?
No it just means you have more chance to score a hit.Pandemic said:Question, when someone deploys 2 spike strips, is it possible that the car can hit both spike strips, and cause even more damage...?
Gary Whitta said:I cannot recall a game which has made me want to kick in my fucking TV screen more than this one. I have a feeling I am going to wind up doing exactly that and sending the bill to Criterion.
I was wavering on the game even though I loved BP but yeah, that GB discussion made me finally just sit down and play it. And then 3 hours later I realized I just spent 3 hours on the game without really blinking. :lolSnuggler said:Honestly the no. 1 thing that sold me was Giant Bomb's description of the crashes in their recent Podcast.
I fucking love crashes.