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NeoGAF 20th Anniversary Celebration


Man 20 years... jesus.
Been on hear for about 10 years and counting.

Herv, Shoryuken, and part of the Misc. Went bust
So happy GAF is still here.


I did not know the forum has been around so long. What I like about this forum is that people interact better.

I tend to get ignored on the Penny Arcade Forum. Too woke over there.


I figured I would drop my 10,000th post in this wonderful thread. Back when I first joined a little over 10 years ago, I never thought I would make to 10,000. I know it's not a huge accomplishment, but moderation was... different back then and the 300 posts/3 months to make it out of junior seemed like it would be impossible.

NeoGAF has been an endless source of news and entertainment for me, and I am grateful for its existence and the hard work that has gone into keeping it alive. Back when the crazies threw their fit, I was already settled into the wonderful AmiiboGaf community so I just stayed on the discord server once it became obvious that Ree was full of all the toxic elements that were causing the issues here. Once I recovered from my severe amiibo addiction I came back to find NeoGAF was better than ever.

So congratulations on 20 years and here's to 20 more.
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