How about jaggies?
Intro video:
The engine sounds are so good.
Green Man Gaming with their 20% off voucher should be £32.
From the OP: there a list of which retailers have which preorder bonuses?
Thanx. Forza horizon is console too. But i looks very clean compared to other console racers.It's console.
There were some jaggies, though mostly noticeable when still.
That said, the jaggies level was equal. Both were debug code, but should have been near final. Haven't gotten retail copies yet, though I'm not expecting anything different in this regard.
Basically, if you look for them, they're there, but otherwise it was kind of a non-issue. Graphics fanatics will nitpick. Racing fans won't care. For running on 7 year-old hardware, it's good.
Didn't play the PC version, but am assuming PC graphics will be of master race quality with appropriately monster GPU installed.
Seriously looking into spending the paltry PSN funds on this.
I don't want this on Origin either that's why I'm getting the Vita version.
Ok in reality Origin had nothing to do with it since I wasn't initially going to buy this at all. But the Vita version looks great and that kind of effort deserves to be rewarded.
PC DVD with 20% code should be £28
you best be getting ac3:l on vita as well derrick
Just preordered from GreenManGaming! Hyped!
Been sold on this since I went to Eurogamer and seen the developer interview thingy live there.
Got the game pre-ordered on PC and I have added my details to the community section, feel free to add me on Origin anyone who is buying the game on PC.
hey man can you point me to the thread to add my origin username and add some friends? cant seem to find it. thanks
credit to whoever created this GIF.
For those who tried the game on console are they identical?
Hot Pursuit look exactly the same on 360 and PS3.
Do we know how large the digital versions will be?
I'm waiting for a decent pre-order deal for the PC version to push me over the edge, but I haven't found any yet. The GMG code doesn't apply to NFS:HP.
I wonder if the amazon 25% off digital video games will work for this, anyone know?
For those who tried the game on console are they identical?
Hot Pursuit look exactly the same on 360 and PS3.
Boundaries are being reached technically, too. On Xbox 360 you can't help but notice when the expert visuals and the intensity of the action ask too much of the system, resulting in wobbles in the otherwise-solid 30 frames-per-second display. Hardly game-breaking on the basis of preview play to date, but very unusual for a Criterion game at this late stage.
you cant kick a ball very good but can you drive well quiche?
I'm waiting for a decent pre-order deal for the PC version to push me over the edge, but I haven't found any yet. The GMG code doesn't apply to NFS:HP.
Its working for me
System requirements list 20GB but that seems crazy, I know the PC version is getting higher res textures but they won't take up an extra 12GB. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say around 10GB.
How big is the game world compared to that err... Paradise game?
Does 51 events sound a little slim to anyone else? Or am I nitpicking.
Is there a soundtrack list anywhere?
So hyped to drive fast cars fast, burnout style.