so, just played a couple of hours more. no lock ups this time thankfully. it's a really solid port. graphical differences aside... i'm not having any trouble driving without analogue acceleration or break. it's quite possible to never let off full throttle, and use a little break to throw the corner into drifts on any corners too tight to take at full speed. in Hot Pursuit that was the ideal way to do things, and I'm seeing no evidence that that isn't the case here in Most Wanted. I love this mix of Paradise and Hot Pursuit. I'm starting to learn my way around town somewhat and enjoying the constant flow of things to see and do.
I'm sure everyone picking this up on Wii U is going to be pleased. I know I am. It pushes all the right buttons for me, AND has off screen play which is a massive bonus for me. I picked up Hot Pursuit on PC, and being unable to get it to play at a locked 60 fps, the tearing / stuttering bothered me quite a bit, so I locked it to 30 fps and played it that way anyway. Having a seemingly rock solid 30 fps is preferable to me than not being locked at 60 fps in a racing game, and I know on PC people were having trouble keeping a consistent level of performance.
And I love the Caterham. my dream car finally in a video game