The Antitype
Pimpbaa said:Steamworks would have helped the PC version so much in this regard.
The game is now available to download on Steam.
Pimpbaa said:Steamworks would have helped the PC version so much in this regard.
The Antitype said:The purpose of them in the game are primarily to force players to learn shortcuts, and preview top-end cars before players actually unlock them.
frogg609 said:The cars thing I can see, but every time I run one of these, the shortcuts just slow me down, and I tend to hit more, so I just run them straight. Seems sorta jacked.
The Antitype said:Most of the off-road shortcuts have a trail dead-center where the dirt is more packed-down (and sometimes tire treads). Follow these to minimize the slowdown of heading off-road. If you can avoid the walls and take the shortcuts properly, then your times will go up.
Teknoman said:Thanks for the heads up![]()
The Antitype said:The game is now available to download on Steam.![]()
Pimpbaa said:You are part of the problem. Licensed music is the worst thing to happen to racing games.
AnonymousNoob said:Wanting to be able to listen to a soundtrack that was part of a game that I paid for, despite having access to a wealth of other music is a pretty reasonable request, I think.
Furthermore, tracks like Benny Benassi feat. Gary Go aren't even available outside of this soundtrack yet.
The Antitype said:Well, when I mean dead-center, I mean center of any given path. Some of those off-road shortcuts branch off into multiple paths, and the center one won't always be the fastest. Explore!
Chances are though, a lot of people here have way better times than I do, cause I've been dividing my time between NFS, Assassin's Creed, and Halo: Reach...don't tell my bosses.
Works for me.Teknoman said:Oh PS3 GAF, we should make a NFS chatroom (like the Uncharted 2, RDR, and SFIV rooms) for online race organizing, just in case we cant fit any more on our friends list.
Teknoman said:Yeah, there was one for a preview drive at night/rainy weather...was all over the place :lol Cant believe I never noticed the track marks though.
Also was the super sports pack some sort of paid DLC? For some reason I cant do either of the events (wasnt the pack the recent free DLC).
Licensed music does suck at times...but sometimes its done right. NERD's Rock star from SSX3 and Earth, wind, and fire getaway GT4 mix are awesome.
EDIT: Also is there a point to picking cars with a lower top speed/ 0-60 but higher BHP?
This is the main thing I'd want, I was disappointed that free roam had absolutely nothing happening. Glad to see that it's "not impossible"...although that's not exactly the most encouraging phrase either.egocrata said:Just pass to the guys at Criterion that they just made my fav NFS game since Porsche Unleashed, and that they deserve a raise.
Anyway, question: any chance that we will see some additions to the free roaming part of the game? I´d love to have random cop encounters when I am cruising around, or random drivers breaking the law when I drive as a cop.
Just random ideas!
Pimpbaa said:Anyone requesting licensed music need to be tarred and feathered. Sometimes I want to turn off the music altogether due to that awful track that plays when you start the game. Then again, ANY song that plays every time is going to get annoying eventually (I used to Paradise City until Burnout Paradise ruined the song for me).
cantona222 said:Can somebody answer this concern please:
I can get all the cars and level up to level 20 both as a racer and a cop playing online only. So, is there a significant importance playing the career mode?
ozgeek said:What do you expect? All racing games made by Criterion Games have this annoying fancy cutscenses for everything you do. you crash, it shows a crash scene, you notch another car it does the cutscene, you do a bust, it shows the takedown-style cut-scene very similar to burnout.
So basically the police pursuits of NFS:HP is bascially a cut down version of the "Road Rage" event of Burnout series.
cantona222 said:Can somebody answer this concern please:
I can get all the cars and level up to level 20 both as a racer and a cop playing online only. So, is there a significant importance playing the career mode?
The cutscene stuff is masking the delays. Depending on where your last race is, and what location it has loaded, it seems to have variable lengths of loading before it can be skipped. I get the feeling it's either those cinematic, or just a even longer loading screen.isamu said:What do I expect? I expect Criterion to come to their senses and realize they need to keep that bullshit out of racing games, arcade, action or otherwise. It seriously detracts from the experience and seriously breaks the immersion of the race. It is nothing but an annoying hinderence to the gameplay. Why in the world they feel the need to implement such a retarded feature is beyond me. I don't need to see my car crash into the wall or make a huge jump in some stupid 360 degree Hollywood fashion "action scene" every 10 seconds. That kind of stuff is for 12yr olds.
I say we all boycott all future Criterion racing games until they agree to take this garbage out of their games.![]()
frogg609 said:Antitype, thanks for the tips. Great to get them from the source.
I have got a Fanatec Wheel coming in the next few days. Was curious if the latest PS3 patch added support for it.
Pimpbaa said:Considering how good these guys recaptured the old Need for Speed feel, they should work on a Road Rash game next![]()
Keyser Soze said:Is there some reason I cannot play the Super Sports Pack right now?
DasRaven said:Super Sports Pack doesn't launch until the 21st/22nd, so you don't yet have the unlock key. The engine is trying to verify purchase of the key and failing I'd bet.
The v1.1 update delivered the Bentley, Lamborghini, and Viper convertibles, Logitech wheel support (for the PS3) and new SSP data. But, the SSP stuff won't work until you buy the key.
MrCompletely said:It occurred to me last night while playing that there's not a Ferrari to be found in this game. What gives? Did they not want their shit blowned up?
Coldsnap said:dang, borrowing this game from my friend and it has that stupid online play code. It seems like online is the only way to play this game...
Keyser Soze said:Don't forget the trial
Coldsnap said:Oh yea. How long is it? Can you get trophies while on trials?
Coldsnap said:Oh yea. How long is it? Can you get trophies while on trials?
salva said:I have never been much of a racing fan but I'm loving this game. The bad part about it Is that most of the music sucks.
The Antitype said:Hey guys, I need some feedback.
We're getting reports through the social channels that PS3 users are feeling a noticeable difference in handling since the update went up. The general consensus from those reporting the issue is that the cars feel 'heavier' and less responsive.
This doesn't make a lick of sense, since there isn't a line of code in the update that has anything to do with car handling, but you never know with 1s and 0s.
Anybody playing the PS3 version feel this change?
saladine1 said:So I played the PC version at my mates house and he seems to be having some audio problems. Specifically, the engine sounds are so low in volume compared to everything else that it's pretty much unplayable. Installed and uninstalled several times to no avail.
We went back to my house and installed the game on my PC and it did the same thing again.
All sound effects are fine excpet the engine sound's volume level.
I'd like to know what the problem is before I commit to buy the game(retail) for myself.
Is there something i'm missing here?
Well, I hope it gets released soon because at the moment, it's ridiculous.isamu said:They are supposedly releasing a PC patch but still no ETA on when it'll arrive. I'm waiting on the patch before I make my decision on whether to by the game or not.
By the way, regarding the engine sounds, doesn't the game provide a way for the user to adjust sound effects separately from the music and voice chatter? Are there individual volume sliders for these?