BP's demo was not very good. And people, even fans of BP, complained about the lack of restart until it got restart. In my opinion it made the game better.
Huge digression:
I have never
ever understood this. By driving around the city and finding streets and routes, it made you a better driver in BP. Having a restart in the game makes you not learn the streets. Without it, you mapped the entire city in your mind. This is the same complaint from the people who complain "I don't know what turn to take in a race and I lose!" Well yeah....that's because you skipped the driving around the city part just to restart a race and not find out the fastest way around because you couldn't be fussed to figure things out. You wanted it handed to you and then when you finally got it (when it wasn't needed at all) you complained because you didn't know where to turn. Criterion listened to forum gripes and made their vision of the game far worse for it. It got so bad at one point, they closed off their forum because of people griping about stupid crap like "where's the restart button!". I should know because the Criterion faithful were pissed they bowed to forum posts and eventually had to cut out communication with their fans because of the lowest common denominators. Not to mention that all of the gripes about that cut short their planned DLC for BP, which in turn hurt everyone.
I had at least 50 friends on BP and when we would start a challenge and it said "Meet Up @ Wildcats Stadium!", we would all go at least 10 different ways from all across the map and we would all get there around the same time. In fact the first game I played with a gaffer was BP and it was with TTP. I can't even count how many hours we poured into online challenges together. Usually we would both go different routes to the same objective and get their our own way, mainly because we learned the city instead of clicking a button that took us there automagically.
Note: The aforementioned "You" in the above paragraphs isn't to anyone in particular, but everyone who has that complaint.
Now onto how I view NFS: MW. These views are taken from someone who absolutely adored BP and I still think it's the best racing games in years due to it's fun factor, not it's sim factor. I'm on the PS3 by the way.
+It's pretty. They really did a ton of work to bring more realism into this engine versus the BP "cartoony" style.
+Tons of cars (and they're licensed!).
+High speed driving and races. I really got the sense of speed in this game.
+Decent rubberband AI. When I lose it's usually about 80% my fault.
+Wide variety of locations.
+Losing cops can be extremely easy in a fast car. So much so that it almost becomes a pain rather than a real chase.
+Decent music tracklist. I'm glad Dead Sara is picking up in popularity as I love their track.
+ The sound is awesome. Crank it up! I turned on subtitles because during a cop chase it can help you. They literally tell you what they're doing. Plus with the huge sounds in the game with the music bumpin', you can barely hear the cop radio.
-It's too pretty at times. Trying to see a spike strip when coming out of a tunnel is nearly impossible for me because they flash yellow and the glare is yellow. Blown tires aplenty. None of the billboards stand out from ones you've taken out already and the gates blend in with regular fences at times (more noticeable at night). I much preferred BP's way of making them distinct colors that made them stand out from the rest of the background. Also, the speed trap cameras don't stand out nearly enough. you basically just have to memorize where they are to beat a record of a friend or get the 200+ mph achievement/trophy.
-Licensed cars. While it can be a great thing, I much preferred BP's cars as well. They don't have to match factory styles in BP. Plus we more than likely won't get a DeLorean knockoff this time

-Controls: while the cars definitely are more weighty than in BP, it can be annoying when you're taking a corner @ 120 and barely clip a building or car and you wipe out taking you from 1st to 5th in a fraction of a second. AI cars can easily drive you into a wall or on a side street when you can barely move their car (it seems to me anyway).
-Map variety: while there are a ton of different locations, none of it stands apart from one another. Everything blends together too much. The airfield area for instance kind of looks like the mining area. In BP, this wasn't the case since you could tell exactly where you were at all times due to how each section looked distinct. If you're in the downtown area, it all looks the same and you can't tell the different neighborhoods apart. In fact, Most Wanted looks to me like a more realistically blended version of Paradise. Airfield, mining area, off-road sections near the highways, the beach area, etc. etc.
-Cops (and traffic) can be a pain in the ass. So much so that they detract from the seamless feeling I got from BP when I could cruise from one end of the map to the other by clipping cars and making turns by the scrape of my teeth. It's near impossible in this game. The crashes are at least 20% due to the fault of stupid AI cars getting in the way. In BP, they would steer out of the way most of the time.
-Music settings are limited. You can either make them play sequentially or shuffle. AFAIK there's no way to pick a specific track. Also, there are far less tracks than in BP when you count the classical music. Too much wub wub for me, but it fits with racing games for the most part I guess.
-The Autolog menus doesn't pause the gameplay. WTF??? Even when I'm scrolling through all the options for a new car or race it'll back me out automatically too because I've been idling so long. WTF man? Seriously? These fixes should seriously be in the first patch they release. Otherwise autolog is good stuff.
-I've had several glitches as I've been racing around. It actually got better the longer I played though, which doesn't make much sense. Sometimes it would hiccup right as the race began. One major problem I had was when I approach the wire bridge, the game froze suddenly as it tried to load everything past the bridge. I had about a 15 second wait while it loaded. It was the only time that happened to me last night. Also the menus takes way too long to load and restarting races or pausing isn't as quick as I expected it to be.
-Cheap Cop AI. I can't count how many times a cop car racing in front of me has dropped a spike strip on the road Inspector Gadget style and popped my tires and there's no possible way for me to react.
Overall I'm having a blast playing it, but a few little things bug me and annoy me when I'm racing around at high speeds. I haven't really tried online yet and I'll get to it eventually. So far the SP is fun, but it's hard to get a feel for the lay of the land when so much of it blends in together. I wish things stood out more from the background & aesthetics (gates, billboards, spike strips). If you're a fan of BP and waiting for BP2, play this one because it might just tickle your fancy. At least give it a rent. Too many of the events are samey and there are no stunts for this game unfortunately. It's like the lovechild of both NfS and BP. While for me it hasn't been nearly outright omgwtfbbq kind of fun as I had in BP (mostly due to the MP portion), it's still fun so far. It does seem a bit short and the repetitiveness may get to me after awhile. With just 3-4 hours played, I've already taken down half of the MW cars but I have mostly done just 1 race with each car I've found so far (about 55 or so), so there is still a lot for me to do, but I fear for the repetitiveness that may come along soon.
Overall I'm glad I bought it and it'll scratch that itch of playing a fun racer, but if you're on the fence either rent it or wait for a price drop (especially if you're looking for something more like BP). Like I said before it feels like Need for Speed and Burnout Paradise mashed together, with all of the pros and cons that brings into the equation.